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Episodes (2011)
yes, stick with it
We watched the entire series and were glad we stuck with it. It is fun, funny, sad, silly, some nonsense, and worth watching.
And we are not Friends fans or Seinfield or Fraiser .. but this one was good. Not great, but good. To the end.
In fact, we aren't even Matt LaBlanc fans. In fact, we didn't recognize most of the people in the show. *not the most important thing for us tho. We were thinking that is one of the reasons we watched it. It was like each episode made you want to watch the next one but just to see what they did next. Not the fact that very many specific things happened. I would watch it again if I ever subscribed to Showtime in the future.
The Haunting Of (2012)
just found it in reruns
We like it a lot.. what makes us not want to watch it is it is about movie stars.. we didn't ever watch celebrity ghost stories because just regular people are not so apt to act when they are involved. But we like to watch because the psychic-medium Kim Russo is fantastic :)