PORT ANGELES – Crews are taking down the Winter Ice Village in downtown Port Angeles.
The annual ice-skating rink wrapped up for the season Monday.
The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce puts on the Winter Ice Village. Chamber director Marc Abshire says it he won’t have final numbers for another week or so, but this year was a big success.
“Financially, I think we hit our record before Christmas. I think we definitely made some profit this year. Usually we’re just barely right on the line, you know, we make a couple bucks or we lose a couple. We’ve actually lost a couple bucks once season,” said Abshire.
Abshire says the “profit” the rink made this year, will be used to pay for another skating opportunity this summer, when the Chamber will set up a temporary roller rink
“So but this year, we actually are going to make some profit which is going to roll into pardon the pun roller rink. That’s going to help us out a little bit.”
Abshire especially thanked the volunteers that helped keep the rink running. He says it was tough this year with a lot of illness that swept through the ranks.
“We had some amazing people that showed up you know, unscheduled that we never really helped out. So all that many many wonderful things happening down there this year.”
It will take about three days for the ice rink to melt, when crews will be able to take down the boards and the rink, refrigerator and other items will be trucked to its next destination.