From the course: Introduction to LLM Vulnerabilities
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Overview of an API-based application
From the course: Introduction to LLM Vulnerabilities
Overview of an API-based application
- [Instructor] Let's see, what is an API-based application, especially when we're talking about generative AI. It is now becoming very common to have these API-based type of applications, not only for the serving portion, the interactive portion of it, but also on the back end. And I'll explain what those mean in a second. Here we have an application that is going to be working over HTTP. It's going to be an HTTP API. That means that whenever anything or someone or another application perhaps is going to connect over HTTP using a URL, going to send some information and going to retrieve some information. And that is going to get enhanced by using large language models. So, let's take a quick look and here you can see what that means with Azure OpenAI. Specifically, you have the capabilities of trying to define kind of like where are your models and where those are coming from. And you can see here it is talking to Azure OpenAI, and the OpenAI API type is Azure. So, these are minor…
Introduction to language model applications1m 4s
Common types of generative AI applications3m 34s
Overview of an API-based application4m 55s
Overview of an embedded-model application4m 35s
What is a multi-modal application6m 25s
Challenges and highlights of AI applications6m 13s
Summary1m 31s