From the course: Introduction to LLM Vulnerabilities
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Challenges and highlights of AI applications
From the course: Introduction to LLM Vulnerabilities
Challenges and highlights of AI applications
- [Instructor] Let's explore some of the benefits and some of the risks of large language models. And the best way that I have for this is actually using myself as an example. Here we have the ChatGPT from OpenAI and we'll ask them, or ask it to give me a summary, give me a summary of myself, Alfredo Deza, and let's see what we get. So it says that I have made significant contributions to projects related to Python packaging, has been actively engaged in the open source community. It's important to know that information about individuals can change, of course, but new developments in Alfredo Deza's career or activities since my last update. If you're looking for most recent information, recommend checking his professional profiles. So that looks kind of accurate but in fact, I don't think I've ever done anything with Python packaging specifically. So although this is very useful, and like I said, let's explore some of the benefits and some of the drawbacks of large language models, I…
Introduction to language model applications1m 4s
Common types of generative AI applications3m 34s
Overview of an API-based application4m 55s
Overview of an embedded-model application4m 35s
What is a multi-modal application6m 25s
Challenges and highlights of AI applications6m 13s
Summary1m 31s