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Decisions (2011)
"Decisions" and the consequences of your actions.
14 April 2013
I just finished watching "Decisions" in it's entirety on Netflix streaming. At first glance, this film may seem like just another low budget hood movie, but I think Corey Haim saw this script as an opportunity to send a message to his fans. Corey made some mistakes in his life, and attempted to salvage his career. I enjoyed his performance in "Crank 2". I loved to watch him work the camera. He was a wonderful actor.

For those of you living in your closed little worlds, this is not the movie for you to watch. This is not a date movie, or an action flick. It is drama. This drama takes place in The Hood. It is not "The Lost Boys", "Boys in the Hood", or "Tales from the Hood". This movie reminds me very much of the After School Specials my generation was so generously subjected to. Do not expect the big Hollywood names, acting, or budget.

I gave this movie a 5. It was a good script written by a Hollywood stuntman, and I the actors were very capable, but I felt the director wasn't the right fit for this movie.

It is Rated R, but I rate PG. Adult situations,sexual innuendo, Mild Violence.
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