Inside Man
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The hostage takers' actions appear on the surface to be different than the interpretation that the police initially ascribe to them. The situation is further c... read more
A very good movie
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" Inside Man is a 2006 American crime thriller film directed by Spike Lee and written by Russell Gewirtz. It centers on an elaborate bank heist-turned-hostage situation on Wall Street. The film stars Denzel Washington as Detective Keith Frazier, the NYPD's hostage negotiator, Clive Owen as Dalton Russell, the mastermind who orchestrates the heist, and Jodie Foster as Madeleine White, a Manhattan fixer who becomes involved at the request of the bank's founder Arthur Case to keep something in hi"
" 2020: 716 2019: 704 2018: 696 2017: 683 2016: 661 2015: 640 2014: 628 2013: 610 2012: 598 2011: 568 2010: 551 2009: 530 2008: 518 2007: 507 2006: 549 "
"10.8. Netflix Uusintakatselu. Tämäkin viimeksi teatterissa ja ihmeen hyvin muistissa, vaikkei nyt likikään samanmoista vaikutusta tehnyt. Hyvin viihdyttävä ryöstöelokuva, joka ei sisällä lainkaan Spike Leen myöhemmän kauden ongelmia mm. paasauksesta, mutta ei myöskään anna juuri muuta, kuin sitä viihdettä. Pienet sivuhuomiot yhteiskunnan tilasta (lapset ja väkivaltaiset videopelit, erityisesti mustien mustille kohdistama ihannoivan sävyn väkivalta) osuvat kaikille ymmärret"
" 2019: 704 2018: 696 2017: 683 2016: 661 2015: 640 2014: 628 2013: 610 2012: 598 2011: 568 2010: 551 2009: 530 2008: 518 2007: 507 2006: 549 "
" 2018: 696 2017: 683 2016: 661 2015: 640 2014: 628 2013: 610 2012: 598 2011: 568 2010: 551 2009: 530 2008: 518 2007: 507 2006: 549 "
" "But inevitably, the further you run from your sins, the more exhausted you are when they catch up to you. And they do. Certain. It will not fail." Written by Russell Gewirtz Music by Terence Blanchard Cinematography by Matthew Libatique Editing by Barry Alexander Brown"
" 2017: 683 2016: 661 2015: 640 2014: 628 2013: 610 2012: 598 2011: 568 2010: 551 2009: 530 2008: 518 2007: 507 2006: 549 "
" "But inevitably, the further you run from your sins, the more exhausted you are when they catch up to you. And they do. Certain. It will not fail." Directed by Spike Lee Written by Russell Gewirtz Music by Terence Blanchard Cinematography by Matthew Libatique Editing by Barry Alexander Brown"
" Detective Keith Frazier "Sorry to interrupt you, Mister Mayor, but there's an old American saying: When there's blood on the streets, somebody's gotta go to jail.""
" 2016: 661 2015: 640 2014: 628 2013: 610 2012: 598 2011: 568 2010: 551 2009: 530 2008: 518 2007: 507 2006: 549 "
"2015: 640 2014: 628 2013: 610 2012: 598 2011: 568 2010: 551 2009: 530 2008: 518 2007: 507 2006: 549 "