Method Statement: Soil Replacement Under Foundations

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Method statement


1. Purpose
The purpose of this Work Method Statement is to define the site work procedures for soil replacement.

2. Scope of work
The scope of work of this Method Statement is for soil replacement for all buildings in the project.

3. References
The soil replacement shall be executed in compliance with the following:

 Project Approved Drawing.

 Project Specification.
 Egyptian Code for soil mechanical

4. Work procedure
4.1. Preparation of ground surface :
 Remove surplus satisfactory soil waste materials including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris
before soil replacement.

4.2. Soil Replacement Under Foundations:

 Flood bottom of excavation with water for a minimum period of 48 hours.
 Clean bottom of excavation from the loose surface skin and compact to 90% of maximum dry
density (according to ASTM D 1556).
 Backfill with selected suitable good quality materials up to bottom elevations of slabs in 250 mm
thick loose lifts and compact to 90% of maximum dry density at optimum moisture content during
excavation by the use of suitable compactor as directed by the Engineer.
 Grade area to a smooth surface, free from irregular surface changes.

4.3. Quality Control:

 Allow testing agency to inspect and test each subgrade and each fill layer.
 The engineer is responsible to choose the places of tests in place soil at the rate of one (1) test
every 250 m2 for each compacted layer according to ASTM D1556.
 Field density tests shall be performed in accordance with AASHTO T-191 (sand cone method).
 The Contractor shall perform the following tests at locations as directed by the Engineer:
 Laboratory test for Maximum Dry Density (MDD), Optimum moisture content, for each layer.
 Field density and California Bearing Ratio (CBR), for each layer as required by the Engineer.
 The areas shall be rejected if the resulting test results do not satisfy specified requirements.

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