Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Cross-Layer Design and Network Planning for B3G Systems

Main Objective:
After 3G mobile and wireless systems take-up, the research community is now directing its interest towards unified ways of looking at system design, optimisation, and QoS issues to satisfy the requirements of next generation multi-service mobile and wireless IP-based networks.
Their implementation requires the development of IP QoS architectures and mechanisms encompassing the various layers of the OSI Model to
cope with the new requirements. The basic idea to be pursued in this project is that QoS provision in wireless networks, will require the joint
collaboration among physical, MAC, IP and transport layers; how it may be done, and new definitions of cross-layer protocols are thus important
areas for collaborative studying and research.
As these multimedia communications systems will be wide- and broadband (with data rates much higher than 3G ones), multi-service, and multirate
ones, the QoS provision for each service (within different traffic classes), and the identification of suitable schemes to guarantee high
capacity in these heterogeneous environments are also of particular concern in this project.
To achieve these goals the project is divided into three main areas:
__ Traffic modelling and QoS, where traffic models appropriate to characterise the different classes of services envisioned for B3G systems are
studied. Characterisation parameters and traffic models that accounts for multi-rate applications will be used as an input of the design and
optimisation process.
__ MAC definition and cross-layer design, where the use of the traffic model results, and proposals for architectures using cross-layer information
(CLI) to achieve QoS are investigated and assessed. Research work will include the identification and transport of relevant cross-layer
information (CLI), the definition of a cross-layer (CL) architecture framework, and Cross-layer strategies between PHY and MAC/RRM.
__ Network planning and optimisation, which represents the synthesis and integration of the two previous activities by means of performance
evaluation (including simulation). Multi-service deployment scenarios, with simultaneous support of multi-rate multimedia applications, provides
a framework for possible operation environments. Traffic engineering aspects related to the measurement, modelling, and control of multimedia
multi-class traffic (e.g., related with mobile IP and micro-mobility issues) will also be addressed, as well as novel packet-switched QoS
architectures aspects, and their performance. The impact of economic in systems optimisation will also be addressed.
Our methodology will be based both in modelling and simulation work but network traffic measurements will also be performed.
Finally, it is important to highlight that this research programme is challenging for both IT teams (Covilhã and Aveiro), and does constitute an innovative area of research that will strongly contribute to “all-IP” mobile and wireless communications research for B3G systems within Europe.
Reference: POSC/EEA-SRI/57503/2004
Funding: FCT/POSC
Start Date: 01-05-2005
End Date: 01-02-2008
Team: Fernando Jose da Silva Velez, Atilio Manuel da Silva Gameiro, Orlando Manuel Brito Cabral, Nuno Anastácio, Francisco Merca, Rui Filipe Rosa Paulo, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, António Jorge Silva Morgado, Valdemar Celestino Monteiro
Groups: Radio Systems – Lx, Optical Communication Systems and Networking – Av
Partners: IT - Laboratório da Covilhã, IT - Aveiro
Local Coordinator: Fernando Jose da Silva Velez
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