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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day (2023)
This one flies right over the Cuckoo's nest, and a lot of people's heads.
Most of this show, I do like, but it had been awhile since I had loved an episode. Dennis is key here, and you can see how talented the actor is. The social commentary is what sells this though. We are in an increasingly frustrating world, with the makers of our reality having hearts of coal, which makes the ending scene so poetic. We should all be able to relate to cursing out the system, and should all recognize how inconvient "convince" has become. The commentary on mentally processing is really a great point as well, and shows how many of our stressors are mental in nature, and require introspection, rather than being self-victimized and seeking attention above all else. However you process, it should be relevant to you, and your calming yourself down proces should be personal to you, even if that means visualizing ripping out the systems coal heart, and devouring it, Process how you will, as long as it helps you... The music is great too. Nearly perfect episode.
Dora the Explorer (2000)
A children's show.
It's astonishing that a show... for children... is rated in a manner similar to shows such as "The Wire" or "Mr Robot". Instead of being an adult and critically analyzing a show... for children... watch your child/children watch the show. They get hyped up! Literally the other day my 19 month old daughter came up to me and said Abre to her snack drawer. You can bet I gave her a snack! So that is how I am rating this show that is meant for... children... Let's hope she picks up more Spanish! It even made my wife and I want to learn more Spanish to try and ensure that our daughter is AT LEAST bilingual. You'd think that be a more common interest amongst parents. Very telling.
Headspace: Guide to Meditation (2021)
just breathe.
I needed this, this guide to peacefulness, and finding the mellow. It's scary and unfortunate how in a hurry to get on with life we are, rarely fully allowing ourselves to just live and appreciate. I am so happy this simple guide to mental health came to a streaming platform such as Netflix. This is progress at work I'm my opinion.