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Steven Universe: Future Boy Zoltron (2016)
Future boy.... OK, future boy!
Well FCB is one of the most dullard episodes, still it has interesting. Let's begin with the better side: - Garnet's appear and shady answer to Steven. - The brown haired guy, Mr. someone (his name is not remarkable) is a depressed fellow with a tense past about Mr. Smiley and their comedian past. - Lars and Sadie's appear. Their sudden shock are surprising. - Onion's reply to Steven's advise - Ronaldo's scene MISSING POINT: Why everyone not trolling with the machine by stupid questions? Wrong Side: - Forced dramatic plot, I mean why Mr. someone is so saddened, we can heard that Mr. Smiley's too-funny appearance made him sickened, as well as we can discover some resemblance with Jasper (nobody wants to fuse with her/it a long time). It can be solved easily: Mr. Someone left everything, when it become sickening. - Zoltron, remembers me Ultron. Why they not found out another name? (lesser problem)
Steven Universe: Monster Reunion (2016)
Let me correct myself...
"Well... I expected a serious episode for it, like Jail Break" I made a mistake. Jail Break is anything, but not serious.
Monster Reunion, otherwise is quite serious. In the begin Steven explored his healing powers. Later he and the Gems go to the temple, where Steven healed Centipeedle. He bring the healed gem to his home, where it story revealed. It was an officer with a crew. However (possibly Yellow Diamond) their leader ordered to retreat and Centipeedle lost and become corrupted in the last attempt of the Homeworld. Later Steven lead it to the Centipeedle ship, where he can saw other "peedles" too. The episode ends with Steven becomes sad about the Diamond's symbols. This episode was also simple and lack of errors, so I can not say anything. Possible maybe this one: What Centipeedle wrote to Steven? What the Gems know, which Steven not?
Steven Universe: Bismuth (2016)
First serious episode... or second.
First moments of the episode begins as other episodes, our favourite Gems sit and play video games with the central character, Steven. Lion grabbed Steven's relic shirt, furious for it actions, he put the shirt to it mane.
There he found Bismuth. Bismuth seems as a friend of the CGs. However Steven found out, that Rose set aside it to in order to protect the sanity of life from Bismuth, who invented a shatter machine. Steven however swear Bismuth, that the truth will be not unspoken. This episode also contains a bit humor (not awkwardly) and a lot of sadness. Still better than Jail Break for example (I know it was short, nah...). Here we also can see the racism towards the Homeworld (backwards too).
Even it is was 20 minutes in length. The episode was easy and simple. I can not tell anything.
Steven Universe: Mr. Greg (2016)
Mostly just fandom people wrote here... but now they have a point.
Rebecca Sugar, I have ambivalent feelings towards her, although I never meet with her nor I will meet her. She is quite a "beginner". SU contained lot of holes, clichés and dizzy moments. BUT she is a very remarkable musician, if she orchestrated this episode. The beginning is flat, but when the waiters begun to song, I was shocked, what happening here? First... really some episodes are repetitive, like R'S scabbard and Mr.Greg in some moments. Pearl's songbis touchy and show her genuine feelings about Rose. She hardly accept that Rose choose Greg over her. Later a calculable: I am angry scene followed, when Pearl gets angry and SAD. Steven however here solves everything. Pearl and Greg dancing with each other in the end, after that they returned. Overall: Season 3 is way better than the second. (YD or early episodes) The season also had some good episodes like Kiki's dream and the Drift episode too.
Daredevil (2015)
You are a half-measure Felicity.
Hear this CW and Felicity? Go away somewhere far. Let begin with the central character, Matt. Compared to Oliver Queen he is not an angry, attention-whore, who just randomly hide things and reveal them with the most annoying childish honesty.
Matt is complex, cool, deep and responsible for the town. He like the normal Arrow (s01-2) rejects murder, but do not hesitate, when he needed to be tough, in order to save people. Unlike Queen, he not cry every time about: THIS IS MAH CITEE AND I NEEDED DO SAVEE IT! And he forgot to repeat THIS IS MAH CITEE every time, thanks Netflix.
About reccuring, side and minor characters.
Wesley - Loyal, reliable and serious. Unfortunately ends with the bad side of the gun, because of Karen. Vanessa - Charming, but not really remarkable. Stick - Powerful, first time clichéd, but revealed as a cold-blooded murderer and leading Elektra to the "barbaric" side. Foggy - First time is humorous, but later he became more serious. He now able to fight for his beliefs, at his own level. Chinese woman - I forgot her name, but her drug-labor is remarkable as well as her workers too.
Villains: Fisk - Totally awesome, he is angry and not cold. He is easily gets mad and able to kill with a single punch. For Vanessa or his loved ones, he will do anything. However his "business" may required a more stable men, he at least understood the nature of the power. "Castle", hero of the folk. I think he is sympathetic, because he kill and not moralize. The dim-witted people surely liked him, as he just kill the "bad" people and not do "half" work as "Matt do". However in his zeal the Punisher pave the way for Fisk.
Steven Universe: Message Received (2016)
Message received... Yellow Diamond's depth went to holiday, sorry. :(
I waited this episode for months! I waited to see Yellow Diamond, in Steven wiki, it portrayed as a young and feminine looking person, I just hope, that a famous actress gives the voice of Yellow Diamond. Well... my hope is lost, however the singer woman gives it a ruthless voice somehow.
Anyway, episode begins with CG discuss their next step with the Drill, Peridot enters the barn, they are heavily frustrated by what they saw in Moon. Steven follows Peridot and trap her in the car. I tried and Psycho theme makes this scene better. Later Steven gets sad about it, but before he knew the purpose of the communicator. After a brief talk, Peridot is released itself and attack the Earthern gems. Followed with a little chase and clashing, Peridot gains the communicator and falsify her calculating nature as Peridot motivated by the zeal of YD.
Peridot successfully activating the communicator and Diamond appeared. First reaction: Ugly and old Her voice seemed fair. They engage a conversation about the events, and YD here are pretty fair with Peridot, Diamond will send a ship to her, before the planet defeated by the Cluster.
Peridot rejects it and stand up for Earth, YD accept this as treason and gives it a last chance. I do not think personally, that YD is ruthless or cold-hearted, it just went angry as every ruler, when experienced the revolt of subjects. Clearly YD seemed fair and cunning in the first appearance, but later and the mentions are not give the portrait of the proper leader... sending 5 total fool Ruby and sent Jasper with no meaningful force to Earth, it means, that YD run out of soldiers or it does not spare any servant, second is the less possible. YD is a bad ruler overall, I am eager to see the other Diamonds, if they alive and not predecessors of YD.
As a final revenge YD wants to explode the communicator, but in an awkward scene, which showed Pearl and Amethyst silliness or panic, they nearly died... only Garnet and Steven saved them, and Peridot became a traitor.
Steven Universe: Jail Break (2015)
Some people escaped from an unguarded prison, other prisoners hate them!
Jail Break, cool right? Awesome Estelle song, Sonic like Chee... no, not say this, it is Jasper! Well... this episode is overrated. Has some cool moment, yes. Let's see plot:
2th Captive Squad with one-personnel soldier- technician Peridot and head officer Jasper leave the Earth with technically five dangerous prisoner: Son of Rose, Protector of Rose, a skilled seer and a warmonger ruby with a marauder heroine named Amethyst and the central character Steven, also the unstable Lapis too... well Jasper seems to be stupid or overly fanatical about Well her flaws: - Disdain fusion, it is like that Rommel might disdain Panzer IV F2, but he not do that. - Being foolish, as he not asked crew and jailers for the ships, scout force is optional.
Jasper, you spoiled this. Peridot easily disarmed by Pearl and Amethyst, but fled to Earth, while Jasper suffered two defeats, possibly her/it idiotism led to the possibly final death of Jasper. Sorry for incorrect gender words.
Overall: Plot: Good, Jasper's foolishness led to the death, later. Humor: Here missed or indirectly: It is a joke, that a space vessel has no proper crew and guards, allow prisoners to escape with relative ease. Overall: 6/10
Steven Universe (2013)
Welcome to Steven Universe, a land of beautiful stories and... see it, it will be interesting.
Steven Universe based on different stories, like Magicka Madoka and some now unnamed ones. We can see in season one some interesting and meaningful characters. First of all, the most interesting is Odion. The weird creepy kid with devilish attitude, he is coming with fear and menace. He even showed like an archenemy in episode 15 of season 1. Second most interesting is a human too: Greg Universe, a human with a really realistic traits: Loving, carefree, humorous and somewhat an emotional type, who really fond for his son, Steven. Greg lives in a van and run his own car-wash station. How he can not collect money? What he buy from it? Greg also had a relationship with the mysterious Rose Quartz, who is the only one follower of his music. Third most interesting is Steven Jr the Goat.
No... that was a joke. Third is the people of Beach City, who are perfect citizens, they are sleeping, working, eating, complaining, acting and seemingly accept the extraterrestrial creatures, who protect the Earth, in season 3 we can saw, that Earth is changed and some events may never or happened in an other way.
Plot: Crystal Gems protects Earth thousands of years ago by monsters, who seems unknown, later they are known as corrupted gems. We knew, that Rose Quartz here won a rebellion against maybe Blue Diamond possibly a predecessor of Yellow Diamond or it co-ruler. Nevermind... Homeworld lose for some reason, it points out that Rose may control a dozens of gems or a legion of plants. Possibly none of them, just the hand of the author protected them. Now after a short piece of life, Steven receives a mirror from Pearl, which is the catalyst of the events. Lazuli released Lazuli captures all water, which is needed to kill Earth, but nothing. Possibly Lapis Lazuli can just taken a sea or the point-of- view characters see the things wrong, or a third option: Writers can not think this through. Lazuli later captured and a gem arrived to Earth Later they met this Gem called Peridot, who reports them Jasper and Peridot arrived with Lapis. They taken them, but somehow Steven spoiled their plan, THEY HAVE NO GUARDS ON THAT SHIP? At least, they just needed to give them some injection, which makes them sleep for a long time. No matter Garnet defeats Jasper and CG wins, Malachite also defeated Lapis and Jasper banished them... and so go... on towards. I just think, why not the Ruby Dullard Squadron protects the prisons. Seemingly, YD has not enough soldier to carry out a proper mission. Anyway for season 2 and 3 AND FANDOM, tarnation fandom. Fandom has an influence in SU. Peridot redeem is an okay thing. Fandom do it good, but if I write their comments here... omg.
- What they do wrong in season 2 and 3 and good, begin good:
- They do the Peridot redeem fairly. Catch and Release is a fine episode with deepen story and great lines. - Odion is awesome in season 2. - Lars is brutal! In positive way, also Sadie receives a fair episode. - Garnet and Pearl... in season 1, they are thug and salty one... but in episode 63 or 67, they get some awesome dialogues. - Peridot remains itself with the depressed Lazuli too. - Same Old World was great, also with Barn Mates.
OK, NOW COMING THE SIN PART, let's see the counter. 1. Yellow Diamond the most... boring and dullard one. It had no real power, YD commands only a few fool, the advanced state of Homeworld how can stand? They have no political enemies? YD has no army, Homeworld not even able to hire jailers or a commando squad. YD had a famous singer woman sound, but I think it needed only a proper, at least mid-skilled actor. YD yet ruthless, but it needed more depth. Do anyone see Charles Dance or Toby Stevenson from Crewniverse?
2. 1th Ruby Dullard Squad of Homeworld - OK... no words for this. A mere bacterium is smarter than that. YD please hire better soldiers or beg for the hand of the author.
3. 2th Captive Squad of Homeworld - Jasper is an experienced commander, they write it to Steven U. wiki. Well not... he attacked the Temple and defeat the Gems with the ship, but the CG gems spoiled the plan and escape from the vessel. HOW a leader with military experience not think about it? The ship needed jailers, crew, door-guards and cameras. Instead of it, Peridot controlled the ship alone, while Jasper mostly polish the helm or see the "intimidating" cloak.
4. Connie the Sword Fighter Anime Girl, who kill anyone to protect Steven. A 10 year old kid taken a rapier of Rose and fight like Ser Arthur Dayne. Realistic, but even Pearl's training, she became Ninja Girl, where is she from the Ruby Attack, from Peridot's time? Where a heck are she? She is a dangerous vigilante now.
End: SU worth for watching, if you ignore the four main and some lesser problem. 8/10 Overall: Humor: Great Plot: Weird, dull and somewhat unexpected. Logic: You have no power here! Characters: Some awesome, rest of them average.
Steven Universe: Hit the Diamond (2016)
Hit the Diamond and the watchers before the TV...
Hit the Diamond - popular baseball term for "home-run".
Well... I expected a serious episode for it, like Jail Break and Return. At least an attack from Yellow Diamond, who is now a total freak in the dramatics. Oh... come on! It hyped like Kylo Ren or Euron Greyjoy in GOT. Even the tiny Peridot from Facet something hyped it, that she is rational, perfect, beautiful and yellow! No... it not. It rage and anger can be understandable, because it goals now seems unreachable, as Yellow Diamond now seems not able to defeat Earth and takes possibly revenge. Diamond's devoted follower Peridot turn against it and insult the mentioned ruler. Hear me, Rebecca Sugar? You and your team make an exciting show to child's tale, it is not a problem, but irking a bit.
Let's see episode: In the previous episode, Lapis Lazuli defeated the Red Eye vessel, this makes a Ruby soldier to leave the ship and see the barn. The team flee to the barn to make a plan against them. Garnet unfused to Ruby and Sapphire. Ruby enter through the kin squad and they make their attack tactics for the barn. Ruby checked the barn - here an awkward scene - and another when Steven appeared. Somehow Steven convinced the Rubies to play baseball. How? They are dulls or what? Yellow Diamond you are doomed for the eternity. Your squad is dullest squad ever in SU.
The dull squad vs Earth "ballers" ended with "baller" victory. However Ruby spoiled their plan as it not able to cover the emotions of itself. Come on... Ruby (CG) acted like a five-year old child with Sapphire too. They have emotions, right. However they are in danger seemingly. In the episode Lazuli opened a bit, also Peridot has some funny lines. When the dull squad find out the Earthern plan, they fused, but Steven tell them, that Jasper go to Neptune, which they believe without any question or second-thought. So they mostly dullards... I not able to think to the other followers of Yellow Diamond, maybe YD controls the low-ranked of the lowest ones? Possibly.
Episode: Plot: Dull, Humor: Fine, Logic: Not even a smallest thing. Characters: Weird and dullard as mostly.
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007)
In the name of the king, we deserved to watch it...
Well... the first signs of the film is encourage us to leave this, but the brave ones is surely watch it.
- Uwe Boll as director, OMG get away! - Jason Statham as protagonist, come on! That actor, who only played one character all of his films, even on his parodies and he just do one thing: Look intimidating, clearly it is good one a poster or a silly action movie... but not here. Not in any demanding movie.
Let's see plot, which is clichéd, with the expectation of one cliché, the inn, we can see all, return to plot: Krugs attacked kingdom, sacking the entire village of Farmer (Jason Statham in movie) and kill his son, taken his wife away. Farmer Daimon (I not remembered this, so I seek to his name) and few of his friends go away to release Farmer's wife.
LOGICAL FAILS: Krugs have an army, right? They surely had their own guardians, why would think, that a small group able to enter their territory. The magi (in modern clothes) sent the Krug against King Konreid. The daughter of this king in a weird lover of this magi, in a small sketch we can see their relationship, which ended in fault. The King's army attacked the Krug in a forest, aided by the nymphs and some assassin like warriors... (both?) I do not know, exactly. The King died later, naming his lost son (omg cliché) as his heir. Two magi clashes as a low-budget version of Gandalf vs Saruman, and the king's adviser magi fallen. Farmer enters the castle, deal with the evil magi with his followers. Here we knew, that his wife pregnant with his second child, an heir to Farmer.
Total eye spit to the original Dungeon Siege 1 - I missed Lady Montbarron as central character - I missed the Utgards - I missed the plot of Legends of Aranna - Clearly they mentioned Ebh, but this Ehb is very cheap compared to the game's Ehb. - I missed the Empire of Stars, the Giants... etc. - Where is the Seck? - Where is undeads, goblins?
Thanks for nothing, Uwe Boll.
The Other Woman (2014)
This is very silly...
Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau not able to repair the plot. I not support cheating... but I think real cheaters only laugh at the moments of this film. Why? Let me to introduce the character of our Gold Lion: Mark King (name describe the character trope) Mark King is a business man... decent, tall, handsome, shrewd and looks-like a romantic-film type man by always wearing full business or using the rolled up shirt style. He is DEFINITELY not cautious or overthinking. Mark King's flaw is not over-cheating but his insane foolery. Mark cheating his wife with two women. This is a fair set, I believe harmed, abused or bullied woman may enjoy his downfall as a temporary cure to their problems. Mark works as a regular man, maybe low-cunning in the script, but he is dumb. He types different woman on his ******** account, lie to travel to golf or a business trip. (typical American cliché): Mark however had maybe two chance to redeem himself, but all may be ended in bittersweet. If he told, that the papers for the illegal companies signed by his wife, then the wife surely hates him, even Mark told him, that it made for their wealth. No way for the previous events... - Mark is an evil man... boastful females can look down the people by that fictional or real character's attitude. Their hateful arrogance in that way is shredding the mind. BUT, if Mark stick on his wife side and when he failed to broke the law, his wife may excuse him and she can visit him in the prison! It also been a somewhat downer ending. - Mark cheating even Kate Upton's meaningless character. He is a "playboy" man with "playboy" attitudes and desires: More cars, more women and more wealth. I feel sorry to Leslie Mann's character, she is trapped.
In fact the characters of Nikolaj-Coaster, Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton and all are meaningless ones are paper-thin and without depths. I not give it to a 1/10 rating, because the core of the plot is logical. A skin-deep man cheated his wife three times, also protect himself bad falsehood... like golf match, business trips or incoming calls from co-workers. He provided his position by signing the papers with his wife. Sorry Leslie Mann... your character is dumb too... I even realized it now. SHE definitely not read the papers or speak about this? A fool, a blinded fool. When they in a serious situation (several times) a woman speaks about something and the other two around him begin the natter. This makes the film non-serious! Right... Mark and Leslie Mann's character are in the dead end, because of the plot, somehow for the law of ugly-trashy enjoyment the redhead will become the main protagonist. In a logical film, Mark should be taken to prison by broke the law and Leslie Mann will require some intelligence uplift, because her dizziness and dumbness caused her downfall, even if she able to create business ideas. Her kind nature are irrelevant now. Cameron Diaz... healthy in appearance and bad in acting. Seriously, she feels herself old... the film even jokes it, as he always compare herself the youth in an uncomfortable way. Her character is a fake-lawyer architecture woman, by the way fake-lawyers also go the prison? What about that line of story? All people just ignore her? (LET'S CALL HER LAWYER FURTHERMORE) OK right? He is easily deceived by a cheater, while she not met the wife. Where she taken her degree? She is blind? She should have suspect it by somehow, if the film motivations and other background things were made it properly. Kate Upton is believable than a lawyer, even a fool (but maybe richer) man can deceive a naive youngster. Return to the lawyer. She is a maniac! INSTEAD OF TELL THE POLICE about situation, he begins to plot a CHILDISH revenge in an Adam Sandler level. And when the another no- name wife's brother tell him some advice, she replies: Leave your silly man logic... MAN LOGIC? Tarnation... that character is awful, she spits the eye of the reasonable! The revenge plot and the all other party scene with the sun-burnt terrace is simply awful. Man logic... people should know, that in the cover of the no-depths of the lawyer, there are hidden personality with the disdain of different people. A greedy, satanic, envious, avenger and boastful personality. For the rule of why not, she befriending the naive, kind, dumb, needy and silly-smart wife. The end of the film with that old man is lame and awful. Kate Upton's character is only for fan service. She only served as a third cheated person. Her "jokes" not improved the film. The "punishment" is maybe funny for those, who grown up with Adam Sandler, but in real life they are desperate and childish. The office scene is wrong, even it has a potential, where even Mark's boss invited by the women, but this scene ended with Adam Sandler jokes. Right... the end is Euphoria ending, everything is happy except Mark, enemy is out and the princess saved. Beautiful? Only for the fools! Logical? No! I can tell an alternate version: - Mark cheated his wife, wife and the lawyer take this to the court. They deal with the economic end of the problem (in the film it is done, even it is sketchy and we not see, how they do it CORRECTLY) and Mark went to prison, without burlesque- themed wall fails and life-dangerous pranks, however no one can proof that... maybe except that a skilled one begins to investigate, they surely gets on caught. But please... they are adult people, adults do not needed to act like stupid peasant women from the 9th century.
Overall: 4/10 - Jaime/Nikolaj is a fine actor, even in this nothing-role - Leslie Mann is likable, even with her serious flaws.
The others are nothing in this film, sorry.
Legends of Tomorrow (2016)
Okay, I like Rip Hunter and the team... but it contains few errors.
Well I watch the series, as well as Arrow. Arrow season 1 is better than LoT, obviously. I hope season 2 may repair the rating. Well, Vandal Savage is known as not so fearful, due to his "ape and bearded appearance". However, Vandal's powers is not fire shooting, making rain or thunderbolts... he is a manipulator firstly, and then an immortal by thanks to the events of the past. Vandal first appeared as a weapon-merchant, later he will be a soviet supporter, dictator, mentor of the young Degaton. In the climax of the events, Vandal appeared as a nearly anti-hero, the Timemasters thinks that he can save Earth from the winged-aliens. (Thanachar, maybe...) However, the Oculus which shows more than it previously mentioned is defeated by Rip Hunter and the crew in order to prevent the Time Masters to see their will. (logical, maybe) Future can be changed, one of the cliché-themed messages of the story. Raymond not died, but Snart maybe, in order to save Sara Lance and Mick. By tricking the events, Vandal is able to return 2166, where he kill Jonas and Miranda. Question: In the beginning, he walk off from that ship with Kendra? :D Time travel is always a risky thing. Rip Hunter: - Rip is a commoner, if I contrast him to Arrow, Quentin Lance or John Diggle, yet he is likable with his wits and his outbursts. He however should be more careful. His past story is interesting somehow, as how a thief become Time Master. (hooo... criminal became cop cliché?) The safe house with the young time masters also interesting, as was I surprised as child Rip Hunter (Michael) kills the Pilgrim. Woo... the hunters sent by the Time Masters before Pilgrim is a group of totally freaks. Atom is better than in Arrow season 3, he seems to be kind, brave, smart and cooperative. Firstly, I though he is related somehow Vandal Savage secretly, just thought what a great turn it is. Look: Well, Ray succeeds where Vandal not. If he already know about time travel, or he is just a little smart, he might travel back to tell past Vandal about his errors. He is however a psycho, so I do not know. Felicity is wrong, even her small cameo! Kendra is fair... however, I do not know about this relationship with Carter. I mean, it is destined to choose him always? Why? Because he is brave, has a fine jaw or sensible in a cliché level? Bring him back is disaster, he should remained dead, without him Kendra may kill Vandal with the mace or they just repeat the traveling to Egypt, where Vandal is an adolescent. But what if Vandal cloned himself? Many-many possible subplot. Carter - You have to remained to dead, for the betterment of the story, sorry. Snart - Most shrewd member, his theft jokes is always make me smile. However, he is compassionate, brave and selfless, he even show grace against Mick. Mick - The most interesting one, he is a dumb, aggressive enforcer by first sight. But he is a pyromaniac, low-cunning and headstrong man, his life as Kronos grows his cunning and will, he resist the torture second time, he is however wants to seem as a carefree and tough man, when he speaks with Ray at episode 15. I feel his rage unjust, when he talked with his younger self. (Violence makes you strong big cliché? Hope not...) Sara Lance - Brave woman, and he is a desire to kill, but Kendra and Rip(if I well remember) helped her to calm down. She had a terrible past, Arrow seasons show it. Snart helps her to overthrow her killer attitude, they later crush on each other, as I saw. Firestorm - Professor is awesome, he is went through a considerable personality advance, as he became bolder and nicer. In the beginning he is arrogant, bossy and smart-ass, however he learns to listen Jackson, who is helpful, loyal, shrewd and heroic. Summary: I hope season 2 is better.
Muhtesem Yüzyil (2011)
Total foolishness throughout all seasons...
Well... Magnificent Century is a story, without proper story, twists, rational script. Some people may like the costumes, but the flexible pants of Suleiman or the clothes of Hürrem, which shows her breasts like a modern outfit. No offense, the directors maybe lazy about it, who knows? Characters is silly or simple, with one or two personality trait. There are some humor source, which shows the light side of a Turkish man of the 16th century. Let's talk about major event and character faults. 1. His majesty, Suleiman the Great is not great in this story. Suleiman described as a harsh, intelligent and melancolic leader, named as Great in the past. His personality is known by History lesson or any source of historical memories. I speak about the series. Here Suleiman is boring, reckless, cold, annoying and shrewd, but his judgement is clouded by... what? No one knows... (not Hürrem right now) Suleiman in the first time loved Maidevran so much, she gave him an heir. However, a woman Hürrem seduces the sultan, when falling to his arms. Later Hürrem nearly killed by Suleiman sometimes. Suleiman is unable to oversee the actions around him in the series as he always fooled by a daughter of a village priest. (no matter how Alexandra(Hürrem) shrewd, Suleiman is a politician) Maidevran, Valide (she is a meaningless character in a series, her name is mentioned twice maybe) tried to overthrow her with the aid of Grand vizier lately, Alexandra supported by only a few servant and the court support Maidevran. Suleiman also an unskilled leader or I do not know... battles are very dumb in this story. The "badass" Ibrahim and Suleiman attacked many heavy- plated warriors with light armor at 1521, siege of a castle, which is now Belgrad. Cannons shot the castle and warriors clashed against Suleiman with few turks in the background. Costums fine in the Turkish side. Suleiman portrayed as a loving father and husband mixed with a LARGE romantic cliché. Suleiman is a douchebag with his sons, because the fear of usurping, but loves them tough in deep. Suleiman is a womanizer with the aristocratic attitude. He is befriended with Ibrahim, Suleiman later turn against him as Ibrahim tried to a wannabe ruler. OK... let's move forward. 2. Hürrem/Alexandra She is tall towering over half of the palace, rounded but not fat, perfectly the opposite of the real Hürrem. Her smile is adorable, but not so remarkable... many of beautiful people had the same smile. However her rage and her outbursts is pretty remarkable, slightly remembers Joffrey B. from GoT. Alexandra is not shrewd. (in real life she is smart) She is lucky, protected by plot armor maybe... or the holy hand of writers. She quickly rivals with Maidevran, who also seems to be dizzy to not sent assassins against Hürrem or stab her somehow. Hürrem is a wannabe Queen with amazon traits. Well soup opera characters, even the main one receives no one personality to trait to the viewer feels to his/her place. Hürrem trusts people randomly, who also badly written characters. Hürrem attacked some times, but somehow survived, even when she need to dead in that silly situations. 3. Dizzy valide and Maidevran. They are total fools, if they allow, that a simply girl, a daughter of a mere priest overthrow them through 20 years. They never tried to backstab her, they tried to poison her, but... it is planned silly. As a rich people of a rich empire, they never used their servants to contact the finest assassins. Never tried to kill her in sleep. "Main alpha women" with the brain of a mere fool. Maidevran is bossy and do not tolerate well, when anybody turned against her will. Valide is proud as Maidevran, but able to excuse Hürrem allows her to join for exchange of loyalty, this makes Valide as a gentle and a tradition- follower woman, but with a sense of cruelty, when plotting with Maidevran. 3. Ibrahim of Paragli A hawkboy, who became Grand Vizier. In real life he is educated, smart and diplomatic. In the series, he is cunning, nervous and impatient. He carried statues and saw himself as the Roman deity, Jupiter. Ibrahim not want to surpass Suleiman, but he named himself as Sultan, act like a ruler, because of his Vizier position, some people like Iskender saw through him, but Rustem and Ibrahim get Iskender hanged. Ibrahim also lucky as Suleiman not executed him as cheat his sister, who beloved absurdly the earlier seasons by Ibrahim. But he is so arrogant, that he just made an affair with a servant, because he can do it. Overall his foolishness and the holy hand of writer idiotism led to his death. Summary: Forget about it, watch another series.
Barátok közt (1998)
It is long as it is dull...
Well... I watch the series throughout the years. I followed Nicholas and Andrew with the other residents of the show. The story nearly reached the 10.000th episode and thanks for the poor choice of the most known TV channels in Hungary, the show is known by millions of naive and innocent people. This people is not educated, but they accepted this a fair story, while it is objectively wrong, the story is lame and roams uncontrollable, few people may know the beginning, when they are young and build the Rose coffee house. The main actors is nearly average, and compared to the lame and dull minor characters, the main ones misremembered as remarkable ones, however they are expert theatre actors... but thanks to the nowhere story, they remained a low-level. The story caused some major fail, which became famous in a famous video-stream site, like Peter is the mom of Juliet or Hanna said, that she received a processor with absurd attributes). This served as an example of a lack of script writing. But... the show over through 9000 episodes created ONE single meme (The company is mine). This show however is perfect for old ones, who not want action, dramatic storytelling, shocking cliffhangers. Yet... I thought this is not enough to make a story with no story, lame script, boring and annoying minor characters and terrible background sometimes, also the false portrayal of the people... ALSO they made a huge error: When Geza used the computer, a camera showed that the PC not connected to the connector.