MS For Sewer Line Road Crossing

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Arar Land Port New STP for ZATCA


MS For Sewer line Road Crossing


00 28/08/2023 MS Sewer line Road Khader Sarfraz M.Jaber Ras
Crossings & TMP hussain Nawaz Ras
Khader Hussain Sarfraz Randhawa M Jaber RasRas
Method Statement For Sewer Line Road Crossings


1.Scope of Works
2.Tools & Equipment
3.Health, Safety & Environment
4. Materials
5. Execution and Sequence of Work
6. Traffic Rules
6.1 Intersections
6.2 Site Entrance
6.3 Site Speed Limit
6.4 Access Road
7. Traffic sign
8. Flag Man
9. Training & Awareness
9.1 Training Awareness & Competency
9.2 Introductions
9.3 Tool Box Talk
10. Conclusion
Method Statement For Sewer Line Road Crossings

1.Scope of Work:
The purpose of this method statement is to allow better understanding as to how the
construction of Excavation Sewer line Road Crossing. This Method Statement attempts to
include, describe and outline the methods and procedures to be adopted, and to provide
specific Instructions in Safety and environment controls associated with the works and
Permission for Road cutting.
2. Tools / Equipment
The following equipment's and tools are required to perform works:

Item Equipment Nos

3.1 Excavator 1
3.2 survey instrument 1
3.3 Asphalt cutter,Compactor 1

3. Health. Safety & Environment

All personnel will be equipped with the necessary personal protection equipment's as mentioned
• Helmet
• Steel Toe Boots
• Safety gloves and Goggles
 New Jersey Barriers-Concrete (To be placed on the road)
 Steel Plate
All safety equipment, Traffic signs, barriers, warning Lights are in place with proper tools to
perform the excavation and back-filling work in safe work manner. PPES Shall be provided and
used by the working personnel.

The joint cooperation of personnel and management shall provide clean working conditions
and environmentally hazards free.
Method Statement For Sewer Line Road Crossings

Pipes and fitting, supplier / manufacturer as approved
Upvc — Dia 200mm
Warning Tape: 300 mm wide service warning tape will be placed 800 mm below the finished
ground level and printed in ARABIC and ENGL1SH with the words “ CAUTION ” Sewer Network.

5.Execution & Sequence of The Work: -

Sewer line Road Crossings
Road crossings should be performed in accordance with relevant drawing, taking the following
into consideration.
Contractor shall take every precaution safety barrier to protect the Existing service line from
damage. Prior to the commencement of all activities necessary work permit shall be obtained.
Mark the width of the Road cutting portion as per the approved Drawing, where road cutting
excavation to be performed and Survey coordinates level to be checked.
Ensure that the depth and width of the road crossing trench is as per approved specified
dimension of proposed Sewer pipeline.
Asphalt shall be cutting by hand operator disc cutter, this is only providing small groove to the
depth 5cm on the both side of excavation lengthwise, after that the portion of excavated area
asphalt shall be remove by hand jack hammer.
Sewer line Road Crossings should be made by trenching. The Excavator should perform the
trenching after the Sewer pipeline section relevant to the crossing is prepared.
The crossing section should have a minimum length extending about 2.5M depth on either side
overall width of the road cutting 1.2M. The Total Length of trenching 10 Meter.
Method Statement For Sewer Line Road Crossings

200MM Upvc Pipe Installation

F = 300 for Dia 200mm

Excavate trenches to the depth indicated or required. Carry the depth of trenches for pipes to
below the invert elevations as required for pipe bedding.
Trench excavation carry the excavation to at least 10centi below the pipe and back fill and
compact with granular bedding material.
For pipes with Nominal Diameter (DN) ranging from 200mm the allowable clear distance from
the vertical face of trench excavation distance F is 300mm. The bedding for the pipe shall be
100mm minimum of thickness as required. Above the sand bedding laying Pipe Upvc 200mm in
the trench. The pipes will be checked for line and level jointly by our Surveyor. Fill the soft sand
30centi with warning tape and compacted to a level 300mm above the crown pipe. Fill the soft
sand 400mm and compaction to a level.
Method Statement For Sewer Line Road Crossings

Where trenching within the right-of-way is permitted, proper backfill compaction and materials
should be required. Compaction should equal that of the surrounding soil and restoration of the
area’s vegetation should be required. The combination of sub-base, base course and surface
course placed on a sub-grade to support the traffic load and distribute it to the roadbed. Field
density test required after compaction.
Jointing of Upvc Pipe: -
• Ensure that the spigot and socket are free from dust, grit, grease and as dry as possible.
• Insert pipe into the socket without seal ring in place and mark pipe when it is fully
• Place seal in groove of socket ensuing that seal is correct way round. Rubber- seal rings
should be fitted with tapered section facing the outside of the socket.
• Apply jointing lubricant to the chamfer and the end of the Spigot of the pipe
or fitting only.
• Push the pipe firmly into the socket up to the insertion mark made.
Testing Gravity Drains
• Testing by water test will be carried out to determine acceptability of piping
• Water testing of pipelines temporarily seal low ends of drains and connections.
• Fill system with water to produce 3M at least head in a standpipe at high end.
• Allow pipeline to stand for 24 hours for absorption, topping up as necessary

 Intersections and road work will be managed in full compliance to Specifications & ZATCA best
practices. Control measures will include but not be limited to:
 Traffic will be regulated using Jersey barriers/Plastic Barriers with lights for visibility during
night time.
 Cones with lights for visibility during night time.
 Reflective chevron tape on jersey barriers and cones
 Cat eyes (Normal and solar).
 Speed humps Before and after intersection)
 Tower lights at high risk areas
 Sufficient traffic signs.
 Flagmen during daytime.

6.2 Site Entrance

Site entrance and exits to AQUA ARABIA Site office and lay down area shall be marked and appropriate w
arning signs shall be installed. Entrances and exits must be stabilized to prevent the tracking of soil and d
ebris onto the public highway. The use of stone, metal grating mats or wheel wash stations can help the r
eduction of debris. Street sweeping must be considered where debris is tracked onto the highway. Rever
se parking shall be implemented at site offices. Heavy equipment entry shall be kept minimum at site offi
ce area. Clear route for water truck, toilet suction truck shall be established. Goal post shall be installed a
t entrance points to warn drivers / operators regarding overhead cables.

6.3 Site Speed Limit

The traffic approaching a construction area will often be required to be slowed or stopped intermittently.
It is important; therefore, in planning the job to know what approach speed will be encountered.

It should not be assumed that the existing speed limit will be the maximum speed encountered. A definit
e point should be made of visiting the job site to determine others condition which might add to the pro
blem of the job protection. Limitations on sights distance, complicated intersections near the job termin
als, distracting or confusing road side conditions etc. will have to be considered to plan adequately for mi

The speed limit on all Job site access roads shall be 30Kph for light vehicles, heavy equipment and truck a
nd trailers, and inside Site Office & Lay down premises shall be 20Kph respectively. The speed limits will
be assessed for practicality and amended where necessary and as determined by the terrain and risk fac

6.4 Access Roads/Haul Roads

Persons inducted onto the project will be informed of the need to only use existing and to not travel off t
he existing pavement and into other areas or on the shoulders of the road.

Plant working on the project will be restricted to the haul roads that are created as part of the Project. T
he edges of the haul roads will generally be delineated with windrows that will also serve as a safety barr
ier. In the circumstances that a windrow cannot be installed due to other constraints bunting or flagging
will be installed to delineate the haul road.

All haul roads will be constructed to ensure that safe traffic operation can be maintained at all times. Ha
ul roads will be constructed to the following standard:
 Roads will be constructed with suitable material.
 All bends and corners in haul roads will be constructed to maintain the stability of equipment
regularly using the corner or bend.
 One way haul road will have a width that is 1.5 times the maximum truck width.
 Two-way haul road will have a width that is 3 times the maximum truck width.
 Haul roads will be inspected on a regular basis to ensure they are in a satisfactory condition and
comply with plant manufactures recommendations.
 When working in stockpile areas non-essential plant will be restricted to the cleared area in
these locations.


Traffic signs are utilized as a method of warning and guiding drivers, helping to regulate the flow of traffi
c among vehicles, pedestrians, and others who travel the highways and other access roadways. The traffi
c signs must be places in advance to give drivers enough time to slow down or apply break gradually dep
ending on the indication of traffic sign.

All necessary traffic sign as per KSA travel and transportation regulation will be posted on any access roa
ds. A sign survey will be conducted and additional signs will be implemented and posted where required.
Current drawings indicate sign placement made on the assumption of current site conditions and does n
ot illustrate final sign positions and placement.

The NO PARKING signboard will be installed at all intersection on the project, all of these is made from
reflector materials. Aqua Arabia is aware of this item which is dedicated to procure immediately for
further safety and security measures for company assets, everybody of the project and to others
particularly to the drivers who were involved in the project.

Flagmen / Banks men shall be used in cases where there is no alternative way to control the equipment
and people working nearby. AQUA ARABIA for Water Co. shall try to minimize the use of flagman by impl
ementing engineering control measures at site. These controls are but not limited to:

Physical barrication between equipment and pedestrian access.

Two-way access for all moving equipment’s to limit reversing.
Adequate lighting and directional signs for drivers/operators to follow.
Designated U turns spots.
Segregated pedestrian access for workers to use.
Intersection areas shall be controlled with barriers and permanent flagman to control
the movement of incoming and outgoing traffic.
 Designated parking area for equipment’s.
 Equipment shall have third party certificate. Daily inspections shall be performed by o
perators and any fault shall be reported and repaired.
 Operators / drivers must have clear vision while working. No curtains or card boards s
hall be allowed to block operator’s vision.
 Usage of mobile shall be restricted while equipment is in running condition.
 In areas where there is no alternative way to segregate equipment and people, compe
tent flagman shall be available to guide operator for safe operation.
 Flagman shall be trained. Flagman shall not be in direct line of fire and fully trained re
garding blind spots. Operators and flagman shall have visible connection.
 Equipment shall have beacon lights on while working.
 Reverse alarm shall be used while reversing.
 All intersection areas shall always be controlled by Flagman.
 Flagman room / Hut shall be provided to keep flagman safe from heat.
 Flagman shall be equipped with communication device if standard phones are not wo
rking due to lack of network.

9.1 Training, Awareness and Competency

All AQUA ARABIA personnel, subcontractors and visitors will be inducted and/or trained to a level approp
riate to the level of risk their works are likely to entail, prior to commencing on site. The specific element
s of training that relate to an individual understanding and applying their traffic management responsibili
ties may include:

 Traffic management plan & safety policies and the requirements of the site access management
Plans and associated documents including Driver/operator roles and responsibilities.
 Life critical safety aspect including the site traffic management
 Red man and green man and defensive driving training.
 Potential consequences of non-conformance to site traffic management

9.2 Inductions

All personnel, subcontractors will be inducted into the key requirements of this Workplace Safety Manag
ement Plan associated management documents as part of the Project Induction. The Project Induction h
ave been developed to induct personnel into the broad aspects of the Project including general safety, a
nd the Project overview. The induction will reinforce that it is the responsibility of all personnel to adher
e to the safety and traffic requirements of the Project. The Induction will include but not be limited to th
e following:

 Overview of the requirements of the safety.

 Overview of the site TMP.
 PPE requirements.
 Project contact details.
 Incident management and notification.
 Red man and green man.
 Defensive driving.
 Key safety issues moving plant, interaction with man.
 Designated parking areas.
 Speed limits.

9.3 Toolbox Talks

Regular toolbox talks will be conducted for subcontractors and employees to maintain and improve safet
y, health, quality and environmental issues. A wide range of topics will be covered over time with a focus
in issues most relevant to current or upcoming works. Toolbox talks will highlight the specific safety aspe
cts, requirements and activities being undertaken within each site as part of ongoing training and develo
pment. The toolbox talks will typically cover:

 General overview of the traffic plan being implemented.

 Traffics/access, location of entry/exit points, traffic routes and designated parking areas.
 General maintenance required for the designated routes.
 Traffic incidents that have occurred on the Project or other worksites and possible lesson learne

10. Conclusion
The method of statement described above is based on our Experience and Practice. As
the specific conditions in site may vary significantly so the adjustment in the execution
method will be necessary.

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