
8 Reviews
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Tachyon: The Fringe (2000 Video Game)
still better than freelancer
28 September 2003
that game still rocks , and is only matched in it's qualities by softs like the old wing commander series or starlancer . if you like space sims , you will love this one , there are different types of objectives and the game is totaly open-ended , it anything but linear , you can even choose the order in with you complete the missions ( you got a problem with escorting missions , then do another type and you might get the upgrade for your ship that might give you the edge )

freelancer might have newer graphic technology , but it doesn't support at all any form of joystick ( they should do a patch for that ) so if you are like me and need a good space shooter fix , take a look at the underrated "tachyon : the fringe" , you can't go wrong 9 out of 10 ( only because too many escort missions for my taste )
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
the most unfunny comedian ever
23 July 2003
what is the big deal with this show?

jerry seinfeld is anything but funny and the situations in this show are absolutely ridiculous ( not in a good way thought ). never have i been so bored watching a sitcom ( except maybe for everybody loves raymond ) . the acting is pathetic , even for a sitcom , and seinfeld's stand up in the beginning of the episodes are as annoying as the rest of the show .

how can so many people call that thing the best sitcom ever ?
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Modern Vampires (1998 TV Movie)
great funride in the vampire genre
10 July 2003
yes , i admit it , i am a vampire movie fan and have seen a lot of em ( my collection now comprises about 170 of these movies ) and modern vampires is definitely in the top 20 . it is a really witty film with a great cast and first class directing on a limited budget . sure the special effects are not always top notch , but special effects never did a movie ( if it was the case , then independence day and star wars episode one would be good ). rod sterling is one of many great actors in this movie but absolutely steals the show here and gives the funniest van helsing performance ever in hollywood . all in all , a very enjoyable movie for anyone and a sure treat for vampires fan to forget the blunders of the 2 blade movies or the sequel to the already bad dracula 2000
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The Flash (1990–1991)
good show
8 July 2003
the flash was a pretty good adaptation of the comic books and it really is a shame that it got canceled so fast . the acting was pretty good and the characters were pretty close to their paper counterparts. all in all a decent show and a better adaptation of a comic book into a series than any other so far ( that includes the not too bad but too girlie adaptation of superboy in WB's smallville )
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Braindead (1992)
peter jackson before he sold his soul to hollywood
7 July 2003
this movie is nothing but absolute madness and that's what makes it so great.

i first saw braindead in france when it was shown at the horror movie festival in avoriaz and was absolutely amazed . i hadn't seen anything like this since peter jackson's bad taste , re-animator 1 and 2 or evil dead 1 and 2 .

peter jackson showed in this gorefest that uge amont of money and digital effects are not necessary to make a great moment of cinema. while still not as good on the story side as re-animator or evil dead , this little gem completely blows those two movie by the gore factor and the total insanity of the situations and of the characters . this movie is a must see for any horror and splatter fan. just try to get the european version for even the US unrated version of this movie recieved a lot ( too many ) cuts . great moments especialy with the kickboxing priest and the baby . priceless.

unfortunately , jackson later became a sellout and went to hollywood.
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Godzilla (1954)
the real one ( without the us cuts )
7 July 2003
this comment here is about the real 1954 godzilla , the one before it was patheticaly slaughtered in the US . the film is a true work of art made by genius moviemaker hinoshiro honda about the fear of the japanese people of the atomic weapon and its effects after hiroshima and nagazaki . the movie contains beautifull special effects ( especialy for that time ) and has a true message which still echoes today only a decade and a half after the catastrophy of tchernobyl . the true power of this movie is mainly due to the almost documentary-like description of the events ,the masterfull directing job of honda , the incredible acting and the beautifull but haunting music which rythms perfectly the destruction of tokyo . this is a true classic , a masterpiece and a cult movie but if you have to see it , try to find the original asian version with subtitles and WITHOUT raymond burr ( who is commenting the events the way he is reading a grocery list ). a 10 out of 10
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2 July 2003
i just have seen this "movie" and can not believe how many people even remotely enjoyed it. a friend recommended it saying it was dumb-funny. it was dumb definitely , but never funny. the storyline was appalling at best and never in this there was a funny scene. if you want to watch a movie that is dumb and funny , you would be better off watching dumb and dumber , steven spielberg's highly underrated 1941 or any of the zucker-abraham-zucker's trio movies ( airplane 1 and 2 and the naked gun series ). this was the most unfunny comedy i have ever seen on a par with bill and ted's movies or the master of disguise : utterly boring.

0 out of 10
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war of the world was so much better
2 July 2003
if there is a movie out there that is more of an example of what not to do than this one , i still haven't seen it. everything is set here to make of this movie a total artistic failure ( nothing new for roland emmerich anyway ). all the characters are completely stereotypical and the cast was really awful , starting with will smith as annoying as usual and only here because he was a big name at the time . the only good actor present here was jeff goldblum who was only in this stinker for the paycheck. the whole movie had the stench of propaganda all over it. the storyline was nothing but a pathetic rip off of a great classic : the war of the world . the government using nukes on the alien spaceships which are protected by a force field , a virus destroying the alien ( computer age oblige , it is now a computer virus ) ... if you like movies made with a minimum of talent , intelligence and originality , avoid this thing like a plague and see the original war of the world instead . worst movie ever 0 out of 10
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