Annibale Carracci (1560–1609)
Art of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in Naples
Baroque Rome
Cameo Appearances
Claude Lorrain (1604/5?–1682)
The Crucifixion and Passion of Christ in Italian Painting
Gerard David (born about 1455, died 1523)
Italian Renaissance Frames
Ivory Carving in the Gothic Era, Thirteenth–Fifteenth Centuries
Ivory and Boxwood Carvings, 1450–1800
Jacopo dal Ponte, called Bassano (ca. 1510–1592)
Jean Antoine Houdon (1741–1828)
Life of Jesus of Nazareth
Medicine in the Middle Ages
Northern Italian Renaissance Painting
Nudity and Classical Themes in Byzantine Art
Renaissance Drawings: Material and Function
Sienese Painting
Unfinished Works in European Art, ca. 1500–1900