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‘Amy Code 71652
‘Tis publication supersedes
AC T1652 dates 1990,
lesue 2.1: January 2006,[theca : i
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Legal Status. This publeation has ro formal stats in legal terms. The contents provide a
Clear miltary guide based on the most recent experience and best practice avalable for
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Amendment No Date ‘Amendment Na Date
2A stan 06
‘A suggestion/adtonsubtracon form is atthe back ofthis publeaton for use by readers
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Issue 2.1: Jan 05Ea: Be}
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Protection in atl is stways relative. A man who cannat balance protedion agains
logiumate risk has no Business passing on arms, equipment or lacie to be used in atl
Brig Gen AA Fries with Mal C J Wes tom Chemical Warfare, 1921
Issue 202 JanosPea
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1. Despite Arms Control agreements and intathes, a number of nations continue to
field or seek fo acquire Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) weapons, nicely
In areas of chronic policalinstablty where UK interests may be. chalenged
‘Adaitonaly, here have been recurting Instances of terrorist and other ad-noc
‘tunings seeking fo embrace Chemical, Bislogieal and. Radiological (CBR)
Technologies as @ power'ul means of prosecuting their infeests. Scientific
‘evances, leading to the development of new and more potent agents and tei
means of delvery are reinforeng these processes, aided by the inreasingy free
‘migration of information and expertise around the’ World. At the same time. the
Continuing process of global industatisalion opens up the wider possibilles of
Secidenlal relasee or deliverate misuse of Tore Industial Materials (TIM) These
Feaittes make essential tt commanders consider the possible emergence of
(CBRN effets, hazards and defences against them In the planning and concuct of
This publicalon provides a descreton of the characteristics and effects of CBRN
weapons as well as their possible employments, resuting hazards and potential
impacts on Land Component operations.” In the process, offers guidance on
delansive measures Intrded to miigalo the consoquances. of uso, tereby
preserving tfeedom of mitary action in pursuit of the commander's mission. The
‘ork focuses on notional adversaries withthe fill ange of weapons and deivery
‘means a ther disposal inorder to reflect the mast extreme challenges that might be
encountered and the complete range of avaiable defensive equipment and
Countermeasures. However, itis recognised hat future operations. may involve
fencountere with oppenents who have less easily characterised capabiies whose
Cconcopts of use are less wall defined, Accorangly, reverence fs also made to the
Fisks posed by CBR devices in the hands of non-slale actors as well 8 possible
fencountere with TIM and. the hazards. focultng trom thelr reloace’ flo. tho
fnvironment. Conversely, the Manual does not allempl lo adcress naturally
‘ceurting environmental nazards
3, CBRN Incldenis in the UK. The responsibilty forthe management of indents
Involving CBRN devices or hazards wihin the UK les withthe el autores. On
‘ccasion and whoro duy requestod and authorised, Army support may be enlisted
Uhrough Miltary Aldo the Civ Autores (MACA) arrangemenis. This issue Is pot
faderessed vwiin this Manual. Readers needing guidance on the subject ore
Feferred fo Interm Jeint Doctnne Publication 02 ‘Operations in The UK: The Detence
Contribution to Resience’
4. ANote on Terminology. As atthe date ofthis revision (Autumn 05) the tadtonal
{erm NBC Defence’ Is being progressively supplanted in common usage by CARN
Defence’ Ths has already been reflected in he retiting of a numberof National and
= toa lassorexton!—intorational staffs and agencies. However, the new fom has
Yet o be awarded a formal definton that clearly entfes the scope of he act,
Issue 2.1: Jan 06 WRes Be}
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‘especially as relate to the UK term Envrcrmenta and Industral Hazard (EIM) and
the assocated NATO term Release Other Than Atlack (ROTA), the second of which
Is iselt subject to a proposal for amendment. Despite these uncerainles. and
atthough this Manual supports and is guided by higher level published NATO and UK
Goctrina which, in many’ cases, contnues to speak of NBC Defence, it has been
Gecided to migrate to Ue new term both in the tle and in current revisions tothe
text In practice, CBRN Defence and NBC Defence may be treated as symonyms Dut
here needed, working dstnctons between the various areas of rk and response
‘a6 offered within the txt
This work is one of the series of publications of the Army Field Manual and is
specitealy rected at the oporatons of the. Land Component wih fue
‘peratons that wil almest varably be both Jant and mutt-naiona, According,
{ue recognition is given to wider policies, agreements and doctrinal guidelines
Poting that the effects and nazards reculing fom the uso of CBRN weapons are
‘dantcal i their physical characteristics, whatever the organisational afliabone of
that targets,
8. The specla nature of land operation wit ts emphasis on a manceuwist approach
Gesigned fo enhance tempo, causes the various characerstcs and effects of CBRN
Weapons to have diferent operational impacts Io Tose asing in ho other 2
Sperating environments. Land component elements face especialy severe
Challenges in terms oftheir potential accessibility to the fll ange of CBRN delivery
‘moans across tho totaly of a thoatro of operations and thor need to main
freedom of movement, notwithstanding the presence of ahorna hazards. and
Surface contaminants Furthermore, the extteme physical demands placed on
{groune combat forces makes them especaly vunerable tothe degrading affects of
{he sustained use of Indvival Protective Equipment (PE) whist the employment of
some Colective Protection (COLPRO) solutions may not always be realist
‘Adaitoral challenges aro Tkcly 19 be presented by Inereasing dependence upon
‘vans, including coniactors and host naton personel. with uncertain abies {2
Continue functioning in CBRN environments, In the postwarignting phase of
‘operations, CBR threats and hazards may persis, ether in consequence of earl
Ube oF through the ad hoc employment of unsecured weapons and materials by
Fecidvt elements. The transition from one phase of operations to another may not
be precise or complete and may vary In ting trom one area of operations to
‘nother. In consequence, there may be a need simullanecusly lo. counier the
Continuing use of CBRN weapons, the spasmodic employment of CBR devices and
Felated hazards arising trom the presence of TIM,
7. Inthe face ofthe chatonges outined above. the special uinerabites of the Land
Component may be milgated lo a consderable degtee by the application of
Prinples that build upon wider operational dockine. These incude the employment
Df firepower in the context of Desp Operations to destroy all but the longest range
(CBRN dolvery moans before use or 0 prevent the forward loading of wares,
‘There will also be significant opportunites for vunerabiiy reduction by means of