This weapon has two pieces of wood connected by thread, cord, chain or horsehair. It was used in Okinawa as a thresh and also as a horse bridle. It has origins in China as well as the Philippines and has been popularized a great deal from motion pictures. They are common today in many areas of Southeast Asia being used in agriculture. They are not practiced with the flash used in movies but use specific strikes and blocks with not a great deal of turning or flashy twirling. These types of motions are found in kihon(basics) and not so much found in application.
Available in lengths from 12" to 16"
Nunchaku Styles Available:
Octagonal Tapered
Round Tapered
Octagonal Straight
Round Straight
Horse Bridal
Note: Certain nunchaku can not be shipped to Canada, California or Massachusetts. For other countries and states please check your local regulations.
Our Nunchaku are strung using commercial grade 550 parachute cord. Color choices are white or black. Please specify cord color choice when ordering.
North American Hardwoods
Starting at $45.00
Exotic Hardwoods
Starting at $55.00
Horse Bridle
North American Hardwoods or
Exotic Hardwoods
Rounded end now available on straight and tapered round.
The "Skinny Chuck" Great for Children
7/8" Straight Octagonal
Heavy Chucks
All Nunchaku now come standard with Metal reinforcements.
Over sized by 1/8" from our standard, this version is excellent for strength training.
How to string a Nunchaku
using the triple string method.
Laminated Nunchaku North American Hardwoods or
Exotic Hardwoods
Starting at $50.00
The line up is as follows, from left to right and will be listed with the outside wood type firs followed by the core wood type. All are
13-1/2" long with 3-1/2" white cord
1. Canarywood/Maple
2. Canarywood/Maple
3. Hickory/Morado
4. Brazilian Cherry/Maple
5. Brazilian Cherry/Purple Heart
6. Bubinga/Maple
7. Purple Heart/Hickory
8. Purple Heart/Maple
9. Purple Heart/Maple
10. Purple Heart/Yellow Heart
11. Osage Orange/Maple
12. Curly Maple/Caribbean Rosewood