OMG what is this? Someone used basic anime series put Rick and Morty names? No creative ideas more swearing then normal(doest't make this more fun for preteens). Fat oversized Rick and Morty etc. Images? This is not what people expected. There is One piece Animation character series referring Images and many other anime stories actions. There is so much plagiarizing from other IP characters and actions and likeness. How did this get away With it? OMG does the creator think people this naive? This was made for western not Japanese. So, these creators think western people would like this crap because it has Japanese staff creator? FAR FROM IT! This waste of time (mostly taking 1 month to made 10 parts) belongs to adult swim! Disappointed and insulting to those that like Rick and Morty.
Look at the list of staff, you can tell western had more say who was hired. Real Japanese animation? No, it's made to look but western controlled with terrible graphics staff, that shouldn't have been allowed....... this series will not last 10 episodes.