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Angel of Christmas (2015)
A movie that didn't know what it wanted to be
While this wasn't the worst of Hallmark's Christmas movies in 2015, it was still below average and disappointing. It's not a spoiler, but lets just say the "twist" of the ending was no surprise.
While I give props to making the main character a newspaper copy editor -- a different occupation than usual -- these unbelievable newspaper details were just silly:
* She's never actually seen editing, only writing. * She's given about a month to write one story. * This is technical, but newspapers have been shrinking in physical size for several years. The paper she is holding at the newsstand looked almost twice as wide as today's newspapers. * Trust me, no newspaper report types "The End" * The editor assessing her first story is holding a printout of the story. It's 2015. At a major metro newspaper, it would all be done on computer.
Home for the Holidays (1995)
Funny, sad, thoughtful
I won't bother going into too many plot details about "Home for the Holidays." That seems to be the basis of too many other reviews. Besides, the basic plot is revealed in the title!
Instead of the plot, I'd prefer to talk about the emotions generated by this movie. Don't fool yourself into thinking this is some mindless screwball comedy. Even the first few minutes of the movie lulls you into thinking it will be an evening of high-jinks. Then, somewhere along the way, you will find that your laughter has become bittersweet. This is a movie that has its viewers relive painful family memories so common in today's society.
Do yourself a favor. Watch this movie. It will stay with you. You will find yourself going back to it occasionally, just like you find yourself every few years going home for the holidays.
The Avengers (1998)
Could this be the worst movie ever? Yeah, probably.
I made myself sit through it, just because I couldn't believe that a movie could be so consistently terrible from start to finish. Picking Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman seems like inspired casting, and Sean Connery should've been a perfect villain. How could it all go so horribly wrong?
Do yourself a favor. Never watch this movie. Never. NEVER!!!
It's not worth your curiosity or your time. If you're at someone else's house and it's on in the background, turn off the TV immediately. If someone wants to buy a movie ticket for you, take the ticket, burn it and bury the ashes. Drive a stake through the ticket so that it can't come back to life and victimize another movie-goer.
If only I could regain the brain cells I lost by making myself watch such an amazing piece of trash.
The Spirit Is Willing (1967)
Good memories
Certain movies can stick with you after years and years.
I've only seen "The Spirit is Willing" two or three times, probably most often on the CBS Late Night Movies. (That was way back in the Stone Age, when Carson was the only late-night talk show. I was probably in elementary or junior high school and would stay up way too late to watch the movies that started at 10:30 Central time. But enough about that.)
"The Spirit is Willing" was one of those silly, harmless comedies so fondly remembered. It had the hapless dad, the loving mother and the teenage son who was smarter than either, except when it came to the romance department.
What teenage boy wouldn't want to live in a house with a beautiful and sexy blonde ghost?! Oh, and of course, he had a beautiful blond girlfriend who looked just like the ghost!!
This is a movie the way they used to be made! Not hilarious, but definitely funny ... a guilty pleasure. (Now if only it would be re-released!)