From the course: Introduction to LLM Vulnerabilities

Meet your instructor

- My name is Alfredo Deza, and I'm excited to bring you this course on security, an introduction to security, in relation to large language models. It doesn't matter if you are just interacting with a service based on a large language model or if you're actually creating applications that involve language models overall. We will take look at a different potential vector attacks, security vulnerabilities, and overall, what are some of the different things that you need to think about and need to be aware of when you're working with or interacting with large language models? Not only we will take a look at this in an introductory perspective, but we will also take a quick look on the potential aspects on how the practical side of things might look like. What are some of the things that you can do to prevent certain situations? Now, again, this is just basically an introduction of security vulnerabilities in large language models. But we will take a thorough look at some of these potential attack vectors as you move on to try to put something together, perhaps an application, or building something related to large language models.
