Labor Standards 2ND Exam
Labor Standards 2ND Exam
Labor Standards 2ND Exam
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
TITLE I Managerial employees are not engaged for the time they put in but
WORKING CONDITIONS AND REST PERIODS the skis and qualifications they produce.
As to the hours of work, compensation, salaries, they are not under • Salesmen are Field Personnel (UFE vs. Vivar 1992)
the Labor Code, since their conditions of work is governed by a
different law and their compensation is through appropriation Employees doing agricultural work falls within the scope of Title
released by the legislation. I.
If the issue is if the GOCC employee can filed before the NLRC 4. Members of the Family who are dependent on him for
for complaints, there needs to be a distinction as to whether he support
belongs to a GOCC with an original or not.
Not necessarily children dependent on their parents.
Those GOCCs with original charter MAY not be under the CSC. Not necessarily parents dependent on their children.
Those GOCCs without original charter MAY NOT be under the
5. Domestic workers or Kasambahay
BSP is not a GOCC but a public corporation under the CSC.
A government corporation, owned and controlled and does not Kasambahays antedates industrial revolution.
have an original charter is NOT necessarily governed by the A child under foster family arrangement is not a Kasamabahay.
government corporation. (VFP vs. Sec. of Defense 2006) A Kasamabahay need not live inside the home where she does
household chores.
PRNC is sui generis. Not government not private.
A Kasambahay is NOT one who is engaged to work occasionally
GOCCs not under the CSC and under the Labor Code: and not on an occupational basis.
a. Bliss Development Corporation
b. PNOC-EDC The determination of whether a person doing household work as
c. Food Terminal Corporation a Kasamabahay is his employer (Apex Mining vs. NLRC).
2019 PAST EXAM A helper who does household work and is employed by a company
1. An employee of the PNOC is entitled to overtime and not a family is not a Kasambahay.
pay. This is because PNOC is not under the CSC but
the Labor Code.
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
performing household chores minimum wage 9. Service and Retail Establishments not employing more
because the niece is in personal service of another. than 5 employees
3. A Kasambahay can be a person who is in a live-out
arrangement but renders household help for a They are not exempted from the entirety of Title I. They are only
family. exempted from Night Shift Differential (93) and Regular Holidays
4. A Kasambahay who does massage work for an Pay (95).
employer’s massage parlor is entitled to minimum
wage for service establishments. Barbers are not automatically service employees.
Restaurants are service employees.
6. Persons in personal service of Another But if the restaurant allows you to order for take-out, it is already
a retail establishment.
If the Kasambahay is one which is not employed by a family but
just a single person, he falls under the 6th worker exempted. 10. Health Personnel of Cities with at least 1 million
population or with 100 – bed hospitals
Personal assistants of actresses who do the household work for
them. Does not have the same workweek as other employees.
They only have 5 working days workweek. The 6th and 7th day is a
7. Piece Rate rest day; apply premium pay.
Time workers are not workers paid by results. Includes the following:
1. Nurses
Piece rate workers are paid based on the pieces they’ve been able 2. Physicians
to produce and not the time they render at work. 3. Dietitians
4. Pharmacists
A piece rate worker doing more than 8 hours is not entitled to 5. Social Workers
overtime pay. BUT are entitled to regular holiday pay. 6. Paramedical technicians
7. Midwives
Time workers are entitled to overtime pay. 8. Attendants
9. Other hospital or clinic personnels
If you are given quota but you are a time worker, it does not mean
that you are a worker paid by results, the quota given to you is only 11. Fishing Crew Members of Fishing Boats that Go Out to
necessary to measure your efficiency and skill. the High Seas
A piece rate worker when not paid minimum wage cannot Fishing Crew Members who work in excess of the 8 hr period is
immediately file an action for violation of minimum wage or given another straight time pay.
money claims. He needs to file a petition to conduct a Time and
Motion study first. Not all fishing crew members are employees because there can be
industrial partnership, when they have control where to fish.
2. One who chooses the days when he will work as a
an English teacher to Koreans is entitled to overtime
pay if he is paid at an hourly rate. This is because she ART. 83 Normal Hours of Work
is a time worker and not a worker paid by results.
Normal hours of work shall not exceed 8 hours (not 8 hours only).
Work can exceed 8 hours provided that there is overtime pay.
8. Payment by Results
Hours worked is determined by the amount of hours done within
They are paid based on the completion of the work or project. a working day.
If the payment of employee engaged to perform a task which Working day is the 24 consecutive hours beginning each day at the
cannot be completed within 2 weeks, they shall be paid at intervals first hour of work.
not exceeding 16 days based on the amount of work done.
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
Work week is the work of 168 consecutive hours or seven Compensable Rest Period Meal periods
consecutive 24-hour work days beginning at the same hour on the 5-20 minutes Not less than 60 minutes
same calendar each week. Compensable May not compensable
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
Overtime which shall not be less than 25% thereof. ART. 88 Undertime not Offset by Overtime
An employee who is paid monthly and not daily is entitled to an It involves different working days.
overtime pay.
One working day is where the employee was undertime and the
1. Right to overtime pay is NOT waivable. See issue on other where the employee had an overtime.
compressed work week or truncated work week.
2. Overtime pay cannot cause wage distortion,
If the employee rendered work in favor during his rest day or Compressed Work Week Arrangement1.
special holiday she shall be given another additional compensation 1. Where the normal workweek is reduced to less than six
of at least 30% of his regular wage. days with a total of 48 hours per week remains.
2. The normal workday is increased to more than eight
Premium Pay Overtime Pay hours but not exceeding 12 hours.
Work done during a rest day Work done in excess of 8 3. It is without the corresponding overtime premium
or special day or holiday hours within a working day. despite the work exceeding 8 hours.
4. It is a result of an express voluntary agreement of
There can be overtime pay on top of a premium pay. majority of the covered employees.
• Results to the waiving of overtime pay.
But both are not included for the computation of the 13th month
pay. Both are also not included for computation for the retirement 2019 PAST EXAM
benefits. 1. A policy in a workplace which provides that
tardiness of 30 minutes must be repaid by with
13th month pay overtime is not allowed, regardless if the employees
agreed to it or not. No offsetting is allowed, the
Those who were able to work for at least 1 month during the year, ground for overtime by reason of tardiness is also not
whether continuous or broken. allowed. No waiving of overtime pay.
When there was a prolonged practice of adding the overtime pay
in the computation of the thirteenth month pay, it has already ART. 89 Emergency Overtime Work
become a vested right.
IMPORTANT: a. When the country is at war or when any other national or local
1. Extras, casual, and seasonal employees are entitled to emergency has been declared by the National Assembly or the
13th month pay. Chief Executive;
2. A worker on a piece-rate basis are entitled to 13th month
pay BUT NOT overtime pay. b. When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or property or in case
3. Those with multiple employers can even be entitled to of imminent danger to public safety due to an actual or impending
13th month pay from all of his employers. emergency in the locality caused by serious accidents, fire, flood,
4. A terminated employee for culpable cause does not lost typhoon, earthquake, epidemic, or other disaster or calamity;
his 13th month pay.
5. Only rank and file employees are entitled to 13th month c. When there is urgent work to be performed on machines,
pay. installations, or equipment, in order to avoid serious loss or
6. 13th month pay up to 82,000 pesos with bonuses are damage to the employer or some other cause of similar nature;
exempt from income taxes.
d. When the work is necessary to prevent loss or damage to
2019 PAST EXAM perishable goods; and
3. A Lead Welder who has the power to hire and fire
his constituents is not entitled to overtime pay. This e. Where the completion or continuation of the work
is because he is exempt from the coverage as a started before the eighth hour is necessary to prevent
managerial employee.
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
IMPORTANT RULES: An employee who is employed for a specific project is still entitled
1. If two regular holidays fall on one calendar day like to SIL even if they don’t serve the entire year.
April 6t h (Bataan Day and at the same time Holiday
Thursday) = 200% automatic The SIL will be done proportionately.
2. But if there are two holidays on the same day where the
other is a movable date like Good Friday or Holy Kasambahays are entitled to SIL not under Art. 95 but under RA
Thursday = only one holiday pay 100% 10361.
3. If the employee is absent on the day immediately
preceding working day because tomorrow is a regular 2019 PAST EXAM
holiday = no holiday pay 5. An employee who is dismissed with just cause at the
end of the year does not forfeit his entitlement of
Example: On April 8 you went on leave because you SIL if she has served for almost a year.
want to have to days off because April 9 is a regular 6. An employee who is employed for a 10 month
holiday, you have deemed forfeited you regular holiday specific project is still entitled to SIL.
4. If there are two successive regular holidays = 200% ART. 96 Service Charges
Exceptions: If the employee is absent on the day The establishments that are covered by service charges are hotels,
immediately preceding working day before the first restaurants, lodges, houses night clubs, cocktail lounges, massage
regular holiday, only entitled to pay for the second clinics, bars, casinos and gambling houses.
5. If the regular holiday falls on a rest day, no rest day on Service charges are not tips.
the following day.
6. Offsetting holiday work with work on regular days is Tips are given voluntarily by the customers out of the excellent
not allowed. service.
The President has the power to adjust regular holidays. Service charges must be distributed:
a. 85% of the total service charges collected to the rank-
2019 PAST EXAM and-file employees (does not include managerial
1. A textile weaver assistant is entitled to regular holiday employees) and
pay during a pre-announced shut down days for the
maintenance. This is because regular holiday pay does
• Managerial employees are those who has the power to
not have the condition that the establishment must be
hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign
operating (for as long as as it has not yet closed).
or discipline
2. A teacher is entitled for regular holiday pay that occur
during semestral break.
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
b. 15% retained for the management 1. MUST BE PAID BY LEGAL TENDER AND NOT
Pooled tips are distributed the same way service charges are 2. MUST NOT BE BELOW THE MINIMUM
distributed. WAGE RATES
Service charges cannot be deducted from wages. It is not part of BASIS TO ESCAPE MINIMUM WAGE RATES
wages. It cannot be used to determine whether the employer
complied with the increased minimum wage. "Wage" paid to any employee shall mean the remuneration or
earnings, however designated, capable of being expressed in terms
IMPORTANT ITEMS OF PAY of money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or
commission basis, or other method of calculating the same, which
BASIC PAY is included in the income tax computation? YES is payable by an employer.
Is it included in the overtime pay computation? YES
Is it included in the 13th month computation? YES BASIC wage does not include COLA, profit-sharing agreements,
Can you get basic pay from multiple employers? YES premium payments, 13th month pay or other monetary benefits.
Is it included in computation of retirement pay? YES
WAGE RATES includes the includes COLA but excludes overtime
OVERTIME OR PREMIUM PAY pay, bonuses, night shift differential pay, holiday pay, 13th month
Is overtime and premium pay included in the computation of pay, premium pay, leave benefits and others.
income tax? YES.
Is overtime and premium pay included in the computation of Wage Salary
13th month pay? NO. Manual, skilled, or unskilled Higher or superior level of
Are you entitled to overtime or premium pay with multiple labor. employees.
employers? YES. Under the Civil Code, an Not exempt from execution
Is it included in computation of retirement pay? NO. employee’s wage shall not be or attachment or
subject to execution, garnishment.
EMERGENCY COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCE garnishment or attachment
Is ECOLA included in the computation of income except for debts incurred for
withholding tax? YES. food, shelter, clothing and
medical attendance.
Is ECOLA included in the computation of overtime and FACILITIES SUPPLEMENTS
premium pay? NO. Only basic pay is included in overtime Articles or services for the Extra remuneration or special
and premium pay computation. benefit of the employee or his privileges or benefits given to
employee or his family or received by the laborers
Is ECOLA included in the computation of 13th month pay? over and above their ordinary
NO. earnings or wages.
Are you entitled to ECOLA from multiple employers? NO. Necessary expenses for the
Only from the employer for whom you work full time. laborer’s and his family’s
Is ECOLA included in the computation of retirement pay? DEDUCTIBLE NOT DEDUCTIBLE
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
All these tasks of cultivating, planting, plowing, and land There are instances where workers can receive lower than the
preparations agricultural. minimum wage but shall in no case be less that 75% of the
applicable minimum wage:
It includes any practices performed by a farmer on a farm as an a. Learnership agreement,
incident to or conjunction with such farming operations. b. an apprenticeship agreement, or
c. in the case of handicapped workers, and the program is
Practices which are incident to or conjunction with such farming registered with the TESDA recommended to the
operations: DOLE.
1. Tractor driver who is involved in the preparations of
plowing, preparing the soil by the disc plow of the Those not entitled to minimum wage:
tractor that is agricultural. 1. Employees in a cooperative
2. Accountants are incident to or conjunction with
statutory operations because the farmer has to keep an
account of his expenses. ART. 100 Prohibition Against Elimination or Diminution
3. Stripping of abacas. of Benefits
4. Drying of coconuts.
1. Art. 100
In cases of a banana plantation hiring a construction company and 2. Art. 127
the construction company hires the plantation workers =
plantation workers hired by the construction company = ART. 100 ART. 127
industrial. For purposes of the Labor For purposes of Wage Orders
Employer is the material fact which dictates the classification of
the workers.
1. Tractor operators who perform disc plowing on the PIECE-RATE
field are not entitled to invoke industrial wage rates. The basis for piece rate is the speed of the average worker.
This is because the tractor operators are agricultural
workers since their work are incident to farming Pieces done X Rate per piece = Wage
2. A truck driver who hauls rice and mill for his employer Not entitled to overtime pay.
and another farmer is paid an industrial minimum
wage. The work is no longer considered agricultural. Piece-rate workers cannot just file a money claims immediately but
they need to apply with the Department of Labor for a Time and
As to Title on Wages (minimum wage rates, forms of payments, PAYMENT ON TASK BASIS
etc.) does not apply to: Paid by lump sum, but if the task cannot be done within 2 weeks,
1. Farm tenancy they are entitled to payment in proportion to the work
2. Leasehold accomplished.
3. Domestic service
In cases of retention amount where the principal withholds a
ART. 99 MINIMUM WAGE RATES percentage of the contracted price that there is no more defects in
the project. Then, upon satisfaction that there were no more
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
defects, it is the time that they release the full amount, the retention
amount. It is already a civil law contract and not a labor contract. Payment of wages through ATM is allowed for as long as they
should be able to withdraw the entire amount because of the
PAYMENT OF WAGES prohibition against interference in the disposal of wages.
1. Must be paid in legal tender ART. 105 Direct Payment of Wages
2. Must be paid every two weeks or twice a month at
intervals not exceeding 16 days. The employer must pay directly in favor of the employee
3. Must be paid in the workplace
4. Must be paid directly to the employee EXCEPTIONS:
1. Force majeure
2. Worker has died
2019 PAST EXAM The employer may pay the wages of the deceased
1. Workers paid on a piece-rate basis are entitled to worker to the heirs of the latter without necessity of
regular pay. Their pay is based on the speed of an intestate proceedings
average worker. • Execution of affidavit attesting that they are related to
2. Workers paid on a task-basis are NOT entitled to the deceased.
overtime pay. This is because their pay is based on
the completion of a task and not the time they render
for work
3. A college instructor who does work for more than 8
hours is NOT entitled to overtime pay if he is paid
per subject taught basis. The college instructor is a ART. 106 SUBCONTRACTING
task-basis employee, thus NO overtime pay.
Whenever an employer enters into a contract with another person
for the performance of the former’s work, the employees of the
contractor and of the latter’s subcontractor, if any, shall be paid in
ART. 102 Forms of Payment accordance with the provisions of this Code.
Wages must be paid by legal tender. In the event that the contractor or subcontractor fails to pay the
wages of his employees in accordance with this Code, the
ART. 103 Time of Payment employer shall be jointly and severally liable with his contractor
or subcontractor to such employees to the extent of the work
At least once every two weeks or twice a month at intervals not performed under the contract, in the same manner and extent that
exceeding 16 days. he is liable to employees directly employed by him.
2019 PAST EXAM 1. The employees does not need to wait for the judgment
4. Kasambahays and those other persons excluded that the contractor cannot pay them, they can
under this Title can be paid only once a month. The immediately sue the employer (unless what was entered
twice a month rule of intervals not exceeding 16 into by the employer and the contractor is a lease
days shall not apply to them. agreement).
2. They are employees by the employer in the eyes of the
law on the grounds of failure to pay by the independent
ART. 104 Place of Payment contractor.
Payment by check or money orders is allowed only if it has been Labor-only contracting where the person supplying workers to an
customary on the date of the effectivity of the Code and stipulated employer does not have substantial capital or investment in the
in a collective agreement. form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, among
others, and the workers recruited and placed by such person are
Secretary Quisumbing in the 90’s made this advisory or performing activities which are directly related to the principal
memorandum allowing for the payment of wages through ATM. business of such employer.
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
Labor-only contractor merely becomes an agent of Attorney’s fees where in cases of unlawful withholding of wages,
the principal, thus all the acts of the agent now binds
the principal and becomes liable for all the claims of
the culpable party may be assessed attorney’s fees.
the employees.
They undertake to perform a specific job which is Attorney’s fees shall not exceed 10%. It is a ceiling and not a floor.
usual and necessary in the course of the principal’s
Contemplates a situation where by reason that your employer is
withholding wages from you, you had to resort to the court.
ART. 107 Indirect Employer Traders Royal Bank Employees Union vs. NLRC
The original counsel who was replaced by the employee’s in their
case where they were being withheld of their 13th month pay filed
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
a motion for attorney’s fees when the case won before the SC. SC c. That the deduction is fair and reasonable and shall not
said, the attorney can file it even after the decision has become final exceed the actual loss or damage
and executory for as long as the money judgement has not yet been d. That the deduction from the wages of the employee
executed. Even if the decision has already become final and does not exceed 20 percent of the employee’s wages in
executory for as long as it has not yet been actually executed, you a week. He cannot be deducted more than 120th of his
can file a motion. Why? Because that issue is purely incidental. weekly wage.
ART. 112 Non-interference in Disposal of Wages Computation for loss which is actual loss = acquisition price –
accumulated depreciation.
The employer cannot tell the worker what he does with his wages.
ART. 115 Limitations on deductions for loss or damage
For example:
The employer in cases where there is a dented Milo or Bear Brand ART. 116 Withholding of Wages and Kickbacks Prohibited
and he compels the employee to buy the dented Milo for 60% off
deducted to his wage. What you can is you can offer it to the It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to
workers in a first come, first serve basis paid with their money. withhold any amount from the wages of a worker or induce him
You can have the employees first have their wages before you ask to give up any part of his wages by force, stealth, intimidation,
them to buy and give them first priority and discounts in case they threat, or by any other means whatsoever without the worker's
wish to buy. consent.
GENERAL RULE: No deduction of wages of the employees. Example: Where the foreman of a construction company will
deduct a percentage from the wage of the laborer that will ensure
ALLOWED DEDUCTIONS: him that he will be hired on the next project where the foreman’s
1. In cases where the worker is insured with his consent skills will be employed.
by the employer, and the deduction is to recompense
the employer for the amount paid by him as premium ART. 118 Retaliatory Measures
on the insurance;
2. For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker When an employee complains before the DOLE and the employer:
or his union to check-off has been recognized by the a. Refuses to pay
employer or authorized in writing by the individual b. Reduces the wages and benefits
worker concerned; and c. Discharge
3. In cases where the employer is authorized by law or d. Discriminate in against any employee who has filed a
regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor and complaint or instituted any proceeding under this Title
a. Withholding tax on income
b. Deductions for employer’s counterpart in ART. 119 False Reporting
Employee’s contributions in the SSS
c. Philhealth Any person is liable in this article not just the employee nor the
d. Pag-Ibig employer.
e. Art. 114
It is unlawful for any person to make any statement, report, or
record filed or kept pursuant to the provisions of this Code
ART. 114 Deposits for loss or damage. knowing such statement, report or record to be false in any
material respect.
There can be deductions from the wages in case of loss or damage.
Deductions can only be made in case where there: Employee makes a false statement about his time in or time out.
a. That the employee concerned is clearly shown to be Employer makes a false statement about the payroll of the
responsible employer. See Visitorial Powers by the DOLE.
b. Employee is given the reasonable opportunity to show
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
Before, it was Congress who decreed the minimum wage. ART. 124 Standards/Criteria for minimum wage fixing
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
National Conciliation and Mediation Board. If unsolved after 10 4. If the compliance order involves a monetary award, the
calendar days, Labor Arbiter to NLRC to CA to SC. appeal is perfected only upon posting of a bond
The pendency of a dispute arising from a wage distortion shall not OSHA INSPECTIONS:
in any way delay the applicability of any increase in prescribed 1. Suspension order (hearing, even ex parte is not needed
wage rates pursuant to the provisions of law or Wage Order. for the issuance of the suspension order)
2. Within 24 hrs from order, there will be a hearing to
ART. 126 Prohibition against Injunction either lift or continue the suspension only (Hearing is
not necessary to issue suspension order by reason of
The proceedings before the Commission or RTWPB cannot be expediency to solve imminent danger in the workplace).
subject of an injunction filed before any court.
There can be no violation of due process despite absence of a
ART. 127 Non Diminution of Benefits. hearing.
No wage rates issued by the RTWPB shall be lower than the ART. 129 QUASI-JUDICIAL
statutory minimum wage rates prescribed by Congress.
In case where the complaint involves only a monetary claim (no
SPECIAL WORKERS WHO CAN BE PAID LESS THAN question of the termination or dismissal) without prayer for
THE MINIMUM WAGE BUT NOT LESS THAN 75% OF reinstatement where the aggregate individual claim does not
THE MINIMUM WAGE: exceed 5,000 pesos per employee or househelper, the complaint
can be solved by the Regional Director of DOLE who shall resolve
Handicapped are those with disabilities or some physical or it within 30 calendar days.
mental challenges that affect their productivity.
There shall be no issue regarding the termination or your
Apprentice are those who have a lecture component. dismissal.
Learners are those who do not have a lecture component. If all or only one for the employees has a money claim of more
than 5,000 pesos, all of them shall go to the Labor Arbiter and not
All of these must be approved by the TESDA for the employer before the RD of DOLE.
to be exempted from paying below minimum wage but it is
not a condition for them to hired. Again, the permit is only IMPORTANT: Bombo Radyo vs.
necessary for them to be paid below minimum wage. If in the money-claims there is a defense or allegation of ER-EE
relationship, the RD has the power to determine whether there is
ER-EE relationship.
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
Equal pay for equal work. You do not pay a woman who is doing
the same job as a man, lower salary because she’s a woman. Equal (1) The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the
work for equal pay. employment, re-employment or continued employment of said
individual, or in granting said individual favorable compensation,
Example: If the woman is hired as a cook for a construction site, terms, conditions, promotions, or privileges; or the refusal to grant
she cannot invoke that she’ll be given the same wage with those the sexual favor results in limiting, segregating or classifying the
men working as carpenters. Why? They do not have the same employee which in any way would discriminate, deprive or
work. diminish employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect
said employee;
But if the woman is an electrician, she can invoke to be given the
same wage as those electricians who are men. (2) The above acts would impair the employee’s rights or privileges
under existing labor laws; or
The difference for the work must be substantial.
(3) The above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or
ART. 134 Stipulation Against Marriage offensive environment for the employee
You cannot make a woman quit her job because she is getting Duties of the Employer under RA 7877
married First, the employer must promulgate appropriate rules and
regulations in consultation with and jointly approved by the
You cannot refuse to accept her back after taking her maternity employees or students or trainees, through their duly designated
leave representatives, prescribing the procedure for the investigation of
sexual harassment cases and the administrative sanctions therefor.
You cannot make marriage a condition for continuation of
employment - that a woman employee shall not get married or to Second, the employer should create a committee on decorum and
stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon getting married a woman investigation of cases on sexual harassment. The committee shall
employee shall be deemed resigned or separated or to actually conduct meetings, as the case may be, with officers and employees,
dismiss, discharge or otherwise prejudiced a woman employee teachers, instructors, professors, coaches, trainors, and students or
merely by reason of marriage. * trainees to increase understanding and prevent incidents of sexual
harassment. It shall also conduct the investigation of alleged cases
Timex assembly worker example by Fr. constituting sexual harassment.
If the woman is being required to be married to be employed, it
does not fall under Art. 134. A committee shall already be existing even before there is any
What is prohibited is that the marriage is negative to the job.
RA 7877 ANTI-SEXUAL HARASSMENT 1. If the employer fails to comply with these and there is
sexual harassment proven, the employer is
The Anti-Sexual Harassment Law penalizes sexual harassment in SOLIDARILY LIABLE for damages.
three situations:
(1) work-place related;
(2) education-related; and RA 9710 MAGNA CARTA LAW OF WOMEN
(3) training-related.
Our response to the call of the United Nations for a gender-based
IMPORTANT: equality policy.
1. There must be moral ascendancy against the person
liable. It cannot be a situation where the employee was In keeping with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
the one who allegedly committed sexual harassment of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and other
against his employer. international instruments consistent with Philippine law.
2. Complaint by the employee does not need to be written
or under oath. It can be made orally. Gynecological disorders. This refers to disorders that would require
surgical procedures such as, but not limited to dilatation and
(a) In a work-related or employment environment, sexual
curettage and those involving female reproductive organs such as
harassment is committed when: the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, breast, adnexa
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams
and pelvic floor, as certified by a competent physician. It shall also To be entitled to the leave benefit, the only requirement is for the
include hysterectomy, ovariectomy and mastectomy. victim-employee to present to her employer a certification from
the barangay chairman (Punong Barangay) or barangay councilor
IMPORTANT: (barangay kagawad) or prosecutor or the Clerk of Court, as the
1. She must have rendered at least 6 months continuous case may be, that an action relative to the matter is pending.
aggregate employment service for the last twelve
months prior to surgery. ART. 135 Prohibited Acts
2. It is not convertible to cash
3. Certification by a competent physician ART. 136 Classification of Certain Women Workers
4. 2 months leave with pay
ART. 137 Minimum Employable Age
Employment Age is 15 years old.
105 days - Live child birth regardless if CS or normal delivery With regards to the employment of children (below 15 years of
60 days – miscarriage age) since the employment age is 15yo and above.
Unlimited births
Female worker was terminated by the employer (habitually tardy)? The employment of children who are below 15 is a violation under
• IF not more than 15 calendar days after termination; childbirth, the Labor Code and Child Exploitation Act.
miscarriage = can still avail
• IF illegal dismissal, 15 calendar days period will not apply. Can INSTANCES WHERE THE EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN
avail of benefit regardless of the length of time. BELOW 15 YEARS OLD IS ALLOWED:
• IF resigned today, then tomorrow nanganak, CAN avail of 1. Where the child is under the direct supervision of his
benefit = 15 calendar days allowance parents
a. Does not endanger the child’s safety
b. Does not impair the child’s normal development
Under the previous law c. Provides the child with the primary or secondary
1. 60 days for normal or miscarriage education prescribed by the DEPED
2. 78 days for caesarian
3. Only for the first four pregnancy 2. In cases of child employment in the cinemas, radio,
RA 8187 PATERNITY LEAVE A. Work permit issued by the DOLE
Art. 82-171, Special Laws, IRRs, Labor Review of Chan, Benefits, TSN, Past Exams