Introduction: How to Make a Deadshot Costume
In this Instructable you will learn how to make a DeadShot costume from the movie Suicide Squad. If you like this instructable please check out my youtube channel below
Step 1: Materials
For this costume you will need:
-1/2 inch Eva foam
-knee pads and elbow pads
-a styrofoam head
-sculpting tools
-straps and buckles
-a red undershirt
-black jeans
-lots of time
Step 2: The Armor
The armor is made from 1/2 inch EVA foam, then it is painted with black spray paint and weathered with silver paint. Then I put straps on each side at the hips and each shoulder.
Step 3: The Belt
For this create box shapes out of EVA foam and glue them to a belt.
Step 4: The Guns
For the big gun, I started with a Nerf rapidstrike that I sanded the logos off and painted it with black, red, and gold spray paint. I used masking tape to get the design.
Step one: paint entire gun black and let dry
Step two: use masking tape to mask of all areas that you don't want to be red
Step three: paint non masked areas red
Step four: repeat step three with gold
Step 5: The Epic Mask
This was by far the hardest part of the costume
Step One: sculpt the mask on a styrofoam head
Step Two: then you need to make a 2-part plaster mold of it. watch this video to see how
Step Three: paint 1 layer of latex to the inside of the mold and let it dry and another layer and another layer until it reaches your desired thickness
Step Four: pull the mask out of the mold slowly while powdering it with baby powder
Step Five: with scissors cut out the eye hole and Breathing holes
Step Six: paint the entire mask white with a 1 to 1 mixture of liquid latex and white latex paint and paint the details with black face paint
Step Seven: make a robotic eye from LED's and craft foam and glue it on
Now you'r done!!!!!!!!
Step 6: Fun
Now have fun at your next event and impress people with your costume :-)