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Tacos are a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a small hand-sized corn or wheat tortillas. The tortilla is then folded around the stuffing and eaten by hand. A taco can be made with a variety of fillings, such as beef, pork, chicken, seafood, vegetables, cheese, etc. It is very versatility and diverse. It is often served with a variety of condiments such as salsa, guacamole, and sour cream, as well as vegetables such as lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and chili. Tacos are a common form of street food in Antojito, or Mexico, which is widespread around the world.
Tacos are in contrast to similar foods such as burritos. Burritos are taquitos that are often rolled or rolled and fried much larger than folded, or chalupas/tostadas where tortillas are fried before filling.
The taco predates the arrival of the Spanish in Mexico. There is anthropological evidence that indigenous people living in the Lake Valley region of Mexico traditionally ate tacos filled with small fish. Bernal Diaz del Castillo, who wrote in the days of the Spanish conqueror, documented the first taco document feast that Europeans tasted. This is a meal prepared by Hernan Cortes for the captain in Coyoacan.
Traditionally, soft shell tacos have referred to corn tortillas cooked softer than hard tacos, usually by grilling or steaming. More recently, the term has mainly included flour tortilla-based tacos from major manufacturers and restaurant chains. In this context, soft tacos are tacos made with flour tortillas and are filled with the same ingredients as hard tacos.
Indian tacos, or Navajo tacos, are made using frybread instead of tortillas. They are commonly eaten by and for indigenous people in the United States and Canada at powwows, festivals, and other gatherings.
In the United States, the National Taco Day is celebrated on October 4 every year.