This movie will be liked by family audiences and also by the not so well off younger generation who have dreams of buying their own home and a clear obstacle in their path is low finance. Thought set in Indonesia in the suburbs of Jakarta the family problems shown could be true anywhere in the world. Hence a strong point in favour of the movie is the clear appeal of the universal storyline. Many in the audience will find the happenings shown in the movie resonating with their everyday life in a joint family with cramped claustrophobic dwellings, leaking roofs, lack of privacy and peace etc etc.
Our protagonist is Kaluna a young lady working in a 9 to 5 job who lives with her parents and siblings in a small house and dreams of buying her own house but her savings are not enough. Finally when she does get a home loan a, financial emergency at home upsets all her plans. She now is in a dilemma of sorts and torn between fulfilling desires or loyalty towards family. It is an emotional, authentic, relatable narrative with which the audience will easily connect and accept as reality. Much of the warmth and poignancy of the movie is due to competent direction of Sabrina Rochelle Kalangie . None of the scenes appear loud or melodramatic. Yunita Siregar has acted superbly as the young lady yearning for a space of her own. Her love for family comes out very effectively in all the scenes specially with father.