Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Handovers for ubiquitous and optimal broadband connectivity

Main Objective:
Seizing the above great research challenge and building on recent research advances on both the handover procedure phases and upper service layers, HURRICANE targets to investigate, design, implement, test and propose for standardisation enablers for optimized inter-system handovers operations among various radio cooperative networking environments (3G, WLAN, WiMAX and DVB) that are going to formulate future/near future business cases for both broadcasters and telecom operators in the context of a FMC communications
Reference: FP7 ICT-2007-216863
Funding: EU/FP7
Start Date: 01-01-2008
End Date: 01-12-2010
Team: Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez
Groups: Mobile Systems - Av
Local Coordinator: Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez

Associated Publications