Biostatistics - Prelim Transes
Biostatistics - Prelim Transes
Biostatistics - Prelim Transes
Þ The branch of statistics that deals with data relating to living Þ Anything that has a quantity or quality that varies
organisms. Þ In research, it simply refers to a person, place, thing, or
Þ The development and application of statistical methods to a phenomenon that you are trying to measure in some way.
wide range of topics in biology.
Þ An attribute that describes a person, place, thing, or idea.
STATISTICS AS A TOOL IN DECISION-MAKING Þ Quantitative Var. – a variable that contains quantitative
Þ A science that studies data to be able to make a decision.
Þ Categorical Var. – a variable that contains categorical data.
Þ To provide answers or solutions to an inquiry.
_______________________________________________________________________________ O_Ongkay
Þ Can take on only two possible values, (example: biological sex)
Þ For example: Aspirin use may be represented by an indicator
variable that will be equal to 1 if a study participant is using
aspirin and 0 if they are not.
Þ Aka Integer or scaled Þ Has a tru zero
Þ Does not have a true zero Þ It is interval data with a
Þ An interval variable is natural zero point. When the
similar to an ordinal variable equals 0.0, there is
variable, except that the none of that variable.
intervals between the Þ Examples: number of
values of the interval objects, distance, time,
variable are equally height, weight, temperature
spaced. in kelvin (it is a ratio variable,
Þ Is defined as a data type as 0.0 Kelvin really does
which is measured along a mean ‘no temperature’.)
scale it has order and equal
Þ Examples: Temperature in
Celsius, Annual Income
Interval Scale
Þ Scale with values, and
there is the same
numerical distance
between each value.
Þ This scale has an arbitrary
zero point (no true
meaningful zero point)
Þ Examples: current temp.,
many behavioral science
questionnaires, IQ
nominal ordinal discrete continuous
Final Letter
Gender Income ($) Age
Satisfaction Number of Blood Pressure
Diabetes (Y/N)
Rating (1-5) ER Visits (mmHg)
Highest Score on 5
Body Mass Index
Race/Ethnicity Degree questions
Earned T/F Quiz
Þ Understanding the different scales of measurement allows you
to see the different types of data you can gather.
Þ These differences help you determine the kind of statistical
analysis is required for your research.
_______________________________________________________________________________ O_Ongkay
Unit 2: Data Presentation || Lesson Reviewer || 2nd Year, 1st Semester
Þ Three methods of data presentation
1. Textual
2. Tabular
3. Graphical
Þ The main method of conveying information.
Þ Used to explain results and trends and provide contextual
information. APA TABLE FORMAT
Þ Data are fundamentally presented in paragraphs or sentences. Þ Table number in bold above the table
Þ This is commonly used when the data is not very large. Þ Brief title, in italics and title case, below the table number.
Þ Detailed information is given in textual presentation. Þ No vertical lines.
Þ Narrative report is a way to present data. Þ Horizontal lines only where necessary for clarity.
Þ Clear, concise labels for column and row headings.
Þ Numbers consistently formatted (e.g., with the same number
of decimal places).
Þ Any relevant notes below the table.
Þ Tables are the most often appropriate for presenting individual
information and can present both quantitative and qualitative
Þ The strength of tables is that they can accurately present
information that cannot be presented with a graph.
Þ Numerical values are presented using tables. ADVANTAGES OF A TABULAR PRESENTATION
Þ Information is lost in tabular presentation of data. • Ease of representation:
Þ A large amount of data can be easily confined in a data
Þ Frequency distribution table is also applicable for qualitative table. Evidently, it is the simplest form of data presentation.
• Ease of analysis:
Þ Data tables are frequently used for statistical analysis like
PARTS OF THE TABLE calculation of central tendency, dispersion, etc.
Title Þ Includes the number and a short
description of what is found inside the • Helps in comparison:
table. Þ In a data table, the rows and columns which are required to
be compared can be replaced next to each other. To point
Column Header Þ Provides the label of what is being out, this facilitates comparison as it becomes easy to
presented in a column. compare each value.
Row Header Þ Provides the label of what is being • Economical:
presented in a row. Þ Construction of a data table is fairly easy and presents the
Body Þ The information in the cell data in a manner which is really easy on the eyes of a reader.
intersecting the row and the column. Moreover, it saves time as well as space.
_______________________________________________________________________________ O_Ongkay
• Title: should be in accordance with the objectives of study Þ Any images used within your text are called figures. Figures
and should provide a quick insight into the table. include visualization graphics – e.g., graphs, diagrams,
• Comparison: if there might arise a need to company any flowcharts – as well as things like photographs and artworks.
two rows or columns then these might be kept close to each Þ Figure number in bold above the figure.
other. Þ Brief title, in italics and title case, under the figure number.
• Alternative location of stubs: if the rows in a data table Þ If necessary, clear labels and legends integrated into the
are lengthy, then the stubs can be placed in the right-hand image.
side of the table.
Þ Any relevant notes below the figure.
• Headings: should be written in a singular form. For
example, ‘good’ must be used instead of ‘goods.’
• Footnote: should be given only if needed.
• Size of columns: must be uniform and symmetrical.
• Use of abbreviations: headings and sub-headings should
be free of abbreviations.
• Units: there should be a clear specification of units above the
_______________________________________________________________________________ O_Ongkay
Unit 3: Central Tendency || Lesson Reviewer || 2nd Year, 1st Semester
CENTRAL TENDENCY Þ If there are an odd number of values, the median is the
middle value.
Þ As the statistical measure that represents the single value of
the entire distribution or a dataset. Þ If there are an even number of values, the median is the
average of the two middle values.
Þ Is a single value that represents the center point of a dataset.
This value can also be referred to as “the central location” of a
Þ Is the descriptive summary of a dataset.
Þ Best to use when the distribution of the data is fairly Þ Does a better job capturing the central location of a
symmetrical and there are no outliers distribution when there are outliers present in the data.
median mode
Þ Is the middle value in a dataset Þ Is the value that occurs most often in a dataset.
Þ Arranging all the individual values in a dataset from smallest Þ A dataset can have no mode (if no value repeats), one mode,
to largest and finding the middle value. or multiple modes
_______________________________________________________________________________ O_Ongkay
Þ Refers to how closely the data cluster around the measure of
central tendency
Þ Can be used for any level of measurement, but its most MEASURES OF VARIABILITY
meaningful for nominal and ordinal levels. Range Þ The difference between the highest score
Þ Best to use when working with categorical data. and the lowest score/values
Þ If the ordinal data are numeric, such as the
rank order of students within a graduating
class, we can use the range as a measure of
Percentiles Þ Divide data into 100 equal portions
Quartiles Þ Divide distribution into 4 equal parts
Standard Þ Determination of variability of scores
Deviation (difference) from the mean
Þ Represents how likely a data point is to vary
a certain amount from the average in a
levels of examples measure of dataset.
measurement central
Þ The wider the rand of values, the bigger the
Nominal standard deviation.
• Ethnicity • Mode
• Political ideology Þ Indicates how spread out the data is.
Þ An extremely high or extremely low value in the data
Þ We can identify an outlier if it is:
Þ “Peakedness”
- Greater than Q3 + 1.5 (Interquartile Range / IQR)
- Lower than Q1 – 1.5 (IQR) Þ Normal – bell-shaped curve
- IQR = Q3 – Q1 - Mean, median, and mode are the same
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Þ Asymmetry in the shape of a distribution
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