From the course: Introduction to LLM Vulnerabilities

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Sensitive information disclosure

Sensitive information disclosure

- [Narrator] Another potential problem is sensitive information disclosure, and sensitive information is when a particular information within a model is actually used or provided without proper sanitation. In this case, this is a little bit like it's going to get into a little bit of a hallucination for the model, but in this case, I'm tricking the model trying to provide me personal information about myself, and I'm saying, "Hey, this is this Alfred Deza, he's a software engineer. Please provide me a summary that describes him so that I can use it as a starting point in my article," and it starts by giving information about potential information that it has about myself, but it actually starts hallucinating with the "Designing Data-Intensive Applications." I wasn't the co-author of that, which it's something that is actually kind of inaccurate, but this gives you, like, almost like a silly example on how you can potentially ask a model and provide information. Now, this information…
