
1.1.5 • Public • Published


The Abacus usage metering and aggregation service.

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Abacus provides usage metering and aggregation for Cloud Foundry (CF) services. It is implemented as a set of REST micro-services that collect usage data, apply metering formulas, and aggregate usage at several levels within a Cloud Foundry organization.

Abacus is implemented in Node.js and the different micro-services can run as CF apps.

This diagram shows the main Abacus services and their role in the processing of usage data. It also shows the services you can deploy around Abacus to integrate it into your Cloud platform.

Abacus flow diagram

Abacus provides a REST API allowing Cloud service providers to submit usage data, and a REST API allowing usage dashboards, and billing systems to retrieve usage reports. The Abacus REST API is described in doc/

For presentations related to CF-Abacus, see the presentations page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Abacus FAQ can be found in doc/


Abacus requires Node.js >= 8.10.0, Yarn > 1.3.2, MongoDB >= 3.4 and RabbitMQ >= 3.6

cd cf-abacus
# Start local MongoDB and RabbitMQ 
docker-compose up
# Bootstrap the build environment 
# install the Node.js module dependencies and run the tests 
yarn run build

Running Abacus on localhost

The Abacus apps can also run on your local host in a shell environment outside of Cloud Foundry, like this:

cd cf-abacus
# Start local MongoDB and RabbitMQ 
docker-compose up
# Start the Abacus apps 
yarn start
# Wait a bit until all the apps have started 
# Run the demo script 
yarn run demo
# Stop everything 
yarn stop

Dependency management

Abacus uses yarn to fix the versions of a package's dependencies. Fixed dependencies are persisted in yarn.lock file which is located at the same directory where package.json file exists.

Updating dependencies

  • Automatically Dependencies could be updated automatically for the whole repository by executing the steps bellow. As a result this script will regenerate all lock files.
cd cf-abacus
# Generates the yarn.lock files 
  • Manually If you prefer to update dependencies of particular module, it is possible to do it manually with the following steps.
cd cf-abacus/lib/<module>
# Delete existing dependencies 
rm -rf node_modules/
# Delete existing lock file 
rm yarn.lock
# Install/Update dependency/cies in package.json file either manually or via yarn 
yarn add <dependency>
# Add dependency 
yarn install


cd cf-abacus
# Start local MongoDB and RabbitMQ 
docker-compose up
# Run eslint on the Abacus modules 
yarn run lint
# Run the tests 
yarn test

For a list of all available tests check doc/

Deploying to Cloud Foundry

Check our wiki on how to deploy Abacus to Cloud Foundry.


The Abacus source tree is organized as follows:

bin/ - Start, stop, demo and cf push scripts
demo/ - Demo apps
    client - demo program that posts usage and gets a report
doc/ - API documentation
lib/ - Abacus modules
    metering/ - Metering services
        collector - receives and collects service usage data
        meter     - applies metering formulas to usage data
    aggregation/ - Aggregation services
        accumulator - accumulates usage over time and applies
                      pricing to accumulated usage
        aggregator  - aggregates usage within an organization and applies
                      pricing to aggregated usage
        reporting   - returns usage reports
    cf/ - CF platform integration
        applications - collects CF app usage data
        renewer - carries over usage from previous month
        services - collects CF service usage data
        broker -  provisions Abacus service instances
        dashboard - provides UI to define and manage the resource provider plans
    config/ - Usage formula and pricing configuration
    utils/ - Utility modules used by the above
    plugins/ - Plugins for provisioning and account services
    extensions/ - Extension healthcheck and housekeeper apps
test/ - Tests
    integration/ - Integration tests which may depend on local MongoDB or RabbitMQ
    scenario/ - End-to-end scenarios using a fully deployed system
    performance/ - Load tests, which require a pre-deployed system
    dependency/ - Tests against remote systems (ones that Abacus depends on) and verify that their API contracts have not changed
tools/ - Build tools
etc/ - Misc build scripts

Developing individual Abacus modules

As shown in the above Layout section, Abacus consists of a number of Node.js modules under the lib directory.

When developing on Abacus you may want to quickly iterate through changes to a single module, and run the tests only for that module rather than rebuilding the whole project each time.

Here are the steps most of us follow when we work on a single module, using the collector module as an example.

First, bootstrap your Abacus development environment:

cd cf-abacus
# Setup the base Node.js tools and dependencies used by the Abacus build 
yarn run bootstrap

Then install your module's dependencies as usual with yarn:

cd cf-abacus/lib/metering/collector
yarn install

At this point your development cycle boils down to:

cd cf-abacus/lib/metering/collector
# Run ESLint on your code and run the module's unit tests 
yarn test

To run the collector app you can do this:

cd cf-abacus/lib/metering/collector
yarn start

To push the app to your Cloud Foundry instance, do this:

cd cf-abacus/lib/metering/collector
yarn run cfpush

Finally, to rebuild everything once you're happy with your module:

cd cf-abacus
# Important to do at this point as the next step does a git clean 
git add <your changes>
# Does a git clean to make sure the build starts fresh 
yarn run clean
# Build and unit test all the modules 
yarn run build
# Or to run what our Travis-CI build runs, including integration tests 
yarn run cibuild


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Apache License 2.0



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  • hsiliev
  • jsdelfino
  • keviny