Sam Trammell credited as playing...
Sonny Coles
- Sonny: There's a lot of people, there's a lot of women who would love to be in your shoes. Ok?
- Jennifer: Oh is that... is that it? Is that what's happening here?
- Sonny: Yeah, that's what's happening here, yeah that happens every day. That I have that choice and I choose not to. You're trying to say that I don't love you anymore and that's not true, I do love you. I do.
- Sonny: Well, honey. Where do you think all the stuff comes from? Where do you think the house comes from? Where do you think the clothes come from? Where do you think the food comes from? I got to go to work.
- Sonny: Everything is love. Us getting in the same bed together is love. Us having breakfast in the morning is love. I mean that's the way I see it. Is that not love?