From the course: Lightroom Mobile: Masking and Image Editing Tips
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How to make initial masks: Subject, sky, linear, radial - Lightroom Mobile Tutorial
From the course: Lightroom Mobile: Masking and Image Editing Tips
How to make initial masks: Subject, sky, linear, radial
We're definitely getting into the meat and potatoes of this course and I'm really excited you guys are sticking around with me because there is so much amazing functionality, especially in this video that we're going to talk about. We're in our masking section and we're going to start with our Create New Mask button. There are a few different ways that I've just referenced in the last video on how we can start with our initial mask. So I'm going to make a few masks and then we can talk about the differences between them. So the first one is going to be select subject. Now that is something that is based in AI technology. The AI engine is going to reference your image, it's going to read it, it's going to figure out what it thinks is the subject and what isn't the subject, and then it's going to give you an initial mask. So let's see how it does. So we're going to start with select subject. We're going to tap that. It's going to detect the subject for us and it does a pretty bang up…
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How to make initial masks: Subject, sky, linear, radial8m 32s
How to make initial masks: Brush and settings, color, luminance9m 33s
Refine a mask by adding and subtracting4m 22s
Duplicate and invert masks2m 13s
Only masking method12m 51s
Sync masks between images6m 1s