211 Apps
211 Apps
211 Apps
Cost: Free
Features: Allows users to view and manipulate threedimensional models of different molecules
How to Use: Visual learners can see how protein
molecules are composed and can download new
molecules from the RCSB Protein Data Bank.
Name: Molecules
Best for: Science Classes
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Scholastic Storia
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Xavier Presentation
Page 3
3D Sun
3D Brain
Skyptical Science
" Use your touch screen to rotate and zoom around
29 interactive structures. Discover how each brain
region functions, what happens when it is injured,
3D Cell
" Skeptical Science helps you find out what the peer
Page 4
" Learn about the cell and all its structures using our
new 3D Cell iPhone application tool. Enjoy the ability
to rotate the cell 360 degrees and zoom in on any cell
Britannica Kids
Popular Science
Page 5
Log MeIn
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Voice Recorder HD
Audio Lio
Page 8
Write 2 Lite
On-the-go writing, note-taking, and markdown editing
app for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, BlackBerry, Mac,
Windows, and Android devices with Auto Sync to
Dropbox; distribute files via e-mail and PDF
attachments; use Emoji even for file and folder
names; search and tagging options; and many auto
A time-capsule app that can resurface photographs,
Instagram snaps, Facebook posts and more to remind
you what you were doing two, three, even five years
ago; app asks for access to your social media accounts
and to the pictures on your phone; organize and label
photos, request photos from friends on the platform,
look at calendar of recent memories to search for
memories tied to your current location.
Time travel app shows old photos and posts from
Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Instagram, Flickr and
your camera roll photos by surfacing a new card of
memories every day; join it and give it permission to
access your various social media accounts and it
retrieves those memories within seconds.
Utilizing Googles Experience Sampling Methodology
(ESM), the Personal Analytics Companion (PACO)
app allows you to ask participants at random points
throughout their day about their experiences in the
moment. They can also share photos. The Explore
Data feature guides users through answering specific
questions about their data helping to explore trends
in the data, relationships in the data, and the
distribution of the data.
Page 9
Annotate PDF via highlighting, note-taking, and
drawing features; manage, organize, synchronize, and
search your papers from Mendeley and Zotero
library; and share articles with colleagues via email
and social networks
Organize tasks using folders, tags, contexts, and
subtasks to organize, search and sort through your
tasks; improve productivity with hotlist, customizable
alarms, and sortable online to-do list to help complete
tasks on-time; and collaborate with others on shared
projects with Toodledos collaboration tools
Create new projects, packages and tasks and manage
projects on-the-go by accessing planning and
scheduling features such as updating progress,
collaborating with team members, commenting and
making checklists, assigning tasks and browsing
projects; browse projects, participate in comment
streams, view tasks, track time, edit or create new
tasks, view attached files and more
EverClip 2
Collect websites, texts and images to Evernote; edit,
annotate, organize, and make changes to your content
before saving to Evernote; categorized content by
tag or notebook, group clippings from the same URL
together automatically, and find them easily
Visualise the social outcomes of your programs using
an outcomes logic map; design your own outcomes
logic map, or choose from our database of commonly
used outcomes logic maps; create a data collection
plan that automatically ties data back to short term,
medium term and long term outcomes; Record
participant attendance at activities and collect
outcomes data, using smart phones and tablets; and
automatically generate weekly, monthly and quarterly
outcome reports
Data collection tool to design custom forms and
conduct field data collection; customize your own
data collection apps; create your own data collection
forms on the web with easy-to-use form designer;
import your own data to update in the field; geolocate
your data using on-board GPS, or link to external GPS
units; use online or offline & sync with the cloud;
attach geotagged photos to your forms; download
your imported data to your device to update in the
field; generate PDF reports right on your device to
print or email; and Share & collaborate on data
Page 10
Communicate your ideas using annotation and markup
tools making your points with shapes, arrows, and
quick sketches; provide feedback on documents,
photos, maps; share files with team members and
research participants; and use with Evernote
Keep notes, dreams, ideas, and memories by creating
notebooks to think, organize, and express yourself
with colorful text, images, and layouts; save
bookmarks from the web in a graphical form;
customize backgrounds; move multiple items around
the screen; email, print, and share notes; and use
voice dictation
Access your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and
share them easily in the cloud-based service from all
your computers, iPhone, iPad and even the Dropbox
website; receive 2 GB of space free when you sign up
and earn up to 3 GB additional free space when you
upload files
Organize notes for capturing your thoughts, ideas
and to-dos on the run; keep relevant information
together in a single note that can include text,
images, video, audio, maps and files; turn notes into
action items by quickly adding to-dos and reminders,
and hyperlink information; organize notes in folders,
allocate topics within folders to group relevant items
together, archive feature to hide less frequently
needed info, and conduct full text search function;
and share and integrate notes and lists by email
Organize and keep track of projects by planning,
including co-workers, divvying up and collaborating on
tasks; sync data between your iPhone and your iPad;
coordinate and collaborate by sharing projects and
to-dos with optional notes, due dates and alerts; keep
a record of time and money spent on projects; note
progress of each project quickly identifying whats
been done and what still needs attention
Promotes knowledge exchange between residents of
Michigans Upper Peninsula (UP) and scientists
studying the history of the UP allowing residents and
scientists to discuss ethnographic themes and upload
interviews about UPs recent cultural history including
interviews and photographs
Page 11
HMP: HelpMePublish
Designed to help researchers analyze, harness and
contribute to the publication of research by providing
databases on 13 major subject areas containing
information on more than 6000 reputable academic
journals provided by journal editors, subject experts
and academic users; users can rank journals in terms
of acceptance rates, refereeing policies, publication
time, quality of editorial advice, realtime journal
readership data and readership.
Add notes on the web, iPhone, or Android via text,
email, or their Chrome Extension; organize and find
notes by using hashtags to group notes; share with
anyone in your address book, a username, an email or
a phone number to share; collaborate instantly by
receiving notification whenever someone shares or
edits a note with you
Flava Note/Journal
Note/diary application with personal timeline
supporting text, photo, voice, video, location data,
book / music / movie libraries, URL availability for
composition of a single page entry all at the same
time; thematic icon and text tagging for page
organization; and exportation of selected pages of
pictures within Flava timeline via Facebook and
Plan, conduct, record, and organize customer
development interviews with customizable interview
templates; generate and share interview reports;
organize interview notes and findings into peoplefriendly reports and share them via email and
Dropbox; and send your interviewees contact details
to MailChimp
Track participants, manage and collaborate on your
participant based qualitative and mixed-method
research projects with this secure, ethical and
efficient online collaborative project management
tool; comment and make notes on all aspects of your
project; and export all or subset of your data to any
analysis program
Innovative application for collecting video feedback
from many audiences by gathering responses from
individuals with or without an Internet connection and
receive responses in video and audio so that real
human emotions and feelings are captured and
Page 12
Research tool that automatically senses content in
your web browser, allowing you to collect all your
research in a single, searchable interface for PDFs,
images, audio and video files, snapshots of web pages,
and then adding it to your personal library with a
single click
Free note app for android features unique hybrid
model for combined handwriting and keyboard note
taking; note text, paint, voice, photo, and video;
includes calendar, alarm, and todo features
Web Site
Focus on your todos by creating simple and elegant
list divided into clean, easy-to-review pages;
reviewing todos and choosing ones on which to take
action; and synching with Mark Forsters Final Version
to add time management
Create and manage your ideas, projects, and plans by
keeping and organizing notes, pictures, people,
locations, and places via the apps grid system;
collaborate with others on your grid to bring ideas
together from your iPhone or iPad; use the built-in
tool Maestro -to collect, organize, and visualize your
results in lists, tables, collages, storyboards and
presentation forms
Pear Note
Integrate traditional text notes with audio
recordings by synching notes with exact point in
recording that corresponds to your note; navigate
throughout the entire recording by tapping on text;
create rich text notes, including bulleted and
numbered lists, highlighting, and text styles;
incorporate images; search function; and record while
switching to another app
atlas.ti Mobile
Create ATLAS.ti projects; record, assign, segment,
and code photos, audio, and videos; assign, segment
and code existing photos, audio, and videos, create
and edit text documents; create fine-grained
quotation segments in text, images, audio and video
files; create and edit memos; tag images, recordings,
videos, and documents with geo-location info; and
export projects via Dropbox or iTunes file shares
Value and feasibility based decision engine helps you
Page 13
Idea Store
Take quick text notes and save them to build on them
later; date, group, and flag ideas for organization;
sync entries between iPhone and iPad via Dropbox;
share entries with Twitter, Facebook, or other social
media; and export with iTunes file sharing
Trunk Notes
Note taking app and personal wiki for creating,
formatting, geotagging, and linking notes together;
for creating a personal wiki with dynamic content,
images, sound recordings and more; for keeping
private information private with AES-256 encryption;
for adding images from the camera and photo library;
for recording sound; and for syncing to a Dropbox
account to allow easy working on multiple iOS devices
Make quick notes and view them quickly from
anywhere on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch; sync notes
between all iOS devices, as well as with companys
free Dashboard widget for Mac; view and edit notes
on junecloud.coms web site; and supports
TextExpander touch snippet expansion
Create digital notebooks with free-form text
positioning and basic free-hand drawing; insert
images from the photo album or a web page; import
PDF files as images, insert one PDF page per
notebook page; insert one or more audio recording on
a page and record sound while taking notes or
drawing; search and use real-time collaborative white
boarding, and content sharing features; and create
subjects categorize the notes
.Appreciative Inquiry
Work with the interactive models of the Appreciative
Inquiry 4-D cycle of discover, dream, design, destiny;
read stories that illustrate the principles of
Appreciative Inquiry; use in-built camera to document
the world through the appreciative eye, in-built audio
to record personal insights, and notepad for
recording thought; and utilize Facebook and Twitter
pages to share outcomes in communities of practice
Free and open source platform for information
collection, visualization and interactive mapping;
Page 14
iPhone tool for collecting notes, making lists, or
saving anything you want to remember; use tags to
group related items into playlist-like collections;
attach photos to notes; and organize and curate notes
in whatever way comes naturally to you
itracks Mobile
Manage global, qualitative studies by conducting
online discussion boards with video and text questions
and responses, send users mobile notifications, filter
participants, and generate polls
Multifunctional app for mindmapping, outlining,
notetaking, and checklist creating; visualize ideas
from brainstorming sessions; and upload notes and
lists to Google Docs, Evernote, Dropbox, or email
Intuituve notetaking app with integrated to do list
functions as virtual notebook with covers, dividers,
note pages, color coding, and search capabilities; and
share files via email or Dropbox
On-demand software web application or Softwareas-a-service (SaaS) online qualitative research app
for creating diaries, blogs, synchronous and
Page 15
Keep journals and record other information in
separate and completely customizable journals;
include multiple photographs per journal entry,
choose from three security levels to keep journals
safe, search journals for words and phrases, and
share via email
Cloud Outliner
Organize your thoughts and manage your projects by
creating and sharing outlines between your various
devices and your Evernote account, allowing for
collaboration and distribution.
Differs from other note-taking and drawing
applications by making collaboration central to design
and operation; ties in with your Google account
allowing for brainstorming and public/private sharing
of drawings, images, and documents
iDo Notepad
Note-taking application well-suited for keeping
diaries or journals, add multiple entries, search and
sort notes, assign unique icons to code different
topics or kinds of notes, and use calendar to select
different dates notes
Mind-map plans and ideas by creating thought chains
to show detail and clarity to your creative flow of
ideas, display central ideas and link connecting
thoughts, assign task to each idea, and sync and
share ideas with others
Page 16
to comments
Write, type, or record audio notes; pinpoint critical
items with Flags; import PDFs; add and take photos;
and share notes to Dropbox and Evernote
Handwrite, scribble, and sketch notes; draw pictures,
charts, and tables; utilizie handwriting recognition
tool; and sync with Evernote to search your notes on
any computer or mobile device you use
Capture pictures, recordings and writing in various
combinations, allow respondents to reflect how they
are making sense of the world and then interpret
their own stories into a series of abstract constructs
Use a blog to create and edit posts; write, add
photos, and create links; and moderate, edit, or reply
Gather real-time, real-place insight from customers
experiences, conduct mobile ethnography, gain
instant insight from mobile research communities,
and facilitate secret shoppers
Notes Plus
Tools for writing, drawing and marking up files, and
recording audio notes with a wide selection of
typefaces, colors, point size for type, line thickness
for drawing, and even opacity for highlighting;
importing existing files and images; and organize and
share files
Cloud-based tool for researchers to prompt mobile
phone users to email diary entries with text and/or
photos) and code the data and to capture clues and
Take notes by writing and typing on the same page
Page 17
A mindmapping app to incorporate photos and
drawings so visual thinkers can merge pictures with
Scribble and write thoughts and ideas, add photos to
highlight or accentuate ideas, and draw and sketch
figures and images
View, edit, organize, and share bibliographic research
material and PDFs from EndNote by utilizing tools for
searching, organizing, and sharing research, and
creating bibliographies
Web Site
PaperPort Notes
Note taking and document mark-up app for combining
documents, web content, audio, typed text, and hand
written notes into a single, sharable document
4-in-1 product designed to simplify PubMed
management with automated multi-paper download
and PDF self-organizing algorithms
Turn pictures and videos from events captured on
iPhone into brief movies and then share the movies
via Facebook, Twitter, Email or SMS, and also embed
them on a blog or web page
Page 18
Read, highlight, and underline PDF documents; add
personal notes; upload, save, and share files; and sync
all versions on multiple devices
Note taking application for typing notes with the
virtual keyboard or draw with your finger; add
photos, resizable shapes and pre-drawn stencils;
create and playback audio recordings; e-mail notes as
PDF files; and search for text across all your
Simple Mind
Mind mapping tool for brainstorming, idea collection
and thought structuring device with built-in visual
styles; and for sharing with Dropbox integration.
YouTube Capture
Record video in fewer clicks and less lag time; edit
with automatic color correction, stabilization,
trimming, and music tracks; and upload videos to
YouTube, Google+, Facebook, and Twitter
simultaneously, or share privately with friends and
Capture and upload audio, video, and images from your
iPad then publish and share with clients and
colleagues via the ActiveGroup Lobby for mobile
ethnography and shop-alongs
Note-taking application for syncing with Microsoft
Page 19
Keep notes, lists, ideas, and more on the web, your
mobile device, and your computer; and find notes
quickly with instant searching and simple tags
UX Recorder
Records on-screen activity and gestures along with
video from the front facing camera and audio;
intended to replace a document camera for recording
user testing sessions of mobile
Record interviews with an animated interview
schedule displaying your interview questions and
recording the interview and dynamically tagging the
recorded audio by question for quick access and
preliminary analysis
Revelation Mobile
Mobile device app seamlessly integrates with
Revelation Project, making it simple to add mobile
projects into larger studies
Multimedia enabled field research with over 20 types
of multimedia elements that can be used in either
questions or responses
Page 20
Field market research application for capturing live
point-in-time feedback from respondents using video,
audio, image recording and quantitative data
Enables participants to share thoughts and record
experiences in 1-to-1 Interviews, Group Discussions,
Auto Ethnography, and Diaries & Blogs
Conducting live feedback research via focus groups
with anonymous feedback
Conduct qualitative research connected to a closed
web environment, where projects can be created,
participants and observers can be invited and where
you can view and download the results
Mobile ethnography for service design via customer
structured research based on perceived service
sequence and service components importance through
journey mapping and touchpoints sequences
Collect data in the field, add codes for specific
phenomena, mark transcription times, and share with
Web and mobile service to engage scouts in sharing
real-world experiences, in the moment ideas and realtime feedback
Page 21
Captures your life by taking a picture every 30
seconds and lets you share it through a one-minute
Pocket whiteboard for sketching rough shapes and
lines, and turning them into laid-out diagram
Record voice notes, reminders, dictations, meetings,
interviews, and entire lectures and multi-session
Interview Assistant
Platform to prepare, conduct, document, and review
Use as a voice recorder or sound recorder to record
memos, discussions, interviews, and ideas
Create and manage notes, lists, and clippings, store
ideas and thoughts, or write a diary
Mindmapping application for collecting, organizing and
outlining your thoughts and ideas as mind maps for
to-do lists, brainstorming, research, writing, and
project management
Recall It!
Create notes with text and pictures, and then assign
tags to each note so you can recall them
Page 22
Take different types of note like AudioNote,
PictNote, DrawNote, TextNot, WebNote and
Record conversations, interviews, speeches,
performances, and the sounds of nature up to CDquality sound, and then email your recordings or sync
them through iTunes
Generate word clouds from text that you provide,
give greater prominence to words that appear more
frequently in the source text, and tweak your clouds
with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes
Designed to allow quick visually-assisted explorations
of large qualitative/quantitative datasets to help
researchers to spot patterns through easy access to
visually-coded and abstracted representations of
their data
Many Eyes
Choose your data set, upload it to the web, select a
visualization method, customize your visualization
output, and publish your results
Web Site
Best Dictation
Virtually divide an audio file and play each part
repeatedly so you can divide an audio file of an
interview or speech into several sentences and listen
each sentence repeatedly
Implements a visualization technique based on the
Sankey diagram for visualizing continuous data and
representing relations between categorical data
Web app to analyze text, video, and spreadsheet data
Interactive visualization and exploration platform for
Page 23
Web application for visualizing word frequencies in
any text by creating what is popularly known as a
word cloud, text cloud or tag cloud
A note taking tool to take on the road for locating
your position using GPS, viewing a satellite map of the
location, taking notes, collecting photographs all in
geo-referenced format, and then transmit this
information via e-mail as a kmz or text to any
Create, view and edit conceptual mind maps, share
them with friends and colleagues online, and sync with
the online MindMeister service
Tracks what you type and draw while recording audio,
and while playing back your recording, tap a word and
SoundNote will jump to that point in the audio
Comprehensive online search and comparison resource
for qualitative research facilities and related
technology providers developed in collaboration with
the Qualitative Research Consultants Association
Cohdoo Highlight
Shine new light on recording user research,
interviews, lectures, and more by starting a
recording, marking aha moments as you hear them,
pausing and resuming the same recording, adding
more highlights, reviewing your highlights, adding
Allows you to create as many virtual books as you
need to write, store and structure your detailed
notes, and serves as a repository for all your journals,
ideas, notes, drafts, diaries, projects, task lists and
everything else you want to keep close at hand
Focuses on simple functionality for creating, sharing,
Page 24
Mind mapping tool enables you to visually organize
your thoughts, ideas and information for list making,
brainstorming, project planning, goal setting, concept
mapping, and note taking activities
Productivity tool for reading, annotating, organizing,
and sending PDF files allowing you to add detailed
notes to your annotations that inform you or your
collaborators of your opinions and decisions and with
bookmarks, you can set and navigate directly to the
relevant information, passages, and annotations
Note Taker HD
Write and organize handwritten notes, diagrams, etc.
and annotate PDF files, organize them by tags,
date/time last modified, favorites, and email one or
more pages as a single PDF file
Provides a virtual corkboard for visualizing tasks,
notes and images, for moving them around for mind
mapping, and for sharing with others via Dropbox
PubMed On Tap
Searches PubMed to find and display reference
information stores references (with pdfs) in your
personal and searchable library, retrieves pdfs from
the Web, and e-mails references (with pdfs) from
within the application
eTextbooks for the iPad
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Algebra Solver
Wolfram Alpha
" Best rated math game is finally out for iPad too!
Find out what the people have been talking about,
having hours of fun with this skills game.."
Brain Tuner
Page 28
" Math can be fun! Build your very own rockets and
fly them to the stars with Rocket Math! ...."
" Does your child need more help with their math
facts? Chances are they do, and that's exactly why
there is MathMaster.........."
Intro to Math
Page 29
2Read 2 Me
Arithme Tick
3Read 2 Go
Page 30
Idea Sketch
text outline, and vice versa. You can use Idea Sketch
for anything, such as brainstorming new ideas,
illustrating concepts, making lists and outlines,
Page 31
Simple Mind
iThoughts HD
' PDF Forms is a powerful software tool for work
with PDF documents and forms which allows
commenting on ready PDF documents, filling forms,
Page 32
Good Reader
Cloud Readers
ez PDF Reader
iAnnotate PDF
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