Stem Project
Stem Project
Stem Project
How does one shower
in Space ?
In Space On Mars
- Astronauts bring a personal
hygiene kit with a toothbrush, - Gravity exists.
toothpaste, dental floss, comb, - There are showers on
and razor. the planet, but only
- They simply wipe their body
VS can be used once a
clean using a wet towel and week per family.
waterless shampoo for their - Resources are still
hair. In space there isn’t any limited, but better than
sinks or showers since water regular space life.
doesn’t flow in a zero-gravity - One can use shampoo,
environment. soap, and other
- Zero-Gravity environment. essentials in the
shower trip.
How does one go to
The bathroom
in space?
Bathroom in space
In Space On Mars
- There is a unisex toilet. - There are two different bathrooms,
- The bathroom consists of a one for the women and one for the
commode that holds solid wastes & men (for privacy reasons).
a urinal for liquid wastes. - The bathroom has a basic toilet
- There is a funnel which fits over the with only a small roll of toilet paper,
gential area and allows both sexs since resources are limited. (one
to urnate standing up. People can roll per month)
have the option of sitting down too. - The toilet is simliar to a normal
- Not very comfortable, but does the one on earth, just all the liquid &
job. solid wastes go into a bottle which
can only hold up to a gallon.
Where does it all go?
Space Mars
- The liquid wastes are recycled - The liquid wastes end up
through a special water treatment going in a bottle and once
plant and turned back into drinking the bottle reaches a gallon it
water. is placed in a special craft.
- Solid Wastes go into a plastic bag - Once placed in the special
and each time someone goes to craft, it is launched into
the bathroom, the bag clamps space.
down and seals like a trash - The solid wastes follow the
compactor. same procedure, similar to
- The bags are collected and placed space, but not exact.
into a special craft that is launched - Living on Mars is better
into space. because we don’t have to
reuse our liquid wastes!!
Pros & Cons of going to Mars
Pros Cons
- Limited water
- There is ample power. - One can bring their phone, but you
- One can bring curling irons and can’t do much on it.
blow. driers, but lasting in Mars - One can’t use their phone outside
is the challenge. of the presurized habitats.
- Improving the quality of life. - Limited food sources
- Discovering life on mars. - Limited clothing/attire
- Compels humans to seek new - Limited personal products
frontiers to explore. - Makeup in luiqd form will either
- Learn more about science, freeze and turn into a gas or if it
yourself, and others! survives then one might run out.
- Powder makeup will eventually run out.
How much
water do we
really use??
How Much water an average person
use per day?
Breakdown of water usage per day- Breakdown of how much water one
● Shower: 17 gallons for an eight minute
can use on Mars per day-
● Shower: 4 gallons
shower ● Shampoo: 4 gallons
● Washing Face: Once in morning & Once ● Min . toilet flush: 1.4 gallons
at night uses a total of .3 gallons ● Max. toilet flush: 2 gallons
● Drinking Water: .52 gallons ● Water for meals: .66 gallons
● Brushing teeth: About 5 gallons ● Drinking water: .5 gallon
● Hand Washing: About 2 gallons ● Dishwashing: .1 gallon
● Toilet Flush: 3 gallons ● Face washing: .29 gallons
● Dish Washer: 11 gallons ● Teeth brushing: .29 gallons
● Dish Washing by hand: 18 gallons ● Handwashing: .21 gallons
● Washing Clothes: 25 gallons ● Laundry: .21 gallons
● Outdoor watering: 2 gallons per minute ● Plant cultivation: 1 gallon
Data analysis
Data analysis
Amount of water used on Amount of water used on
Earth. Mars.
Data analysis
● Mars and Space travel isn’t for everyone.
● We use a SIGNIFICANT amount of more water than in space. ( 46.7
● Living there is difficult, yet manageable.
● One will have to adapt to different living conditions.
● While in space, you have to cope with different aspects of life & ch
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