Throughout the series, characters, including Danny walk around the dojo wearing footwear. Japanese dojos observe a strict "no shoes" policy that a student, a Sempai, and especially a Sensei would correct. Its permissible to wear socks when traversing the mats, but training is always conducted barefoot.
Rand commits numerous state level as well as federal offenses, including battery, breaking & entering, theft,kidnapping and passport fraud. Yet by the last episode, he is stated to "only" be facing assault charges against the DEA agents who came to raid Colleen Wing's studio.
Even being a billionaire, it's a virtual certainty that his crimes wouldn't have been "forgotten" by the authorities, much less "forgiven."
Incorrectly regarded as a goof - "Throughout the series, characters, including Danny walk around the dojo wearing footwear. Japanese dojos observe a strict "no shoes" policy that a student, a Sempai, and especially a Sensei would correct. Its permissible to wear socks when traversing the mats, but training is always conducted barefoot." -- Danny Rand was trained in Kun Lun, wherein they study Chinese Martial Arts (kung Fu) NOT Japanese Martial Arts. In Kung Fu, practitioners wear shoes.