Shell Health: Appendix D SQ2 Breathing Apparatus Screening

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Shell Health Appendix D SQ2

Breathing Apparatus Screening

Employee Data Date

Last Name First Name

I.D No. Tel # Occupation

This form is required to be completed either at the time of your fit testing for respirator use or medical
evaluation. If you have never completed an initial questionnaire form, you should not be fit tested nor use a
respirator until the initial questionnaire has been reviewed and approved by a health care professional. All
information provided on this form and during consultations remains strictly confidential.

1. Have you experienced my health problems/signs or symptoms that you associate with respirator use or
the ability to use a respirator while performing your work that requires the use of a respirator?

Yes no

2. Has there been any change in workplace conditions (e.g., physical work effort, protective clothing,
temperature) that has or may result in a substantial increase in the physiological burden placed on you
when performing your work that requires respirator use?

Yes 110

3. Do you currently have any medical restrictions or limitations (for example: lifting restrictions) that may
affect your ability to safely wear a respirator?

Yes no not sure

4. Do you have any medical problems (for example: issues related to the heart, breathing problems,
seizures, back problems, neck problems, medications, etc.) that may affect your ability to safely wear a

Yes no not sure

5. Do you have any medical problems that prevent you or may prevent you from working in a confined

Yes no not sure

6. Would you like to talk with a health professional regarding your health and respirator use?

Yes no

This form will be forwarded to the healthcare provider who will perform your evaluation for
respirator use fitness. If you answered "yes" or "not sure" to any of the questions, then you are
prohibited from using a respirator until this evaluation is completed by the healthcare provider
and approved to use a respirator.

Declaration : I, (Print Name) certify that to the best of my knowledge the

above information supplied by me is true and correct.

Signature: Date:


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