
Brazing Companies

IQS Directory provides an extensive list of brazing companies. Utilize our website to review and source brazing companies with our easy-to-use features which allow you to locate brazing companies that will design, engineer, and provide brazing services for your exact specifications. Our request for quote forms make it easy to connect with leading brazing companies. View company profiles, website links, locations, phone number, product videos, customer reviews, product specific news articles and other production information. We are a leading manufacturer directory who will connect you with the right companies whether you are looking for brazing stainless steel, brazing copper, or vacuum braze aluminum. Read Industry Info...

  • Jacksonville, FL

    As an ISO/TS 16949:2002-accredited company, Braddock Metallurgical provides a complete range of heat treating services. We offer aluminum heat treating, solution heat treating, austempering, nitriding, steam treating and more. We also offer consulting and material testing services.

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  • Pontiac, MI

    Our metallurgical facility offers 24-hour service for heat treating services. Heat Treating Services Corporation of America has industrial heat treatment equipment such as our oil quench and temper furnaces which process 2,000 pounds per hour. We offer normalizing, annealing and neutral hardening.

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  • Cranston, RI

    Spectrum Thermal Processing is a specialty heat treating and brazing facility. Established in 1962 utilizing equipment manufactured by C.I. Hayes Inc. Spectrum Thermal Processing is ISO 9000:2008 registered and AS-9100C registered. Spectrum supports the aerospace, automotive, electronic, medical and machine tool industries.

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  • Newington, CT

    We are a commercial facility which processes metal parts to improve their hardness, strength, ductility or formability. We serve commercial, military and aerospace markets. We are an approved source for numerous companies and are approved by NADCAP for heat treating. We are ISO 9001:2000 Registered and AS 9100 Registered. We also process steel parts to provide a deep black oxide surface finish.

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Brazing Industry Information


Brazing is a heat treating process in which melted metallic filler is used to bond two base pieces, creating an extremely strong and often hermetic joint. Unlike many heat treatments, brazing does not alter the internal structure of materials to effect change. Instead, brazing uses a technique similar to welding and soldering to create strong and lasting joints between two components.

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Applications of Brazing

This particular heat treating process involves heating two adjacent metal parts to just below their melting points. The brazing material or filler is then melted along the heated seam between components. This filler blocks in the entirety of the gap and creates a strong seal when cooled. Industries such as aerospace, agriculture, semiconductor manufacturing, plumbing, and others rely on the use of brazing to join panels, pipes, tubes, rods, or any additional components which are not but should be adjoined. Metals such as copper, bronze, steel, aluminum, iron, and stainless steel can be joined to similar elements or any other metal without the distortion, deformation, or chemical amalgamation encountered by other heat treatments. Ceramics and other non-metal materials can be joined via brazing with specialized materials and attention, though this is far less frequent.

Methods of Brazing

There are several different types of brazing. Categories based on the technique used to build the joint include furnace brazing, torch brazing, dip brazing, and vacuum brazing. Torch brazing is by far the most common. In torch brazing, an acetylene or hydrogen fueled torch is used to heat the base metals near the joint. These substrates should be heated but not melted. The filler, however, is placed along the seam of the joint and melted. For convenience, fillers are available in rod, ribbon, powder, paste, cream, and wire form. Furnace brazing is another popular option and is better suited to mass production. Parts or panels are clamped together and then placed in the oven or on a conveyor belt that will run them through the furnace. The filler is already in place so that, when the assembly encounters heat, it melts into the crevice.

Vacuum heat treating often uses the method of brazing. Vacuum brazing is similar, only the parts are heated in a vacuum environment, eliminating the possibility of contamination. Dip brazing also excludes air, making it and vacuum techniques popular for use with metals such as aluminum, which might otherwise form oxides. Dip methods are just as they sound, the parts are joined and the filler applied before the entire unit is dunked into a bath of molten salt. In addition to categories based on method, other groupings are classified by the material used as the filler. Silver, copper, nickel, palladium, gold, and aluminum brazing are widely available and appropriate for most brazing applications.

Safety Factors to Consider When Using Brazing

No matter the materials, safety precautions are essential to workplace and employee safety in facilities where brazing is performed. Tinted goggles and heat-resistant gloves are most commonly used, though a welding mask and full suit may also be required in some applications.