Geologisches Jahrbuch der BGR, Hannover
Geologisches Jahrbuch is a publication of the German Geological Survey BGR, located in Hannover.
Geologisches Jahrbuch from 1950 to 1972
Geologisches Jahrbuch was published between 1950-1972 (volumes 50-90)
Supplementing this publication, a monograph series Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch (Monographien). Volumes 1 (1951) to 125 (1971) were published and are available.
Geologisches Jahrbuch after 1972
Beginning in 1972, Geologisches Jahrbuch was split into six thematic series (A-F). In 1999, two more series (G and H) were added. After the relaunch in 2013, only Reihe A and B are actively published.
- Reihe A: General and regional geology of Germany and neighbouring countries, tectonics, stratigraphy and palaeontology
- Reihe B: Regional geology outside Germany
- Reihe C: Hydrogeology, engineering geology
- Reihe D: Mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and and economic geology
- Reihe E: Geophysics
- Reihe F: Soil science
- Reihe G: Directives and recommendations by federal/state working groups of the geological surveys
- Reihe H: Economic geology reports on raw materials
Special issues to Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe A-H
In 1998 the Federal Geological Survey began issuing special volumes, supplementing the regular seven series of Geologische Jahrbuch. These publish monographic contributions on the topical area of the parent series. Please use the links below to view them.
- Sonderhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Reihe A
- Sonderhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Reihe B
- Sonderhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Reihe C
- Sonderhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Reihe D
- Sonderhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Reihe E
- Sonderhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Reihe F
- Sonderhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Reihe G
- Sonderhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Reihe H