Roger Ebert
Birth Name: Roger Joseph Ebert
Born: 18 June 1942 Died: 4 April 2013
Country of origin: United States
Height: 5' 8"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Chaz Hammelsmith Ebert
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Roger Ebert Videos
Rating: | 1166 Watched |
Rating: | 1142 Watched |
Rating: | 908 Watched |
Rating: | 672 Watched |
Rating: | 483 Watched |
Rating: | 481 Watched |
Rating: | 117 Watched |
Rating: | 104 Watched |
Rating: | 73 want to see |
Movies written by
Rating: | 154 Watched |
Rating: | 78 Watched |
Rating: | 5 want this |
Rating: | 5 own |
Update feed
" “Kael had a more positive influence on the climate for film in America than any other single person over the last three decades. She had no theory, no rules, no guidelines, no objective standards. You couldn’t apply her ‘approach’ to a film. With her it was all personal.” “The most powerful, loved, and hated film critic of her time.”"
" "To love movies without loving Ozu is an impossibility." "Ozu developed a visual style that was unlike anybody else's. Although in some of the silent films at Facets you can see that he obviously studied Hollywood directors, he had certain visual trademarks that were all his own." "
" "Oldman is one of the great actors, able to play high, low, crass, noble." "
"Sight & Sound Poll, 2002: 1. Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972, Werner Herzog) 2. Apocalypse Now (1979, Francis Ford Coppola) 3. Citizen Kane (1941, Orson Welles) 4. The Decalogue (1988, Krzysztof Kieslowski) 5. La Dolce Vita (1959, Federico Fellini) 6. The General (1927, Buster Keaton) 7. Raging Bull (1980, Martin Scorsese) 8. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, Stanley Kubrick) 9. Tokyo Story (1953, Yasujiro Ozu) 10. Vertigo (1958, Alfred Hitchcock) Sight & Sound Poll, 2012: 1. 2001: A Space Odyssey"
"“Art is the closest we can come to understanding how a stranger really feels.”"