From the course: Introduction to LLM Vulnerabilities
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Model theft
From the course: Introduction to LLM Vulnerabilities
Model theft
- [Instructor] Model theft is one of those vulnerabilities that will depend on how you're handling your system. In this case, I have an application here that is loading models dynamically from an external source. In that case, that external source is the HuggingFace platform. Now, this is just one example on how this could actually work in practice, but it should give you a good, solid understanding on how that would work. So, the web application is where all of the logic is happening is, so when I click on web application, and this is a Python file, now, the specifics of these Python files, how this works is not that interesting except the fact on how that model is coming to be. In this case, it uses this generator variable that is instantiated, it's created using this pipeline function, and the pipeline function takes two parameters. It basically says, I'm going to do some text generation and I'm going to use the model GPT-2, which is a fairly old model, but it really doesn't matter…