Stranger Eyes is a film that takes by
surprise by defying the expectations. Based on the premise, I went in assuming a typical thriller film. The beginning does, in fact, follow the genre's path: a couple's daughter is missing, and the parens are looking for her while suspicious of a creepy neighbour. As the movie progresses, though, the focus of the movie shifts. The thriller element remains, but it goes on background because the real focus of the film is exploring the concept of observation. All of the characters observe and check on each other, and we, as viewers, are a part of it. Sure, it is not the first of movie about observation and surveillance, but it has its own gist to it. This is in part due to the location, Singapore, which turns out very adapt. The director savvily makes the most of the city state's environment and urban layout. Overall, I think it is an okay movie, though it has not the fastest of paces as it takes its time to analyse its characters. The film has a bittersweet ending, that closes the whole movie well together.