Novels That Have Inspired My Writing
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As an aspiring author, obviously my own life and the people and events in it have come into play as inspiration. But as someone who loves entertainment, I draw inspiration from that as well.
Here are some novels that have influenced my writing...
I like MOST of the books on this list, but there are some exceptions like "The Canterbury Tales" and "The Clique" that have SOME inspirational elements even though I DON'T like them. It's the same way for the lists of movies, TV shows, and music that have influenced my writing.
Here are some novels that have influenced my writing...
I like MOST of the books on this list, but there are some exceptions like "The Canterbury Tales" and "The Clique" that have SOME inspirational elements even though I DON'T like them. It's the same way for the lists of movies, TV shows, and music that have influenced my writing.
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