PGBP Chart 1
PGBP Chart 1
PGBP Chart 1
Taxable income under head of Rent, Rates, tax, Repair and Repair and insurance of plant 32(1)(ii) Additional Depreciation Unabsorbed Depreciation
PGBP insurance of building and machinery and furniture. Depreciation (set off & Carry forward)
1. P&G of any buss/Prof Allowed Disallowed Allowed Disallowed 1. Asset should be used for B -New P&M (ship & Aircraft- X) - set off against income under MPAT= manufacture of
2. Profit on sale of import Rent, rates Capital repair Rent (u/s 37 Capital repair or P (Active/passive) -Acquired & Installed any head production of article or thing
entitlement licence & Taxes, not allowed to to tenant), not allowed to 2. Owner (Wholly/partially) - MPAT, Transmission or - C/F even if buss is closed ULF=Unamortised licence fee
3. Cash compensatory Insurance, both. Insurance, both. 3. Assets used in PY distribution of power @ 20% -C/F for Indefinite period, T/f= transfer/Transferred
support/ DBK Revenue Capitalized Revenue Capitalized 4. Depreciation on WDV of -notified area @ 35% after even if ROI not filed Acq=Acquisition
4. DEPB/DFRC repairs. Rent not repairs. Rent not block of the asset 01.05.15, for MPAT only -Assessee should be same C/f=Carry forward
5. Key-man Insurance policy allowed to allowed to 5. Mandatory to claim dep - if Put to use for < 180 days [exceptions)-72A,72AA,72AB GIO=Government of India
6. Gift,benefit,perq from Bor P owner owner 6. 50% dep if put to use <180 (yr of acq)- Dep 50%,balance -priority of set off Ded= Deduction
7. Interest, salary, bonus, 32(1)(i)- Dep for power day(yr of acq) 50% in next PY 1. CY Dep.(depreciation) Buss=business
comm by partner of firm 7. Asset should be PUT to USE - add dep only 4 WDV method 2. Brought forward Buss loss SP/SC/SV=Sale consideration
generating undertaking.
8. Non compete fees but not ready to use. 3. Brought forward Dep LIP= Lock in period
Optional to follow SLM
Development account Petroleum, Natural gas in India Expenditure on Scientific research
& machinery by assesses in
backward areas of AP, Bihar, All Assessee Income from Buz Agri -Any Assessee Section Purpose Ded
Telangana or WB Amount Deposited or Rubber 35 65 -Deposit- before the end of py 35(1)(i) Revenue Expenditure 100% Incurred Exp For after or before( 3 years) start of buss
40% of PGBP WEL -Deduction- 20% of profit
All Assessee [buss of MPAT] Coffee Sum paid to Research 150% Object of receiver is Scientific research (or) to
-Deposit before DD of ROI Or WEL
from PY 01-04-2015 to 2020 25 75 35(1)(ii) association university, college or others to be used for research
-Withdrawal of amount other -Deposit
Ded= 15% of actual cost of *Grown Paid to University, 100% For research in Social Science or Statistical research
than specified purpose- - Agreement with Govt
such new P&M; LIP= 5 Years 40 60 35(1)(iii) college or other institute {35(1)(i)/(ii)- must be approved by CG; not buss related}
taxable as PGBP in the year - withdrawal- on closure & for
No 50% restriction as 32(1)(1) *+Roasted Capital Expenditure 100% Incurred On scientific research related to business
of withdrawal; LIP= 8 Years specific purpose only
Ded in the year asset 35(1)(iv) (Except land) carried on by Assesse, post exp of 3 years
- utilise in the year of - T/f of asset before 8 years-
installed, PUT to use Tea 40 60 exemption withdrawn approved specified 150% Paid to national laboratory, university, IIT, or specified
condition NA(Not applicable) 35(2AA) person for scientific person to be used specifically for Scientific research
Deduction from composite
Ded not available to Assessee To Companies for 150% on an approved in house research & development
income (Agri +Buss income)
following SLM Method 35(2AB) scientific research facility (except L&B), Building = 100% under 35(1)(iv)
35ABB Amortisation of 35ABA Exp. for obtaining right 35AD 35CCC Expenditure on 35CCD Expenditure of Skill
telecom license fee to use telecom services Deduction of expenditure on specified business Agricultural extension project development project
CE of licence fee(paid) is allowed as deduction from the year of - Capital expenditure (other -Cold chain facility - warehousing of sugar -Any Assesse -Eligible Assessee- Company
payment to end of licence. for before commencement exp, ded than Land/ Goodwill/ -Warehousing (agri) -pipeline- iron ore -Any Expenditure -Any exp except L & B)
= year of start to end of PY( licence last date) in no of years financial Instrument) -affordable housing project -Semiconductor- m/f unit -Ded= 150% of expenditure -Eligible co means any co
T/f of licence SP< ULF=Loss SP> ULF=Gain - - 35AD loss set off with 35AD -production of fertilisers - Developing/& -Condition engaged in MPAT except
Whole licence is Deduction in the Taxable as PGBP in - post/ after commencement, -hospital (100 beds) maintaining/& operating a *for training, education of alcohol, tobacco.
transferred year of Transfer the year of sale capital or revenue exp = -X country pipeline oil gas new infrastructure facility farmers -Training Institute- for new
(ULF –SP) Least of the following 100% deduction ;LIP= 8 years -Hotel 2** (wef 1/04/2017 *Prior approval of GOI, employee < 6 months exp
Part of licence is Deduction allowed a) SP – ULF - If sold or destroyed, entire SP -slum redevelopment housing No other ded for same exp. ministry of agriculture only
transferred in balance life b) Deduction allowed or Insurance Compensation -Inland container depot CE > 10,000 in a day to one *Exp should be >25L (Except -Ded= 150% of exp
(ULF- SP)/ bal life till date taxable as PGBP; NO CG -Bee –honey & Bee wax person is disallowed Land & Building)
35D Preliminary expenses 35DD Amortization of Exp in 35DDA Amortisaiton of 35E Expenditure on 36
case of amalga. or demerger expenditure on VRS. prospecting, etc for minerals Other deduction as specified
* Resident person Indian Co Any Assesse Indian Co Insurance premium of stocks Contribution towards pension Bad debts
*Indian Co. QE= 5% of COP Ded= 1/5th of such Ded= 1/5th of the amount so Any Exp of 5 YR (Yr of start + Ins premium on life of cattle scheme u/s 80CCD Provisions for Bad & Doubtful
5% of COP or expenditure for each of 5 paid deductable in 5 4 years prior to start) Insurance on Health of emp Employer contribution to an debts
5% of CE WEH successive PY`s succeeding PY`s Ded= equally in 10 years Bonus or commission to emp approved Gratuity fund Special reserve created by
Above amount (or) From the PY in which From the PY in which amount 1/10th of QE WEL Interest on borrowed capital Allowance in respect of dead specific entity carrying on
Actual amount WEL= QE amalgamation or demerger paid Income of PY Discount on ZC Bond or permanently useless eligible business
Ded= 1/5th of QE in each of takes place Employer contribution to animals Revenue Exp on promoting
5 successive PY`s RPF/ Approved family planning amongst the
CE= capital Exp superannuation fund employee of company only
COP=Cost of project (CE=Equal amount in 5 years)
37(1) 37(2B) 40(a)(i) Amount paid to Non- 40(a)(ia) Amount paid to Below expenses are not 40(a)(iib) Amount paid by of
General deduction Contribution to political party resident without deducting tax resident without deducting tax deductable royalty, licence fee
STT, CTT paid exp not allowed u/s 30 to 36 For expense not allowed as Interest, royalty, fee for Amount paid to Resident on 40(a)(ii) Payment of IT appropriated from State Govt
Expenditure incurred for Not a Capital expenditure deduction u/s 37 technical services paid to which TDS Not deducted/paid 40(a)(iia) Payment of wealth Any exclusive payments in
purchase of sugarcane Not a prior period, personal For donation, Deduction NR/FC o/s India or NR/FC in 30% of exp disallowed tax form of royalty, licence fee,
Recoveries from Employees Only for business purpose allowed u/s 80GB, 80GGC India without deducting/ Allowed in PY TDS deducted 40(a)(iii) Payment made to service fee, privilege fee,
towards welfare fund are Not contrary to prov of law 40(a)(1b)- Non compliance payment of TDS or Paid non-resident as salary without other charges paid to state
Deemed buss income. CSR exp is not allowed with Equalisation levy- 100% of Exp disallowed Palam Gas Services 2017(SC) deducing TDS- 100% govt by SG undertaking the
Deduction allowed only if the Disallowed if not deducted or Allowed in PY TDS deducted U/s 40(a)(1a)(/1), word 40(a)(v) Payment of taxes in same shall be disallowed.
same is paid before filing ROI paid @ 6% before DD of RO or Paid “payable” means amount yet respect of non-monetary If levied by CG then No
u/s 139(1)- AIMIL Delhi HC Ceiling limit = 1L (aggregate) to be paid or actually paid perquisites disallowance.
40(b) Deduction in respect of 40 A(2) payment made to 40A(3) Exp not deductible 40A (7) 41 Taxable in PY
payment to partner relatives under certain if exp > 10,000 Provision for Gratuity Profit chargeable to tax
Remuneration paid to Partner Interest paid to partners Disallowed to the extent Payment of aggregate of Is disallowed 41(1) Taxability of Recovery of Amount recovered
Non working partner - X Not authorised by deed - X such expense is considered by payment made to a person in Except Exp & Remission & cessation
the Assessing officer to be a day, other than the account Provision for contribution to of trading liabilities
Not authorised by deed - X Prior period interest - X
Not as per deed - X Max interest- 12% excessive or unreasonable. payee cheque exceeding Rs. recognised fund (or) 41(2) Balance Charge Asset is sold/ Tf, SC> WDV
For prior period - X No disallowance if such T/s is 10,000/- per day per person Actual payment (SLM method asset)
Maximum remuneration 40(ba) Disallowance at ALP Is Disallowed (whole amount) Ex. Annual premium paid to 41(3) Surplus=(SC+ Deduction- Sale took place
(As per Book profit U/s 28) applicable to AOP/BOI NA to domestic Transfer In case of Transporter the LIC for Gratuity- Allowed cost ) or Deduction WEL
a) First 3L or Loss- Rs. 1.5 L pricing limit is Rs. 35,000/- 40 A (9) 41(4A) Special Reserve When It is recovered
or 90 % of BP WEH Applies to Expenditure only Exception to this section are Contribution by employer to
Fully disallowed 41 (4) Recovery of Bad Debts When it is recovered
b) On bal BP = 60 % NA to Trade discounts given in Rule 6D unrecognised/ NON Statutory
-Interest- Net disallowed 41(5) Adjustment for Loss of PY Can be adjusted against the
For Section 40A(3A) Same Fund is Disallowed
-Int in any capacity allowed in which business is above income [41(1) to 41 (iv)]
NA= Not Applicable limit as above RPF, SF, AGF or approved
-Salary disallowed discontinued in any subsequent year
pension fund – u/s 36(iv)
43A 43B Disallowance of unpaid 43C Special provision for 43CA Full Value of 43D 43(1) 43(6)
Foreign exchange fluctuation liability computation of COA of certain Consideration for Transfer of Special Provision in case of Actual cost of assets WDV= Cost – Depreciation
Assets (on T/F in case of) L & B Held as Stock in trade income of PFI,public co etc
Asset acquired O/s India Employers Contribution to RPF Amalgamation Sale consideration = Income by way of interest Scientific research asset Sec 50 Sec 50A
Loan taken in foreign currency or other Emp.(e) welfare fund Partition of HUF Sale consideration in relation to bad & By gift, will, inheritance
for Block of SLM
Payment made actually in PY Tax. Duty, cess etc. Assets by Gift or will Or WEH doubtful debts Second hand asset
assets method
Amount paid – amount Bonus or commission to Emp. Irrevocable trust Stamp duty value taxable in PY in which Reacquisition of asset
Interest received or When Block T/f of asset
recorded in books= difference Int. payable to PFI or Banks Sale & Lease back, 35 AD asset
Credited WEE ceases
to add/ sub to WDV of block Leave salary(Leave encash.) COA= COA to previous owner SDV= on the date of Building used for non business
Foreign exchange gain or loss Payment to Indian Railways + cost of improvement + agreement (if any amount Exp for acquisition of asset purpose , T/f by HC to sub co COA Op WDV WDV+ BC
Except above w.r.t Debtor or for use of railway Assets expenditure on transfer paid on or before date of full or part, paid in cash Amalgamation, demerger + CY pur WDV- TD
creditor to be taken as if Allowed if paid on or before agreement) or else date of exceeding 10K in a day to Int. on borrowing, subsidy
transfer. CG Always STCG/LTCG
Gain = PGBP income or filing of ROI. Otherwise a person to be ignored for Adjustment of CENVAT credit
(refer CG Chapter) STCG
Loss= deduction u/s 37(1) allowed in the year paid COA u/s 43(1) Asset by NR brought in India
44A Special provision for 44AA Compulsory 44AB 44AD Presumptive income 44ADA Presumptive income of 44AE Presumptive income of
deduction in case of Trade maintenances of accounts Audit of books of accounts other than transport business profession transport business
Professional or similar professional or similar Compulsory audit for Indvidual(R),HUF,Firm(no LLP) All Resident Assessee Any Assessee BC= Balance charge
association association Business- TO > 1 Cr TO shall not exceed 2 Crore Gross receipts < 50Lacs Own vehicles <= 10 goods TD= terminal Depreciation
Deficiency allowed U/s 44A Profession- TO > 50L Estimated income= 8% of 50% of gross receipts are carriage during PY (anytime) COA= Cost of acquisition
Deficiency = Rs. 25,000/- or 44AE , BB, BBB ,ADA, AD gross receipts or higher claim deemed as income U/H PGBP Income = 7,500 PM TO= Turnover; INT= Interest
50% of other income= 37,500 showing lower income than Declared income as per 44AD No deduction of exp allowed Or WEH O/s = Outside
(75,000 * 50%) prescribed under relevant in PY then bound to declare Not required to maintain Actual Income NR= Non Residence
WEL is allowed u/s 44A section income u/s 44AD for next 5 books of accounts FC= Foreign Company
years. No other exp deduction Not required to get audited Co= Company
For non cash receipt = 6% Agri= Agriculture
Can set off business loss ROI= return of Income