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The node libzim package binds to the zimlib library from OpenZIM to allow read/write access to ZIM files.


var zim = require('libzim');
class TestArticle extends zim.writer.Article {
  constructor(id) {
    this._id = id;
    this._data = new Buffer("this is article " + id);
  getAid() { return this._id; }
  getNamespace() { return 'A'; }
  getUrl() { return this._id; }
  getTitle() { return this._id; }
  isRedirect() { return false; }
  getMimeType() { return "text/plain"; }
  getRedirectAid() { return ""; }
  getData() {
    return new zim.Blob(this._data);
class TestArticleSource extends zim.writer.ArticleSource {
  constructor(max = 16, szfunc) {
    this._next = 0;
    this._articles = [];
    this.getCurrentSize = szfunc;
    for (var n = 0; n < max ; n++) {
      this._articles[n] = new TestArticle("" + (n+1));
  getNextArticle() {
    console.log('After ' + this._next + ' articles:',
                this.getCurrentSize(), 'bytes');
    return this._articles[this._next++];
= new zim.writer.ZimCreator();
src = new TestArticleSource(8, () => c.getCurrentSize());
c.create("foo.zim", src);


You can use npm to download and install:

  • The latest libzim package: npm install libzim

  • GitHub's master branch: npm install

In both cases the module is automatically built with npm's internal version of node-gyp, and thus your system must meet node-gyp's requirements.

It is also possible to make your own build of libzim from its source instead of its npm package (see below).


Unless building via npm install (which uses its own node-gyp) you will need node-gyp installed globally:

npm install node-gyp -g

The libzim module depends only on the zimlib library from OpenZIM. By default, an internal/bundled copy of OpenZIM's zimlib will be built and statically linked, so an externally installed zimlib is not required.

If you wish to install against an external zimlib then you need to pass the --libzim argument to node-gyp, npm install or the configure wrapper.

./configure --libzim=external

Or, using the node-gyp directly:

 node-gyp --libzim=external rebuild

Or, using npm:

 npm install --libzim=external

If building against an external zimlib make sure to have the development headers available. Mac OS X ships with these by default. If you don't have them installed, install the -dev package with your package manager, e.g. apt-get install libzim-dev for Debian/Ubuntu.


mocha is required to run unit tests.

npm install mocha
npm test


We follow the zimlib API closely where possible.

### `zim.Article` [`zim.Article`]: #zimarticle A read-only object representing an individual article in a ZIM file. #### `new zim.Article()` Create a new placeholder `Article` object for which the `good` method will return false. #### `zim.Article#getDirent()` → [`zim.Dirent`][] #### `zim.Article#getParameter()` → [`Buffer`] #### `zim.Article#getTitle()` → `string` #### `zim.Article#getUrl()` → `string` #### `zim.Article#getLongUrl()` → `string` #### `zim.Article#getLibraryMimeType()` → `number` #### `zim.Article#getMimeType()` → `string` #### `zim.Article#isRedirect()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Article#isLinktarget()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Article#isDeleted()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Article#getNamespace()` → `string` #### `zim.Article#getRedirectIndex()` → `number` #### `zim.Article#getRedirectArticle()` → [`zim.Article`][] #### `zim.Article#getArticleSize()` → `number` #### `zim.Article#getCluster()` → [`zim.Cluster`][] #### `zim.Article#getData()` → [`zim.Blob`][] #### `zim.Article#getPage([boolean layout [, number maxRecurse]])` → `string` #### `zim.Article#getIndex()` → `number` #### `zim.Article#good()` → `boolean`
### `zim.Blob` [`zim.Blob`]: #zimblob [`Buffer`]:

new zim.Blob(Buffer data)

Creates an object representing the data in the supplied node [Buffer][].

zim.Blob#data → [Buffer][]

Returns a buffer object containing the data represented by this blob. This buffer is live: changing the values in the buffer will change the data in the blob.


Returns the (uncompressed) number of bytes of data in this blob.

### `zim.Cluster` [`zim.Cluster`]: #zimcluster #### `new zim.Cluster()` #### `zim.Cluster#setCompression(number compressionType)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Cluster#getCompression()` → `number` #### `zim.Cluster#isCompressed()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Cluster#getBlob(number n)` → [`zim.Blob`] #### `zim.Cluster#getBlobSize(number n)` → `number` #### `zim.Cluster#count()` → `number` #### `zim.Cluster#size()` → `number` #### `zim.Cluster#clear()` → `undefined` #### `zim.Cluster#addBlob(zim.Blob|Buffer data)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Cluster#good()` → `boolean`
### `zim.Dirent` [`zim.Dirent`]: #zimdirent #### `new zim.Dirent()` Create a new mutable directory entry object. #### `zim.Dirent#isRedirect()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Dirent#isLinktarget()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Dirent#isDeleted()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Dirent#isArticle()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Dirent#getMimeType()` → `number` See `zim.File#getMimeType(n)` to convert this to a string. #### `zim.Dirent#getVersion()` → `number` #### `zim.Dirent#setVersion(number v)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#getClusterNumber()` → `number` #### `zim.Dirent#getBlobNumber()` → `number` #### `zim.Dirent#setCluster(number cluster, number blob)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#getRedirectIndex()` → `number` #### `zim.Dirent#getNamespace()` → `string` #### `zim.Dirent#getTitle()` → `string` #### `zim.Dirent#getUrl()` → `string` #### `zim.Dirent#getLongUrl()` → `string` #### `zim.Dirent#getParameter()` → [`Buffer`] #### `zim.Dirent#getDirentSize()` → `number` #### `zim.Dirent#setTitle(string title)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#setUrl(string ns, string url)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#setParameter(Buffer b)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#setRedirect(number idx)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#setMimeType(number mime)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#setLinktarget()` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#setDeleted()` → `undefined` #### `zim.Dirent#setArticle(number mime, number cluster, number blob)` → `undefined`

number zim.Dirent.redirectMimeType

Integer index used as the mime type for redirect articles.

number zim.Dirent.linktargetMimeType

Integer index used as the mime type for link target articles.

number zim.Dirent.deletedMimeType

Integer index used as the mime type for deleted articles.

### `zim.File` [`zim.File`]: #zimfile #### `new zim.File(string filename)` Open the given `filename` and return a `zim.File` object describing it. #### `zim.File#getFilename()` → `string` #### `zim.File#getFileheader()` → [`zim.Fileheader`] #### `zim.File#getFilesize()` → `number` #### `zim.File#getDirent(number idx)` → [`zim.Dirent`] Returns the dirent with the given index in the URL index. #### `zim.File#getDirentByTitle(number idx)` → [`zim.Dirent`] Returns the dirent with the given index in the title index. #### `zim.File#getCountArticles()` → `number` The number of articles in the index. (This will be the same value for both URL and title indices.) #### `zim.File#getArticle(number idx)` → [`zim.Article`] Returns the article with the given index in the URL index. #### `zim.File#getArticle(string ns, string url)` → [`zim.Article`] #### `zim.File#getArticleByUrl(string url)` → [`zim.Article`] #### `zim.File#getArticleByTitle(number idx)` → [`zim.Article`] Returns the article with the given index in the title index. #### `zim.File#getArticleByTitle(string ns, string title)` → [`zim.Article`] #### `zim.File#getCluster(number idx)` → [`zim.Cluster`] #### `zim.File#getClusterOffset(number idx)` → `number` #### `zim.File#getCountClusters()` → `number` #### `zim.File#getBlob(number cluster, number blob)` → [`zim.Blob`] #### `zim.File#getNamespaceBeginOffset(string ns)` → `number` Index of the first entry in the given namespace. (This will be the same value for both URL and title indices.) #### `zim.File#getNamespaceEndOffset(string ns)` → `number` Index of the first entry *not* in the given namespace. (This will be the same value for both URL and title indices.) #### `zim.File#getNamespaceCount(string ns)` → `number` The number of articles in the given namespace. #### `zim.File#getNamespaces()` → `string` A string with one character per namespace in the file. #### `zim.File#hasNamespace(string ns)` → `boolean` #### `zim.File#good()` → `boolean` #### `zim.File#getMTime()` → `number` #### `zim.File#getChecksum()` → `string` Returns the MD5 checksum as a 32 character hexadecimal number. #### `zim.File#verify()` → `boolean` Returns true iff the checksum validates. #### `zim.File#iterator([number idx])` → [`zim.FileIterator`] #### `zim.File#iteratorByTitle([number idx])` → [`zim.FileIterator`] #### `zim.File#find(string url)` → [`zim.FileIterator`] #### `zim.File#find(string ns, string url)` → [`zim.FileIterator`] #### `zim.File#findByTitle(string ns, string title)` → [`zim.FileIterator`]
### `zim.FileIterator` [`zim.FileIterator`]: #zimfileiterator #### `zim.FileIterator#getIndex()` → `number` #### `zim.FileIterator#getFile()` → [`zim.File`] #### `zim.FileIterator#hasNext()` → `boolean` #### `zim.FileIterator#get()` → [`zim.Article`] #### `zim.FileIterator#next()` → { [`zim.Article`] value, boolean done }
### `zim.Fileheader` [`zim.Fileheader`]: #zimfileheader `Fileheader` objects can't be constructed directly; they are obtained only via `zim.File#getFileheader()`. #### `zim.Fileheader#getUuid()` → [`zim.Uuid`] #### `zim.Fileheader#setUuid(zim.Uuid uuid)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#getArticleCount()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setArticleCount(number count)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#getTitleIdxPos()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setTitleIdxPos(number pos)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#getUrlPtrPos()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setUrlPtrPos(number pos)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#getMimeListPos()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setMimeListPos(number pos)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#getClusterCount()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setClusterCount(number count)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#getClusterPtrPos()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setClusterPtrPos(number pos)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#hasMainPage()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Fileheader#getMainPage()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setMainPage(number idx)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#hasLayoutPage()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Fileheader#getLayoutPage()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setLayoutPage(number idx)` → `undefined` #### `zim.Fileheader#hasChecksum()` → `boolean` #### `zim.Fileheader#getChecksumPos()` → `number` #### `zim.Fileheader#setChecksumPos(number pos)` → `undefined`
### `zim.Uuid` [`zim.Uuid`]: #zimuuid #### `new zim.Uuid()` Create a new UUID which is all zeros. #### `zim.Uuid.generate()` → `number` Create a new UUID based on a hash of the time of day. #### `zim.Uuid#data()` → [`Buffer`] Returns a buffer with 16 bytes of UUID data. #### `zim.Uuid#size()` → `number` Returns 16. #### `zim.Uuid#toString()` → `string` Returns a pretty-printed UID.
### `zim.ZIntStream` [`zim.ZIntStream`]: #zimzintstream #### `zim.ZIntStream.fromBuffer(Buffer buf)` → `array` Converts an array of numbers between `0` and `2^53` to a [`Buffer`]. See `zim.writer.Article.getParameter()`. #### `zim.ZIntStream.toBuffer(array of number)` → [`Buffer`] Converts a [`Buffer`] to an array of numbers between `0` and `2^53`. See `zim.Article.getParameter()`.
### `zim.writer.Article` [`zim.writer.Article`]: #zimwriterarticle An abstract base class describing an article for use by [`zim.writer.ZimCreator`]. #### `zim.writer.Article#getAid()` → `string` Abstract method. #### `zim.writer.Article#getNamespace()` → `string` Abstract method. #### `zim.writer.Article#getUrl()` → `string` Abstract method. #### `zim.writer.Article#getTitle()` → `string` Abstract method. #### `zim.writer.Article#getVersion()` → `number` Default implementation returns `0`. #### `zim.writer.Article#isRedirect()` → `boolean` Default implementation returns `false`. #### `zim.writer.Article#isLinktarget()` → `boolean` Default implementation returns `false`. #### `zim.writer.Article#isDeleted()` → `boolean` Default implementation returns `false`. #### `zim.writer.Article#getMimeType()` → `string` Abstract method. #### `zim.writer.Article#shouldCompress()` → `boolean` Default implementation returns `true` iff mime type is `image/jpeg`, `image/png`, `image/tiff`, `image/gif`, or `application/zip`. #### `zim.writer.Article#getRedirectAid()` → `string` Default implemention returns empty string. #### `zim.writer.Article#getParameter()` → [`Buffer`] Default implemention returns empty buffer. #### `zim.writer.Article#getNextCategory()` → `string` Default implemention returns empty string. #### `zim.writer.Article#getData()` → [`zim.Blob`] Abstract method.
### `zim.writer.ArticleSource` [`zim.writer.ArticleSource`]: #zimwriterarticlesource An abstract base class describing a collection of articles for use by [`zim.writer.ZimCreator`]. #### `zim.writer.ArticleSource#setFilename(string filename)` → `undefined` Default implemention ignores the provided filename. #### `zim.writer.ArticleSource#getNextArticle()` → [`zim.writer.Article`] Abstract method. #### `zim.writer.ArticleSource#getUuid()` → [`zim.Uuid`] Default implementation calls `zim.Uuid.generate()`. #### `zim.writer.ArticleSource#getMainPage()` → `string` Default implementation returns the empty string. #### `zim.writer.ArticleSource#getLayoutPage()` → `string` Default implementation returns the empty string. #### `zim.writer.ArticleSource#getCategory()` → [`zim.writer.Category`] Default implementation returns `null`.
### `zim.writer.Category` [`zim.writer.Category`]: #zimwritercategory An abstract base class describing a category for use by [`zim.writer.ZimCreator`]. #### `zim.writer.Category#getData()` → [`zim.Blob`] Abstract method. #### `zim.writer.Category#getUrl()` → `string` Abstract method. #### `zim.writer.Category#getTitle()` → `string` Abstract method.
### `zim.writer.ZimCreator` [`zim.writer.ZimCreator`]: #zimwriterzimcreator #### `new zim.writer.ZimCreator()` #### `zim.writer.ZimCreator#create(string filename, zim.writer.ArticleSource src)` → `undefined` Write a ZIM file with the given `filename` using the articles described by `src`. #### `zim.writer.ZimCreator#getMinChunkSize()` → `number` #### `zim.writer.ZimCreator#setMinChunkSize(number s)` → `undefined` #### `zim.writer.ZimCreator#getCurrentSize()` → `number` Returns an approximation to the current size of the ZIM file.




Copyright (c) 2016 C. Scott Ananian.

libzim is licensed using the same license as the zimlib library in OpenZIM: GPLv2.

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