
30 Reviews
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Neve Campbell? great! Most others? Well...
23 July 2022
Was impressed every time Neve Campbell was on the screen but the show seemed like a CW network program but with profanity. Most of the acting felt stilted and unenthusiastic (even the lead!). The show talked down to us, over-explaining things and putting pieces together too easily. Definitely didn't want the audience to have to think very much. Yet, the soapy family drama could make for a season 2.
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Schmigadoon! (2021–2023)
Pleasantly surprised!
1 January 2022
I avoided this thinking it would be too corny. Finally decided to watch after hearing Cecily Strong in an interview and was pleasantly surprised how clever, funny, and creative the show is. If you've ever seen a musical, abs certainly more than one, you will find this parody very enjoyable.
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The Swarm (2020)
Another moody French movie?
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
French dramas are typically slow and depressing (while their comedies are ridiculous and clownish), yet I keep giving them a try! I thought this would be scary but it was mostly sad. Poverty can force many poor choices and even this could have gone differently if Virginia (mom) was wealthier and had more trust in other humans. Ending surprised me because much is unresolved.
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Prey (VI) (2021)
It's OK to use our imaginations
18 September 2021
Perhaps some viewers got frustrated that there's not a tidy wrap up or overly-wordy explanation as in so many American movies. The tension builds well in the woods and once it's established that the phone won't work we know it'll be a rough going. We need to use our imaginations, pick up the clues, and piece together some reasons for the tension and for the shooting. I recommend for the cat-&-mouse suspense.
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Jolt (2021)
Not a baby!!
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting premise and some great action sequences. Also a treat to see Susan Sarandon and Stanley Tucci. But the baby-throwing was despicable and unnecessary. Kate B is still fit so many years after Underworld, but her character garnered sympathy up until the nursery scene cuz her rage was directed toward bad/obnoxious people-not innocent babies! Also, with that ending, are we to prep for a sequel?
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Sweet Girl (2021)
It's a hard-knock life...
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, Netflix, as famous orphans sang: 'Stead of treated We get tricked 'Stead of kisses We get kicked

Yeah, we got kicked; I had hoped for better. Suspending disbelief is one thing, quite another to be taken advantage of. Oh, Aquaman was ok and Isabela Merced was good. It's the storyline that was weak.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Over-the-top bloodfest
15 September 2021
Oh my! I was agitated all the way through till the predictable ending. The fight scenes weren't as cool as I hoped and no one is really worth rooting for-except the kid 🙂
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The Voyeurs (2021)
Rear Window wannabe with convoluted ending
15 September 2021
The title makes clear what you're going to get visually but as others have noted, the dialogue is immature, some of the performances a bit lackluster, and the ending is ridiculous. There is, however, something to be developed in movies because in our society we get glimpses into peoples lives and see what they allow us to see; that's a topic worth exploring.
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
Interesting take on an enduring genre
21 August 2021
The precocious kid was more unbelievable than a plane full of vampires! I don't think many adults would have been as level-headed or ingenious. That being said, "vampires on a plane" is an enjoyable spin on the horror genre.
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Katla (2021)
Why can't people communicate?
3 July 2021
Ok, I'm only 3 episodes in but infuriated over how people don't say what they're thinking, don't tell what is happening to them, or much of their feelings. Some jump to unhelpful conclusions and make assumptions that can't be good. I keep wondering why we can't get the people in such a small town to sit down at one time and talk through the strange happenings. I'm not sure if I can get through the entire series.

I will also say that Iceland appears dismally gray and people mope around so much that this movie can't be good for tourism. I hope things pick up or I'm bailing out!
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The Innocent (2021)
Worth the binge
27 June 2021
Ok, some of it was predictable but the characters, the pathos, the tension and good performances made this binge-worthy. Gory at points! Yet, I continue to be impressed with Spanish detective dramas.
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The Pact (2018)
Another take on a common trope
21 June 2021
Despite the unanswered questions (like who the deal-maker really is or what's the power source behind him or what ultimately happened to the madre from the opening scene), the film held my attention, had great moments of suspense, and good acting from main characters.
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Who gives the green light for such a miserable movie?
6 May 2021
Poorly developed plot, shallow characters, minimal (and predictable) suspense, slow, and no emotional payoff. Waste of time.
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Devilishly good
27 March 2021
Great storytelling, great acting, strong movie. Ugliness of life beautifully told.
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Love is all-consuming...or maybe lust is
27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A visually stunning but sad story of one who was never loved, ignorant of what love entails but uses his unique sense of smell to find love. In the end he gives away what he's found (and we see that love is truly costly) and is finally consumed-literally-by love. Or is it lust that consumed him, the crowds, and everyone else?
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The Owners (2020)
You won't want to own the Owners
20 March 2021
You could see right away where this was going (especially if you watched the trailer). I'd hoped for more intrigue and suspense but it was a typical "break into the house and get more than you bargained for" movie with a disappointing (but predictable) resolution. I gave 2 stars because Maisie Williams is a good actor and kept my attention. But...steer clear of this because there are so many better options
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Quicksand (2019)
Hanna Ardhén is amazing!
13 March 2021
There are plenty of stories of privileged whyte kids but what impressed me most was the lead actress. Tremendous range, expressiveness-a great talent without being a stereotypical "beauty" by many US and European standards. I also appreciated that they showed a bit of Sweden's cultural diversity, even hinting at the challenges of it. Some of the story seemed contrived and the main character surely made bad teenager decisions but the story was riveting nonetheless. Most of my appreciation is for lead character's ability to make me feel for her despite the foolish choices of her character
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Evil (2003)
Power and Evil
27 December 2020
Impressive film! Didn't go quite as I thought but acting was great, story compelling, and overall message works cross-culturally and even across time. But the era in history in which the movie is set seems to have been a nadir in male development, contributing to toxic masculinity for at least an entire generation
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C'est mal
26 December 2020
Amateurish acting, weak plot, full of cliches. Anticlimactic ending. I was ready to learn but the French Teacher had little to offer
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Die Ontwaking (2015)
No awakening! Lots of sleepwalking
11 December 2020
Ontwaking=awakening in Afrikaans. The premise is interesting, but the story is poorly told. Detectives, killer, reporter-everyone-sleepwalks along, making foolish moves with little explanation. No awakening for anyone until too late it seems. Editing was poor as transitions between scenes was awkward. No character development, just waited for someone to do something intelligent and was let down. Ending was weak, anti-climactic. For a movie set in South Africa, I expected to see more black people but maybe it's good so few were part of this bad movie
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Wounds (2019)
Even horror movies need some exposition
24 October 2020
What a waste of time! The lead actor was fine but there was no story! The sister at the bar was also fine but what was the point of her relationship with the bartender? What made this a horror movie? Confusion? It is helpful to have a reason why people go insane or get sucked into something nefarious. Even slasher films bother to tell you why people are slashing and being slashed!
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Hangman (II) (2017)
Pacino paycheck?
12 May 2020
Oh my! It's hard to see one of our greatest actors in such a horrible movie. He along with the other main characters seemed to sleepwalk through the movie. The supporting actors seemed like they were still in school. The story itself was not as riveting as it could have been. Serial killer mysteries can be intriguing but this one was pretty boring. Not to mention also unrealistic to have a reporter practically being a deputy!
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Why the Kerry Washington hatred?
11 April 2020
Some of the reviews-with their poor grammar and bad spelling-come off like a coordinated conspiracy against Kerry Washington! The show is fine. I've not read the book so I don't have that point of comparison. The acting is good-especially the girls-and the story is poignant. I feel for the way the women are put into such difficult places. The little fires are everywhere inside of them
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The Outsider (2020)
Not the book and the Magical N**ro strikes again!
10 February 2020
I am 5 episodes in and disappointed how much the show veers from the novel. Furthermore, Holly Gibney, rather than being smart, intuitive, and courageous despite her personal challenges, turns into the "magical N*g*o" (read Spike Lee on this, especially with regard to The Green Mile) where she's a savant with unexplainable powers, coming along to assist the white main characters. It's a tiring trope. I'm curious if the series will end anything like the book, so I might stick it out. I recommend it for those interested in supernatural thrillers in general
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Dark indeed but riveting
27 October 2019
I liked Jim Carrey in a serious role...and I liked his beard! The crimes were dark, the characters dark, the clothes dark, the scenery dark, the weather dark...we got the point. But I was drawn in. I wanted the crime solved. I realize many reviewers hated the pacing and Carrey's accent(s) but it wasn't a Hollywood blockbuster sort of movie. It had me agitated all the way through. the mystery was intriguing. No spoilers here but let's just say practically everyone was dark in some way, all the way till the end
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