Hi there, I’m Gail!

I am the author and mastermind behind My Repurposed Life. I’m obsessed with finding potential in unexpected places and believe that with a little hard work and imagination, any old thing can be made useful again—myself included! I hope you’ll enjoy the journey and pick up a few tools along the way… literally!

Headboard Project Ideas

Transform old or unused headboards into stunning and functional DIY projects! From benches and coat racks to unique wall décor, discover creative ways to repurpose headboards and give them a new lease on life. Perfect for thrifty crafters and anyone who loves upcycling, these tutorials make it easy to create one-of-a-kind pieces for your home.

Repurposed Furniture Projects

My Repurposed Life is where you can find repurposed furniture and other household items. Whether you’re looking for a repurposed Dresser, Desk, or Nightstand, there’s something to inspire everyone.

Do you love shopping at Thrift Stores? It’s fun and easy to refresh used home decor items, even if stored in your cabinet or basement. Shop your own home and update your decor.

Although I enjoy sawing furniture and repurposing it, sometimes I need an easy project to feed my creativity. I hope you find something here that is just what you were looking for.

Small thrift store household repurposes are My Repurposed Life’s most popular craft projects. Rarely does anything keep the same purpose. What craft project will you recreate?