Periodic Table

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• Elements are organized on the table ATOMIC MASS AND ISOTOPES

according to their atomic number,
• While most atoms have the same
usually found near the top of the
number of protons and neutrons, some
• The atomic number refers to how many
• Some atoms have more or fewer
protons an atom of that element has
neutrons than protons. These are called
• For instance, hydrogen has 1 proton, so
its atomic number is 1
• An atomic mass number with a decimal
• The atomic number is unique to that
is the total of the number of protons
element. No two elements have the
plus the average number of neutrons
same atomic number
• The unit of measurement for an atom is
• Different periodic tables can include
an AMU. It stands for atomic mass unit
various bits of information, but usually:
• One AMU is equal to the mass of one
1. Atomic Number
2. Symbol
3. Atomic Mass SYMBOLS
4. Number of valence electrons
5. State of matter at room • All atoms have their own unique symbol
temperature • It consists of a capital letter and one or
two lower letters

• This refers to how many protons an

atom of that element has
• No two elements, have the same
number of protons


• Atomic Mass refers to the “weight” of

the atom
• It is derived by adding the number of
protons with the number of protons
VALENCE ELECTRONS • Elements in the periodic table are also grouped
into families, which are the columns. Elements
• The number of valence electrons an
in families have similar properties
atom has may also appear in a square
• Valence electrons are the electrons in
the outer energy level of an atom
• These are the electrons that are
transferred or shared when atoms bond


• Metals are good conductors of heat and

• Metals are shiny
• Metals are ductile (can be stretched
• The elements are also categorized into periods
into thin wires)
or horizontal rows. Elements in periods do not
• Metals are malleable (can be pounded
have similar properties
into thin sheets)
• A chemical property of metal is its
reaction with water which results in


• Non-metals are poor conductors of heat

and electricity
• Non-Metals are not ductile or malleable
• Solid non-metals are brittle or break
• They are dull
• Many non-metals are gases


• Metalloids (metal-like) have properties

of both metals and non-metals
• They are solids that can be shiny or dull
• They conduct heat and electricity better
than non-metals but not as well as
• They are ductile and malleable
HYDROGEN or 8 valence electrons gain electrons
• The hydrogen square sits a top Family during bonding
AI, but it is not a member of that family.
Hydrogen is in a class of its own
• It’s a gas at room temperature • They are never found uncombined in
• It has one proton and one electron in its nature
one and only energy level • They have two valence electrons
• Hydrogen only needs 2 electrons to fill • Alkaline earth metals include
up its valence shell magnesium and calcium among
• The alkali family is found in the first
column of the periodic table • Transition Elements include those
• Atoms of the alkali metals have a single elements in the B families
electron in their outmost level, in other • These are the metals you are probably
words, 1 valence electron most familiar with: copper, tin, zinc,
• They are shiny, have the consistency of iron, nickel, gold, and silver
clay, and are easily cut with a knife • They are good conductors of heat and
• They are the most reactive metals electricity
• They react violently with water • The compounds of transition metals are
• Alkali metals are never found as free usually brightly colored and often used
elements in nature. They are always to color paints
bonded with another element • Transition Elements have 1 or 2 valence
electrons, which they lose when they
form bonds with other atoms. Some
• We will be describing elements transition elements can lose electrons
according to their reactivity in their next-to-outermost level
• Elements that are reactive bond easily • Transition elements have properties
with other elements to make similar to one another and to other
compounds. metals, but their properties do not fit in
• Some elements are only found in nature with those of any other family
bonded with other elements • Many transition metals combine
chemically with oxygen to form
WHAT MAKES AN ELEMENT REACTIVE compounds called oxides
• An incomplete valence electron level
• All atoms (except hydrogen) want to
have 8 electrons in their very outermost
energy level. (This is called the rule of
• Atoms bond until this level is complete.
Atoms with few valence electrons lose
them during bonding. Atoms with 6, 7,

• The Boron Family is named after the • The elements in this family are fluorine,
first element in the family chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine
• Atoms in this family have 3 valence • Halogens have 7 valence electrons
electrons which explains why they are the most
• This family includes a metalloid (boron), active non-metals. They are never
and the rest are metals found free in nature
• This family includes the most abundant • Halogen atoms only need to gain 1
metal in the earth’s crust (aluminum) electron to fill their outermost energy
• They react with alkali metals to form
• The nitrogen family is named after the salts
element that makes up 78% of our
• This family includes non-metals, • Noble Gases are colorless gases that are
metalloids, and metals extremely un-reactive
• Atoms in the nitrogen family have 5 • One important property of the noble
valence electrons. They tend to share gases is their inactivity. They are
electrons when they bond inactive because their outermost
• Other elements in this family are energy level is full
phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and • Because they do not readily combine
bismuth with other elements to form
compounds, the noble gases are called
• Atoms of this family have 6 valence • The family of noble gases includes
electrons helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon,
• Most elements in this family share and radon
electrons when forming compounds • All the noble gases are found in small
• Oxygen is the most abundant element amounts in the earth’s atmosphere
in the earth’s crust. It is extremely RARE EARTH ELEMENTS
active and combines with almost all
elements • The thirty rare earth elements are
composed of the lanthanide and
actinide series
• One element of the lanthanide series
and most of the elements in the
actinide series are called trans-uranium,
which means synthetic or man-made

• In 1869, Mendeleev created the first POLYATOMIC IONS

accepted version of the periodic table
• Many of these groups of atoms have a
• He grouped elements according to their
charge associated with them and are
atomic mass, and as he did, he found
called polyatomic ions
that the families had similar chemical
• To determine the total number of each
type of atom in a compound containing
• Blank spaces were left open to add the
a group within parentheses, multiply
new elements he predicted would occur
the subscript outside the parentheses
CHEMICAL FORMULAS by the subscript for each atom inside
the parentheses
• A chemical formula indicates the
elements present in a compound and TYPES OF CHEMICAL FORMULA
the relative number of atoms of each
• For example, H2O is the chemical EMPIRICAL FORMULA
formula to water; it indicates that water
• gives the relative number of atoms of
consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms
each element in a compound
in a 2:1 ratio
• The formula contains the symbol for MOLECULAR FORMULA
each element accompanied by a
• gives the actual number of atoms of
subscript indicating the number of
atoms of that element. By convention, a each element in a molecule of the
subscript 1 is omitted compound
• The subscripts in a chemical formula are STRUCTURAL FORMULA
part of the compound’s definition – if
they change, the formula no longer • uses lines to represent chemical bonds
specifies the same compound and shows how the atoms in a molecule
• Chemical Formula list the most metallic are connected to each other
elements first
• The formula for Table Salt is NaCl, not • For hydrogen peroxide
ClNa • Molecular Formula: H2O2
• In compounds that do not include a • Empirical Formula: HO
metal, the more metal-like element is • The molecular formula is always a
listed first. whole-number multiple of the empirical
• Among non-metals, those to the left in formula
the periodic table are more metal-like • For many compounds, such as H2O, the
than those to the right and are normally molecular formula is the same as the
listed first. empirical formula
• We write NO2 and NO, not O2N and ON • Molecular models: three-dimensional
• Within a single column in the periodic representations of molecules that are
table, elements toward the bottom are used to represent compounds
more metal-like than elements toward • We use two types of molecular models:
the top Ball-and-stick and Space-filling
• In Space-Filling models, atoms fill the • Molecular compounds are compounds
space between each other to more formed from two or more non-metals
closely represent our best idea for how
a molecule might appear if we could
scale it to a visible size

• Ionic compounds contain one or more

cation paired with one or more anion
• In most cases, the cations are metals,
and the anions are non-metals


• Atomic Elements:
1. Elements that occur as single atoms
2. Monoatomic
3. Most elements
• Molecular Elements
1. Elements that occur in pairs
2. Diatomic
3. Seven elements

• When a metal combines with a

nonmetal, one or more electrons
transfer from the metal to the non-
metal, creating positive and negative
ions that are attracted to each other
• A compound composed of a metal and a
nonmetal is considered ionic

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