Global Glimpse: Opening the Eyes of Tomorrow's Leaders

Global Glimpse: Opening the Eyes of Tomorrow's Leaders

The short version: Looking for a change of pace and a brain reboot? Join me and the excellent folks at Global Glimpse for their virtual travel experience, Thursday February 18 at 7pm EST; 4pm PST!

The full story:

These last few months, while the world has been 2020'ing, I started on a surprisingly inspiring journey by joining the board a wonderful organization called Global Glimpse

GG has been around for a decade, but in the last year they've been inventing new ways to bring the world to students from all backgrounds. I was lucky enough to grow up outside of the US for a few years, and it had a huge impact on my life. So their mission really resonates with me -- helping more kids experience a global perspective. Especially in this moment, expanding horizons for younger folks feels like one of the more impactful ways we can work for positive change. 

I've posted about Global Glimpse a few times recently, but this time is a little different -- this time I'm inviting you to experience what Global Glimpse does firsthand. 

Thursday February 18th, at 7pm EST, 4pm PST, they'll be hosting a 90-minute virtual travel experience in which you'll gain skills, meet global change-makers, build community, and learn a little bit about how Global Glimpse has been empowering our next generation of diverse leaders.

If you're interested, I'd love to have you join. Tickets are a $10 donation. And of course, if you can't attend, but would like to support Global Glimpse's efforts, that's very welcome too. And if you have any questions at all, just let me know.

Thanks and happy Tuesday, all. :-)


Laura Lundy, M.Ed.

Creative Producer | New Play & Musical Development. Script Development-Dramaturgy. Seattle, New York, London, Barcelona


This sounds amazing, Dan! I am planning to attend.

Michael Monaco

Partner at Mondress Monaco Parr Lockwood


Such an inspiring organization -- look forward to attending this event.

This looks fascinating and insightful will try and make the event

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