Syllabus by S.kakkar

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Software Engineering

UNIT I Introduction to Software Engineering: Problem Domain, Challenges, Software Engineering Approach ; Software Development process: Process Characteristics, Process Models : Waterfall, Prototype, Spiral, Iterative Enhancement; Project Management Process, The Inspection process, Software Configuration Management Process, Requirements Change. Management Process. Software Process Planning, Effort Estimation, Project Scheduling and Staffing, Risk Management. UNIT II Software Requirements Analysis and Specification: Analysis Approaches, Characteristics and Components of SRS, Validation, Metrics. Software Design: Design Principles, Module level concepts, Design Notation and Specification, Structured Design Methodology, Verification, Metrics, OO Analysis and OO Design. Coding : Programming practice, Verification : code reading, reviews, static analysis, symbolic execution. UNIT III User-Interface Design: Introduction to User-Interface Design, Elements, Design Principles, Design Tips and Techniques, Good v/s Bad Interface. Software Metrics: Software Measurement and Metrics, Designing Software Metrics, Classification of Software Metrics, Issues in Software metrics. Software Quality: Quality concepts, Software Quality Assurance Group, Six-Sigma, Metrics for Software Quality. Software Reliability: Definition, Basic Concepts, Parameters for Evaluation. UNIT IV Taxonomy of software testing levels, test activities, types of s/w test, black box testing, testing boundary conditions, structural testing, test coverage criteria based on data flow mechanisms, regression testing, testing in the large. Various S/W testing strategies (strategic approach and issues, unit testing, integration testing, validation testing, system testing and debugging). Software Re-engineering: Basics of Software Re-engineering, Reengineering Process Model, Legacy Systems. TEXT BOOK:1. Roger S.Pressman, Software engineering- A practitioners Approach, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 5th edition, 2001. REFERENCES:1. Ian Sommerville, Software engineering, Pearson education Asia, 6th edition, 2000. 2. Pankaj Jalote- An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Springer Verlag, 1997. 3. Rohit Khurana, Software Engineering: Principles and Practices, Vikas Publishing House 2007.

Numerical and Statistical Computing

UNIT I Numerical Methods, Numerical methods versus numerical analysis, Errors and Measures of Errors. Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Non-linear Equations, Iterative Solutions, Multiple roots and other difficulties, Interpolation methods, Methods of bi-section, False position method, Newton Raphson - method. UNIT II Errors in polynomial interpretation, finite difference, forward, backward and central difference, Difference of a polynomial, Newtons formulae for interpolation, central difference interpolation formulae, Interpolation with unevenly spaced points, Newtons general interpolation formula, and interpolation by iteration UNIT III Simultaneous Solution of Equations, Gauss Elimination Method Gauss Jordan Method, Gauss Seidel Method. Interpolation and Curve Fitting, Lagrangian Polynomials, Newtons Methods: Forward Difference Method, Backward Difference Method Divided Difference Method. Numerical Integration and different Tryapezoidal Rule, Simpsons 3/8 Rule. Numerical differentiation by Polynomial Fit. UNIT IV Statistical Techniques: Measure of Central Tendency, Preparing frequency distribution tabs, Mean Arithmetic, geometric mean, harmonic mean, Mean Median Mode. Measures of dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis Range, Mean deviation. Standard deviation, Co-efficient of variation, Moments Skewness Kurtosis. Correlation. Text Book :1. B.S. Grewal, Numerical Methods for Engineering, Sultan Chand Publication. Reference Books:1. V. Rajaraman: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd. New Delhi 2. Elementary Numerical Analysis, S.D. Conte, & Cari De Boor. Mc Graw Hill. 3. Applied Numerical Methods, Cornahn B., Et al, John Wiley.

UNIT I Introduction to Visual Basic: The Visual Basic Program Development Process; The Visual Basic Environment; Opening a Visual Basic Project; Saving a Visual Basic Project; Running a Visual Basic Project, Numeric Constants; String Constants; Variables; Data Types and Data Declarations, Operators and Expressions; Hierarchy of Operations; String Expressions, Library functions , Branching and Looping Statements, Operators UNIT II Visual Basic Control Fundamentals: Visual Basic Control Tools, Control tool Categories, Working with controls, Executing Commands (Event Procedures and Command Buttons) Labels and Text Boxes, Check Boxes, Option Button and Frames, Scrollbars, Menus and Dialog Boxes Executing and Debugging a New Project: Syntax Errors; Logical Errors; Setting break Points, Defining Watch Values; Stepping through a Program, Procedures. Arrays: Array Characteristics; Array declarations; Processing Array Elements; Passing Arrays to Procedures UNIT III Class Modules: Object Oriented Principles; Creating Class Modules; Using Class Modules Adding Properties and Events and Methods. COM Components & ActiveX Controls: Introduction to ActiveX Components and Component Object Model, Creating an ActiveX Control; Benefits of ActiveX Control; Adding Properties; Methods and Events to the Control; Managing and Distribution of the Control; Built-in Active X Controls. UNIT IV ActiveX EXE and ActiveX DLL: Introduction to ActiveX DLL and EXE, Creating ActiveX EXE Component, Creating ActiveX DLL Component, Data Access using ADO, Working with Data Reports. Text Book:1. Evangelos Petroutsos- Mastering Visual Basic 6- Wiley India-2010 Reference books:1. Gary Cornell Visual Basic 6 from the Ground up Tata McGraw Hill 1999 2. Noel Jerks - Visual Basic 6 (the complete reference) Tata McGraw Hill 1999

Programming with VB.NET

UNIT I Introduction to .NET, .Net Features, CLR, MSIL, Assemblies and Class Libraries, Introduction to Visual Studio, Project Basics, Type of Projects in .Net, IDE of VB.Net, Menu Bar, Tool Bar, Solution Explorer, Toolbox, Propertie3s Window, Form Designer, Output Window, Object Browser. The Environment: Editor Tab, Format Tab, General Tab, Docking Tab, Visual Development & event Driven Programming- Methods and Events. UNIT II The VB.Net Language-Variables, Declaring Variables, Data type of Variables, Variables Declaration, Scope & Life Time of a variables, Constant, Arrays, Types of Arrays, Control Array, Collections, Subroutines, Functions, Passing variable number of Argument , Optional Argument, Returning value from functions. Control Flow statements: Conditional statement, Loop statement, MSGBOX & Input Box. UNIT III Working with Forms: Loading, showing and hiding forms, Controlling One from within another. GUI Programming with Windows Form: Text Box, Label, Button, List Box, Combo Box, Checkbox, Picture box, Radio Button, Panel, Scroll bar, Timer, List view, Tree view, Tool bar, Status Bar their properties, Methods and Events, Open File Dialog, Save File Dialog, Font Dialog, Color Dialog, Print Dialog, Link Label. Designing Menus: Context Menu, Access & Shortcut Keys. UNIT- IV Object Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Fields Properties, Methods and Events, Constructor, Inheritance, Access Specified: Public, Private, Protected, Overloading, My Base & My Class Keywords. Overview of OLE, Accessing the WIN32 API from VB.Net, CO Methodology, advantage of COM+, COM & .Net, Create User Control, Register user Control, Access com components in .net application. UNIT V Database programming with ADO.Net-Overview of ADO, from ADO to ADO.Net, Accessing Data using Server Explorer, Creating Connections, Command, Data Adapter and Data Set with OLEDB and SQLDB. Display Data on data bound, Display data on data grid. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mastering VB.Net by Evangelos Petroutsos- BPB Publication. Reference Books:1. Programming Black Box by Steven Holzner- Dreamtech Publication 2. Introduction to .Net Frame Work Wrox Publication.

Object oriented programming with C++

Course Contents UNIT I Introduction: What is object-oriented programming? Why Do We Need Object-Oriented Programming characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages. C++ And C C++ Programming Basics: Output Using cout. Directives. Input With cin. Type bool. The setw Manipulator. Type Conversions. Functions: Returning values From Factions. Reference Arguments, Overloaded Function, Inline Function. Default Arguments. Returning By Reference. UNIT II Object and Classes: Making sense of core object concepts (Encapsulation Abstraction, Polymorphism, Classes, Massages Association, Interfaces) Implementation of Class in C++, C++ objects as physical object, C++ object as data types constructor. Object as function arguments. The default copy constructor, returning object from function. Structures and Classes. classes objects and memory static class data. Const Data. Const and Classes. Arrays and String Arrays Fundamental: Arrays as Class Member Data. Arrays of Object. String. The Standard C++ String Class. Operator Overloading: Overloading Unary Operators. Overloading Binary Operators. Data Conversion. Pitfalls of Operators Overloading and Conversion. Keywords Explicit and Mutable UNIT III Inheritance: Concept of Inheritance, Derived Class and Base Class, Derived Class Constructors, Overriding Member Function, Inheritance In The English Distance Class, Class Hierarchies, Inheritance And Graphics Shapes, Public and Private Inheritance, Levels Of Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Ambiguity In Multiply Inheritance, Aggregation: Classes Within Classes, Inheritance And program Development. Pointer: Addresses and Pointer, The Address-Of Operator &, Pointer and Arrays, Pointer and Faction, Pointer and C- Types String, Memory Management: New and Delete, Pointers to Objects, Debugging pointers. Virtual Function: Virtual Function, Friend Function, Static Function, Assignment and Copy Initialization, This Pointer, Dynamic Type Information. UNIT IV Streams and Files: Streams Classes, Stream Errors, Disk File I/O with Streams, File Pointers, Error Handling in File I/O File I/O with member function, Overloading the Extraction and Insertion Operators Memory as a Stream Object, Command line Arguments, and Printer Output. Text Book:1. Dr.Hardeep Singh, Anshuman Sharma, Learn Programming in C++, Lakhanpal publishers

Reference Books:1. E. Balagurusami ,Object Oriented Programming with C++, Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Robert Lafore , Object-oriented Programming In Turbo C ++, Softcover, Sams 3. Rex Woollard, Harry Henderson, Robert Lafore , Master C++ : Let the PC Teach You Object-Oriented Programming ,Softcover, Pearson Education, Limited

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