dc.contributor.author | Spindler, Manuela | de |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-02-17T12:33:06Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-02-17T12:33:06Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2013 | de |
dc.identifier.isbn | 978-3-86649-550-0 | de |
dc.identifier.uri | https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/66515 | |
dc.description.abstract | The book is written for active learners - those keen on cutting their own path through the complex and at times hardly comprehensible world of Theory in International Relations. To aid this process as much as possible, this book employs the didactical and methodical concept of integrating teaching and self-study. The criteria for structured learning about IR theory will be derived from an extensive discussion of the questions and problems of philosophy of science (Part 1). Theory of IR refers to the scientific study of IR and covers all of the following subtopics: the role and status of theory in the academic discipline of IR; the understanding of IR as a science and what a "scientific" theory is; the different assumptions upon which theory building in IR is based; the different types of theoretical constructions and models of explanations found at the heart of particular theories; and the different approaches taken on how theory and the practice of international relations are linked to each other. The criteria for the structured learning process will be applied in Part 2 of the book during the presentation of five selected theories of International Relations. The concept is based on "learning through example" - that is, the five theories have been chosen because, when applying the criteria developed in Part 1 of the book, each single theory serves as an example for something deeply important to learn about THEORY of IR more generally. | de |
dc.language | en | de |
dc.publisher | Verlag Barbara Budrich | de |
dc.subject.ddc | Internationale Beziehungen | de |
dc.subject.ddc | International relations | en |
dc.subject.ddc | Politikwissenschaft | de |
dc.subject.ddc | Political science | en |
dc.title | International Relations: A Self-Study Guide to Theory | de |
dc.description.review | begutachtet (peer reviewed) | de |
dc.description.review | peer reviewed | en |
dc.publisher.country | DEU | |
dc.publisher.city | Opladen | de |
dc.subject.classoz | internationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungspolitik | de |
dc.subject.classoz | International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy | en |
dc.subject.classoz | Allgemeines, spezielle Theorien und Schulen, Methoden, Entwicklung und Geschichte der Politikwissenschaft | de |
dc.subject.classoz | Basic Research, General Concepts and History of Political Science | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | internationale Beziehungen | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | international relations | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | politische Theorie | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | political theory | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Theoriebildung | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | theory formation | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Wissenschaftstheorie | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | philosophy of science | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Neorealismus | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | neorealism | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Neoinstitutionalismus | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | neoinstitutionalism | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Neoliberalismus | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | neoliberalism | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Weltpolitik | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | world politics | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | internationale Politik | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | international politics | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Konstruktivismus | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | constructivism | en |
dc.identifier.urn | urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66515-7 | |
dc.rights.licence | Creative Commons - Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 | de |
dc.rights.licence | Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 | en |
ssoar.contributor.institution | Verlag Barbara Budrich | de |
internal.status | formal und inhaltlich fertig erschlossen | de |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10037331 | |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10040745 | |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10060243 | |
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internal.identifier.thesoz | 10037372 | |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10049622 | |
dc.type.stock | monograph | de |
dc.type.document | Monographie | de |
dc.type.document | monograph | en |
dc.source.pageinfo | 232 | de |
internal.identifier.classoz | 10505 | |
internal.identifier.classoz | 10501 | |
internal.identifier.document | 20 | |
internal.identifier.ddc | 327 | |
internal.identifier.ddc | 320 | |
dc.identifier.doi | https://doi.org/10.3224/84740005 | de |
dc.description.pubstatus | Veröffentlichungsversion | de |
dc.description.pubstatus | Published Version | en |
internal.identifier.licence | 24 | |
internal.identifier.pubstatus | 1 | |
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