PEM Fuel Cell
PEM Fuel Cell
PEM Fuel Cell
Weight 39kg
Weight 1.62kg
A similar reduction on peak power can be observed − simulates intercity and rural road driving
for the battery in the triple hybrid system. Compare to − reduced speed mode <95km/h
the battery only hybrid system the charge cycle stress on
the battery is reduced and a longer lifetime can be Fig. 4: World harmonised Motorcycle Test Cycle WMTC for
expected for the triple hybrid battery. motorcycle; based on wide international data range with real world
driving characteristic. Published by United Nations (2008-2010) in:
measurement procedure for two-wheeled motorcycles [4].
In Exurban drive cycle test (Table3) the tank to wheel
Table 2 and Table 3 give the efficiency results of the efficiency is generally higher and highest for the triple
drive cycle test. For urban driving in WMTC1 the fuel hybrid with 42.6%. This general trend is mainly due to
cell ultra capacitor hybrid (FC-UC) has a slightly higher the fact that the fuel cell is in a more efficient operation
tank to wheel efficacy with 33.9% compared to the triple area. The balance of plant of the fuel cell system with
hybrid with 31.0% this is mainly due to the higher the blower, pumps and fanes have a minimum power
storage efficiency of the ultra capacitor compare to consumption which is always needed than the system is
battery. Performance and reliability wise has the FC-UC in operation partly independent of the power output so if
hybrid difficulties to follow all acceleration and top the power output increase the percentage of this balance
speed demands. of plant losses compare to the output power decrease and
the system efficiency increase.
D. Hybrid contribution analysia
Figure 5 illustrates the results of how much energy
come direct from the fuel cell and how much energy is
Battery efficiency 96.2% 98.0% 0 passed through the hybrid storage of ultra capacitor or
UC efficiency 0 99.9% 99.8% battery during one drive cycle in WMTC 1 and 2.
Power conditioning
efficiency 95.9% 94.7% 95.0% Drive Hybridisation configuration
Diode efficiency 99.0% 99.0% 99.0%
cycle FC-Bat-UC FC-UC FC -Bat
Motor efficiency 73.9% 81.4% 80.5%
test Triple Hybrid: Fuel Cell Hybrid Fuel Cell Hybrid
Efficiency of regen 5.5% 3.7% 8.4%
Fuel Cell, Battery, with Ultra with Battery
Fuel cell stack efficiency 57.2% 54.2% 54.1%
Fuel cell system efficiency 49.0% 45.3% 45.3% Ultra Capacitor Capacitor
Tank to wheel efficiency 30.2% 31.0% 33.9%
Petrol Equivalent L/100km 2.23 l 2.14 l 1.97 l
Wh/100km 20212.Wh 19432.Wh 17894.Wh