
3 Reviews
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Scanner's III the best of the Scanners trilogy.
19 October 1998
I rented this movie by mistake about three years ago, and ever since then, I've been a huge Scanners fan. This movie, which is in my opinion the best of all the Scanners films. Stars, Liliana Kormorowska (The Assignment, Screamers) as Helena Monet a scanner bent on ruling the world because of something called eph-3 which completely transforms her from you average every day nice girl to one of the most sadistic people I've ever seen. Her brother Alex (played by Steve Parish) is the only scanner with enough power to stop her and what ensues is an awesome confrontation of scanner power the likes of which I've never seen before. This movie is a must see if you've enjoyed the other Scanner's films and if you've never seen a scanner's film why not start with this one?
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Army Of Darkness the best of the Evil Dead trilogy
15 October 1998
Bruce Campbell's reprising role as Ash a butt kicking demon killer thrilled me from the first time I saw it. This movie displays the phrophecy of a man that will fall from heaven and save the world from the darkness. Army of Darkness proves to be the funniest and most clever of the Evil Dead movies, and Bruce Campbell once again proves that nobody plays a goofball like Bruce Campbell.
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The best karate film of all times.
15 October 1998
Taimak burst on the scence as Leroy a man on a quest for greatness trying to reach the final level of his training. He squares off against the evil sho-nuff a villain bent on proving to the people of Harlem that he is the one and only Harlem. Leroy laters finds himself tangled up in a web with a bald headed villain (Eddie Arcadian) bent on getting his girlfriend's horrible video played on a hit show hosted by the lovely Laura Charles (played by Vanity.) When Laura turns down the offer for Eddie to play his video on the show, he kidnaps Laura but right in front of Leroy. This brings Leroy into a battle with not only Arcadian, but also a group of violent villians, and his arch rival sho-nuff all to save his love Laura. I won't spoil the move, but I'll just tell you that the execution of the fight scenes and everything from the comedy to the music is well picture perfect. If you get a chance check this movie. I'm sure it'll be coming on hbo some time in the near future.
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