Fire City began as an idea for a web series by creators, Brian Lubocki and Michael Hayes. When they realized the greater potential for the concept, Lubocki and Hayes reimagined it as a movie franchise. This film is the first of four feature films planned in the series.
This film is the directorial debut of Academy Award-winning character effects creator, Tom Woodruff Jr..
The character of Tarqus was based on a character called Rufus created for Fire City test footage shot 3 years before this film. In that footage, director Tom Woodruff Jr. performed as Rufus in the creature suit. For this film, Tom's son, Connor Woodruff, wore the same suit to play Tarqus. Though Connor's performance was superb, it was decided Tarqus needed a unique voice to be supplied by voice-over. The voice of Tarqus is Tom's.
Producers, Brian Lubocki and Michael Hayes, were looking for a composer for the original Fire City test footage when they saw a Gmail banner advertising the services of composer Ryan Leach. Never before nor since have Lubocki and Hayes responded to such a random introduction. Leach has composed every theme, leitmotif and melody for Fire City to date, including the original test footage, every trailer and promo, the short film Fire City: King of Miseries (2013) and this feature film.
Tom Woodruff Jr.: in the form of a stop-motion animated monster movie clip Tom created, which the main character, Atum Vine, watches on TV just before he gets his next clue.