MCQ - Bda
MCQ - Bda
MCQ - Bda
According to analysts, for what can traditional IT systems provide a foundation when
they’re integrated with big data technologies like Hadoop?
A. Open source
B. Real-time
C. Java-based
A. Apple
B. Datamatics
C. Facebook
A. Volume
B. Velocity
C. Variety
A. MapReduce
D. All of these
A. Open-Source
B. Scalability
C. Data Recovery
A. Project Prism
B. Prism
C. ProjectData
D. ProjectBid
A. Record
B. Event
C. Row
D. Log
3 UIMA 7 9 Chats
4 Noisy unstructured Data 9 10 Text Mining
5 Data Mining 8 11 UIMA
6 IBM 11 12 Comprehend human or natural
language Input
Unit II
Hadoop is a frame work that works with a variety of related tools, Common cohorts include